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What I Love About..


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So, mushy topic I know. But, I thought it'd be cute to have a thread where we can share what it is we adore about our partners/crushes!

What I love about my (very almost!)-boyfriend. :)

his blue eyes

his huge smile.

the way he looks when he's sleeping. :)

how kind-hearted and sweet he actually is.

how he loves to read (haven't met many guys who actually read in my life)

how absolutely bloody FUN he is to hang out with

how funny he is

how close and lovely he is to his mum :)

his HUGS!

the fact he looks a little like zac efron ;)

There's more, but I don't want to make the topic-starter tooooo long.

What 'bout you guys?

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- His sense of humor

- His laugh

- His lips

- His smile (and the fact that I see more of it now that he got his braces off)

- The music he makes

- His love for animals

- His love and respect for his parents

- How much fun we have when we do stuff together, whether it be trying a new recipe or wandering aimlessly around Walmart

- The fact that he loves my big ass, which made me love it too instead of feeling self-conscious about it :laugh:

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Okay, we're not even close to dating, probably never will, but:

-His eyes

-His completely over-the-top but somehow still not goofy sense of humor

-His whimsical nature (because there aren't enough people out there that I'd describe as 'whimsical', and it's a fabulous way to be)

-The many interests we have in common

-His references to obscure things that only I would get

-How nice he is to my friends, but also...

-...the fact that he doesn't flirt back to them, the way the other boys do

-The fact that I never see him in pictures from any parties or anything like that

-The fact that he's completely uninvolved in the social networking world

-His perfect grammar

*sigh* It's never going to happen, but he's amazing.

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Well, most of the things I love about him aren't suitable for eyes under eighteen. But...

- the fact that he's got extremely good looks: model cheekbones and jawline, deep dark eyes, beautiful nose, fabulous LONG dark hair, quite slim but just slightly toned body etc.

- his raging intelligence, his massive and extremely well-informed mind (if his brain were his muscles, he'd be the world's most fanatic body builder)

- his outrageous sense of humour

- his rare moments of freely bestowing some quality TLC upon me

- his lovely voice

- his natural grace

- and the way he plays with and enjoys my fetish!

...are at least as important as his many unmentionable qualities. :innocent:

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(Never say never, NarnieSmile. :hug: Also: perfect grammar is incredibly attractive.)

Me and my crush aren't dating yet either, but I'm working on it. :bleh:

- Her voice and way of speaking.

- Her spontaneity and unabashed mannerisms.

- Her idealism and passion.

- Her laugh.

- Her long, thick hair, dyed a gorgeous copper red and black.

- Her deep brown eyes.

- Her straightforward sensuality.

- The fact that she's an actress. (I simply can't resist dem theatre people...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think this topic is so sweet..... and I kinda feel like thinking about the loveliest person ever because atm I feel lonely... so yeah.

I love

- your way of speaking and the tone of your voice, especially when you half-whisper nonsense on the phone

- your legs... they're just beautiful XD

- your ability to make me a bit scared when you get pissed off

- your ability to make me stfu and feel sorry for what I've done wrong

- your eyes and your soul-piercing stare

- your facial features.. ; u; and your nose nfufufu~

- your sense of humour, finally someone gets my stupid jokes

- the food you make <3

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Aaaahh awesome topic xD

  • the way he looks at me, like I'm the most special girl in the world
  • his sexy glasses xD
  • he makes me think about what I say and do and makes me a better person, but in a really gentle way...it's awesome :)
  • he likes so many of the same things as me, we always have something to do together or talk about
  • he's very accepting of my fetish and even indulges it for me
  • he's the most attractive person I've ever met, his looks are utterly perfect to me. Especially his eyes and hands <3 And his lips :P
  • he loves the way I look, including all the bits I hate, he makes me feel beautiful
  • when we disagree, we can always find a compromise without fighting
  • his voice is so rich and smooth and deep...and I love his accent xD
  • he makes time for me and he's always happy to see me
  • he's smart and funny and has an amazing personality, he's so much fun to talk to
  • he has the same morals and values as me

I have about a thousand more reasons, but it would just be obnoxious to post them all xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

What I love about my boyfriend (be warned, this will be extremely long):

-The way his eyes crinkle up when smiles

-His sensitivity (no other guy my age that I know can be described as sensitive)

-His patience (it balances out my impatience)

-How totally accepting he is of everybody, despite social prejudices about them

-The hours we can spend watching and geeking out about nerdy movies

-How he randomly says "I love you" to me any time the thought occurs to him

-When I catch him staring at me for no particular reason and he smiles

-His ability to put up with me and be my rock when life absolutely and undeniably sucks

-How he can just totally take over when I can't be the strong one anymore

-His voice. It's so smooth and sweet, like syrup

-Sitting on my roof singing and playing guitar with him. I mean, we can actually harmonize and stuff

-His passion for everything he does, the way he experiences life to the fullest

-His arms around me like my refuge from the world

-The way he kisses me like he wants to hold me and never let go

-The way I kiss him like I'm scared of breaking him

-How he's not afraid to just cry into my shoulder when something had happens

-How accepting he is of my fetish. How he seems to be made to please that aspect of me (and all the other aspects of me, too).

-His sneezes. They're so perfect, masculine and exploding and out of control but not too big or harsh.

-The way it's okay if we fight or disagree about something

-The way color of his eyes changes depending on his mood (and the lighting and stuff)

-His hair. It's dark and long and silky and fine and I love to wind my fingers in it and the way it blows in the wind and falls in his face.

-The way his hair is all messed up when he gets up in the morning (discovered that on the school camping trip)

-The scar above his left eyebrow that matches mine (Weird and awesome coincidence)

-How his birthday is exactly six months before mine. Not quite sure why, but it's cool.

-How just generally fun it is to be with him. We like to do the same outdoorsy, sporty, adventurous stuff like hiking and scuba-diving and rock climbing

-How we can talk for hours about anything at all

-The way he gets along with my friends. My girl friends have this jokey flirty thing going. He never flirts back. And he doesn't feel threatened by my guy friends, who hug me (a lot) and like to flirt with me. I never flirt back either.

-He's so ridiculously tall. He makes me feel short. And I'm 5'8...

-His chipped front tooth. It's so cute...

-How different we are

-How alike we are

-How I sometimes actually lose track of my thoughts when I look at him because of how much I love him. How he does the same thing.

-How neither of us care that everyone says we're so young and shouldn't be so serious about each other. I really want to stay with him until I'm older.

-How he can be so old for his age and do young for his age at the same time.

-The way I can't talk about him without contradicting myself (you may have noticed that)

Yeah, I was right. This was ridiculously long.

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