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Family Retreat


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John parked the Impala and looked over at Dean. 

"We're going to have to go on foot from here." he cast a quick glance over his shoulder at Sam, who was sleeping in the backseat, head against the window, mouth slightly open. Dean sighed, giving John a soft, understanding smile. Sam was coming down with a cold, but he had insisted that it was nothing, that they had been planning this weekend for months and that they shouldn't cancel it just because he had a runny nose.

"He'll be fine dad. Just be sure to go easy on him without making it obvious, and he'll survive." They sat in silence for a moment longer, trying to postpone waking Sam for as long as possible, when Sam groans softly and blinks awake, smirking when he noticed them staring at him. 

"You guys are watching me sleep? 'S a little creepy, you kn...know..."  Sam trailed off, eyes fluttering shut as his breath hitched,then sneezing twice into cupped hands.

"HuhETCHSSH! HehKUTCHSHH!" he sniffled wetly, then looked up at them again, smiling softly when he saw the concern on both of their faces. 

"Guys, I'm fine. It's just a cold, nothing major." when it looked like Dean was going to say something in protest, he sighed and opened the car door.

"We're going to have to get going if we're going to have any sunlight left. " 

::: ::: ::: ::: :::

By the time they reached a suitable place to set up camp, it was almost pitch black outside, and the temperature had dropped at least 10 degrees, making an already sniffly, sneezy, exhausted Sam into a shivering, slightly feverish Sam. One who was currently trying to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together, much to Deans amusement. Twenty minutes later John had returned with their dinner, and Sam was still trying to get a spark going. He stopped suddenly, breath hitching, and aimed a string of harsh, exhausted sounding sneezes.

"HEHH...HEHETCHSHH! HEHKUTCHSHH! EHKISHHUUHH!"  When he moaned as the pounding in his head increased, John decided enough was enough and steped forward. 

"Okay kiddo, it's your brothers turn to start this fire. Come over here and help keep your old man warm." He felt his heart clench when feverish hazel eyes tried and failed to focus on him, then held out his arms. A moment later, Sam was bundled in all the blankets they had brought with them, curled up against Johns chest.  Dean smiled fondly at them from across the now blazing fire, grinning when he noticed Sam rubbing his now bright red nose against a corner of one of the blankets.

"Brace yourself dad." he managed to warn before Sam, arms bound to tightly to cover his face, sneezed into the crook of Johns neck. 

"HEHETCHSHH! Huhh...HuHETCHSHH! HEITCHSHH! ughh...S-Sorry dad. I diddt bean to... HETCHSHH!" Sam whimpered softly and muzzled his face into Johns neck, who frowned when he felt the amount of heat coming from his youngest.  He sighed and stroked the back of Sams head, whispering softly

"Shhh, it's okay Sammy. Dean, can you help me out here?" he asked, motioning at the bundle in his arms. Together they helped maneuver Sammy gently to the ground, still wrapped in several different blankets and mumbling incoherently. John smiled softly and kissed Sam on the forehead. 

"Get some sleep kiddo."

::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::

Dean woke early the next morning to see John sitting in the exact same position he had been the night before. He was still running his fingers through same hair absently, his gaze unfocused and....glassy? Taking a careful closer look, Dean saw that at some point John had given up his blanket for Sam and was now shivering hard. Getting up slowly so he didn't startle John, he walked over and crouched in front of the pair so he could cup the back of Johns neck with  his hand. He frowned when not only his worst fears were confirmed about his dad now running a fever, but also when his touch didn't get John to snap out of the daze he was in. He sighed and shook him by the shoulder a little, smiling when John blinked and shook his head a little, eyes focusing on Dean.

"Good morning Dad. You feeling okay? Your feeling a little warm." he whispered, trying to make sure that they diddnt wake Sam if they diddnt have to. John sniffled, wet and congested sounding, before groaning softly and shaking his head. 

"Fugk. Mother fugkig bitch, I havedt felt this bad id a log, log tihh...tibe...Dea....Dean tage your brother..." he passed the warm bundle of Sam over hastily before pulling the collar of his jacket up over his face and sneezing harshly a few times

" HURUSHHHOO! HURESHHEHH!" he sniffled thickly a few times, and when he finally turned around and looked at Dean again, his son smiled in understanding.

"I'll carry Sammy back, but you have to promise not to pass out on me, okay?" John smiled greatfully and nodded. 

"Ogay. Let's go hobe."

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This was really good! I love how you made John get sick instead of Dean, very unpredictable. Oh, and @smalltownbieber You know you should be able to edit your posts, right? laughing.gif The edit button is at the bottom of your comment between Report and MultiQuote right after you post, and should stay there for about 10 minutes after that.

BYE! bleh.gif

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