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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I find sneezing sexy, and I love it!


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I'll start by saying that I am not always proud of my attraction. It doesn't always bring me happiness. In fact often it's a source of embarrassment and inexplicable shame.

But why?! What is wrong, or gross about this?

I can bring pleasure to myself by thinking about taking care of someone in a vulnerable, weak state. I love to watch the moment as all walls and shields drop from a person and they surrender to an overwhelming power. To see that moment when no matter how strong, mature, controlled a person is, the smallest, silliest thing such as dust can tear all that down.

The word has always made me cringe. It sounded ugly, and filled me with an uncomfortable squirming under my skin to hear.

Now in this moment I hear it and it sounds adorable.

Sneezing: our teasing, light-hearted, annoying little friend who rolls through and reminds us: "you're not actually invincible, now lighten up tough guy. ;3"

I find sneezing sexy and I love it! And I am proud!

I'm sure this feeling won't last indefinitely. But I wanted to share this message with the rest of you while it was with me. No matter how gross it seems it is as a fetish to your mind, how gross is it really? Gross is all in the mind of the beholder. And as a beholder, I have to say it is damn far from gross. ;D (Unless of course its your parent's/person you aren't into, but that's an entirely different topic ^^; )

Ok. Got that out now. Thank you for listening biggrin.png

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Ohh, goody! A confidence-booster thread for fetishists :D Brilliant idea, really. Just the thing some of us seem to need, now and then. Hooray for the fetish! :cheers:

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I can bring pleasure to myself by thinking about taking care of someone in a vulnerable, weak state. I love to watch the moment as all walls and shields drop from a person and they surrender to an overwhelming power. To see that moment when no matter how strong, mature, controlled a person is, the smallest, silliest thing such as dust can tear all that down.

Sneezing: our teasing, light-hearted, annoying little friend who rolls through and reminds us: "you're not actually invincible, now lighten up tough guy. ;3"

:dribble: and :drool: at those two sentiments. Teehee!!

And yes, here's to us and our fantastic ability to find so much pleasure in something so common and so small. :cheers:

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The porn's easy to come by too.

I'm sorry, I'll leave. heh.gif

I was just thinking about this yesterday! My friends have been saying that if Santorum becomes the president of the United States that he'll ban pornography and I was like HA, not for me, suckers!!

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i used to think it was strange, but now i just dont care wtf people think about it....im definitely more open about it too, i really love having this sorta fetish..its such a cute one too, i think. oh and it obviously gives ya the benefit of being able to get off extremely easily...another reason im grateful for having it

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  • 1 month later...

Well put! I agree 100%

For me, I think it's more what sneezing represents, eg: the vulnerable-ness and care taking. Although the actual physical sound and look of the sneeze can turn me on too.

Im proud of it too because I think it's a much deeper fetish than most, with a lot more meaning to it. However, I keep it a secret purely because I LOVE the fact that the sneezer doesnt know that you enjoy it. I like the secrecy and sneakiness.

Edited by cheech
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I agree! At first I was really ashamed and embarrassed by it, but now I don't mind it. Still somewhat uncomfortable and I am not about to go tell everyone, but I've come to terms with it within myself and that's the important thing.

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Agreed with all of the above. When I was younger I used to think that there was something serioulsy wrong with me and that I'd end up in hospital or something! I remember longing to find just one other person with the same thing and I was like "Surely I'm not the only one out of blah million people?!" Turns out I've found all of you guys!!w00t.gif

....im definitely more open about it too, i really love having this sorta fetish..its such a cute one too, i think

Me too! One of my friends who I've told said it was cute so maybe it is to other people!

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