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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hawaii (Richard Harris, I think)


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if memory serves me right, there is a sneeze scene with Richard Harris in the film 'Hawaii'. it has a very cute, possibly real/fake long dramatic build-up, and a loud sneeze after that. i somehow seem to remember this, because it took up maybe a good minute-and-a-half of the scene, where he's with a group of others and in the presence of a victorian lady. xD

at the end of it, everyone looks on with surprise, and he's completely flushed at the end of it - sputtering, sickly, "dd--did i spray?"

i can't find it on youtube, sorry, but if someone can, i think you might like it. :3

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Oh my that sounds positively lovely! Just checked and netflix doesn't have it streaming-- DVD only. I'd love to see this though if anyone can find it floating around!

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Oh damn, I need this in my life. I found a torrent and am currently downloading it...I have no idea what the sound will be like, but hopefully it'll be intact and of good quality. I've got about 9 hours left on it, though, so it'll be a while. Once I find the clip, does anyone know how to make a clip of it? I'm sure I can figure it out with a few google searches, but if anyone has any tried and true methods, feel free to let me know.

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