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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Meridian videos


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Has anyone else noticed the meridian(name) videos posted on youtube in the last few weeks? They are videos of different women inducing when only showing their stomachs and then another video when they show their faces. Several of them are on the phone with someone too and describing them.

What's odd to me is that they join youtube the same day and upload maybe 2-3 videos (in which comments are disabled) and then vanish...and they all start with the name meridian. And a lot of them comment in the videos that they've never done it before. I tried googling it out of curiosity to see what it's all about and nothing came up. Anyone know what's up?

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I just came to the forum to ask the very same question! This is like a big unsolved mystery to me. Who is putting all these women up this? It must be one of us from this forum right? But Who? And how in the world are they convincing them to actually do it?

I always save videos that I like on Youtube and the earliest video I have that's like this with the "meridian" title is from August 16, 2011, but that was only one video and it seemed to be an isolated occurrence. However these videos just started showing up on a regular basis about a week ago. I also have to wonder if there's more of these videos out there that just aren't tagged with the word "sneeze" so they don't show up when you do a search on Youtube. Very very puzzling...if anyone can give any insight into this, it would be much appreciated!

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I found the news ones of the past couple of weeks, is there some search terms to find the one from August or others from earlier that these last couple of weeks?

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Yea, I found these vids odd too....mostly because the girl does not seem too into it, yet goes along with it. It's like....what is going on here?

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I only noticed these vaguely in the last few days and my first thought was that it was almost a repost of those very old myspace vids from five or six years ago; you know, subsequently reposted on YouTube by one of the great collectors. Same theme of a girl inducing on the phone with a bare belly. So I wonder if the same person has been lurking in the background all this time. Or if someone is deliberately setting out to recreate them.

Of course our YouTube thread has had nothing to say ....

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I haven't the slightest idea either, and have noticed they always get uploaded to a different channel o_O. But, I for one would love to get all of the clips saved. The only channels I know of so far are as follows: http://www.youtube.com/user/meredianlynd http://www.youtube.com/user/meridianmor Anyone know of others, or are they getting deleted as a new one is created? :/

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I've seen these too! One of them had an explanation, sort of, if I'm remembering correctly.

I think it has something to do with holistic health...Meridians are like the energy channels that are often referenced in holistic healing and exercise, specifically acupuncture, tai chi, and yoga.

I found this: http://mn-acu.blogspot.com/2010/12/proven-method-to-cure-cold-make.html

'In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), sneezing is a natural reaction of our body trying to repel the wind cold with the heat generated during the sneezing process. Therefore, why not sneeze more? This is the reason behind our method today – Make yourself sneeze.'

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From the TCM link:

"Some men reported that this sneezing practice accidently solved their pre-ejaculation problem. How is that related? That’s too complicated to explain in this short blog." LOL!

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I've seen these too! One of them had an explanation, sort of, if I'm remembering correctly.

I think it has something to do with holistic health...Meridians are like the energy channels that are often referenced in holistic healing and exercise, specifically acupuncture, tai chi, and yoga.

This is a technique favoured by Dr Samuels!

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Meridiankimb is another one. She has branched out into yawning, and is also doing long, boring vids where she seems to be announcing her sneeziness level numerically from one to ten instead of getting on with it as she originally did. Could be a fetishist's dream, but I wonder if this is somehow linked to the Chinese medicine thing.

Wouldn't it be fun if we all suddenly converted to Chinese medicine? Would they expel us?

The question remains; who are they ringing?

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Meridiankimb has some where she describes thinking of some stressful time in her past, and trying to release the emotional tension by sneezing. So it does seem that this is meant to be a therapeutic exercise of some kind, at least that's what these women are being told/making it out to be.

I find it interesting that they massage their belly buttons a lot--I've wondered many times if the navel retains some deep sensual ability to connect to the rest of our body, given that we were once connected to another body there. On the other hand, it makes sense for it to be kind of numb because that connection needs to break at birth. On another website, someone asked (rather jokingly) whether people with "innies" and "outies" could have "belly button sex", which made me wonder what rubbing them together would feel like.

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Others who have recently appeared are ... meridiancath [very poor], meridianlynne01 [silent] and meridianlau. The latter has some vids starring meridiancat, who is the best of this bunch.

The mystery of the phone remains....

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I just came across the videos on YouTube. From watching them, I thought they had to do with some sort of therapy. More things in heaven and earth, eh?

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Fascinating, captain. And in her blog she remarks that "I am enjoying sneezing during intimate moments with my husband..." In fact she more or less lists all the wonderful things about sneezing.

As I say, time for us all to become theta healers..........

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Nice research, but nobody email her for God's sake. If she is responsible and she finds out her videos are being linked here, she'll only stop uploading them.

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I think there's some truth to what she says--sneezing (whether the sneezer has a fetish or not) is a sensual act, and there are interconnections between the functions of the body and our emotions that can be influenced by touch and stimulation of the body. I don't buy into all the new-age supernatural "woo-woo"(as I've heard some hilariously refer to it)--I think it's totally based on very non-supernatural (subnatural?) physiology.

I greatly enjoy, though, the way that the "disguise" of healing facilitates women opening up about their sex lives publicly, describing sensations and the like even in ways that would seem "fetishy" if described in other contexts. It also encourages more descriptive rather than vulgar language when discussing such things--if only there were more spiritual healers who went on to become erotica writers! Of course, many of them may be, as it is in the best interest of most professionals to keep their erotic writing identities fully separate from their work identities...

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Well, that's why we all enjoy it so much; that and its quasi-orgastic feeling. And obviously, I've always wanted to create a mystical sneeze cult where I could spend all my time tickling girls' noses amid a ceremonial atmosphere. It had just never occurred to me to charge them $100 for each session. Just shows what you can do in the right circumstances.

In fact, it is quite a surprise that no feminist movement promoted such practices in the 70s and 80s;...that I know of.....

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  • 9 months later...

These videos with the women showing their stomachs seem to have gotten far more prominent in recent weeks. Though they no longer seem to be using the "meridian" title. I saw one of them mention something about participating in "the study" and something else about neurological mapping. I'm still very curious as to who is actually conducting this study and what its purpose is. I have searched and searched to no avail.

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These videos with the women showing their stomachs seem to have gotten far more prominent in recent weeks. Though they no longer seem to be using the "meridian" title. I saw one of them mention something about participating in "the study" and something else about neurological mapping. I'm still very curious as to who is actually conducting this study and what its purpose is. I have searched and searched to no avail.

Would you be able to show us an example of one of these recent videos? I couldn't come across any recent ones on youtube.

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These videos with the women showing their stomachs seem to have gotten far more prominent in recent weeks. Though they no longer seem to be using the "meridian" title. I saw one of them mention something about participating in "the study" and something else about neurological mapping. I'm still very curious as to who is actually conducting this study and what its purpose is. I have searched and searched to no avail.

Would you be able to show us an example of one of these recent videos? I couldn't come across any recent ones on youtube.

This channel has been uploading several videos per day. There are other channels as well, but I fear some of them may have underage girls on them. I don't want to get in trouble for posting those, so I'll just post this one.


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