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"I've Been Better"


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I was going to color this up nice, but I kind of ran out of steam so here's some quick flats instead 8|

My anthro characters Kwame and Allie, as humans. Enjoy!


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OhGodit'sKwameandAllieashumans. *SOB*


Guhhhhh. They look so wonderful, Garnet! I love Kwame's build...mmm. And Allie is just hot. laughing.gif I don't know how else to put it. Great job with the expressions here, a-and that widdle cuddle at the end? :cryhappy: Uwahhhhhh. I will forever ship these two, regardless of WHAT species they are. heart.gifheart.gifheart.gif

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OhGodit'sKwameandAllieashumans. *SOB*


Guhhhhh. They look so wonderful, Garnet! I love Kwame's build...mmm. And Allie is just hot. laughing.gif I don't know how else to put it. Great job with the expressions here, a-and that widdle cuddle at the end? :cryhappy: Uwahhhhhh. I will forever ship these two, regardless of WHAT species they are. heart.gifheart.gifheart.gif

This this thissss. :wub: I fangirled so hard when I saw this! I LOVE Allie and Kwame, and they make for an adorable pair of humans. Love your stuff, Garnet.

Also, dreadlockssss. :drool:

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GARNET WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!.. THEY ARE SO CUTE~! That last one is TO DIE FOR~.. You and your talent, always amazing me and whatnot~ xP

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sfghubfdrgyjnhfdr!!! *babbles incoherently* And so your art and adorable characters continue to put everyone to shame.

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ARGHTGHGTGHTWTF?! Awesome. I LOVE it. A forehead feel! My favourite thing! ... although maybe my second favourite thing is the affectionate face Allie is making in the third picture- like she's trying hard not to look too delighted/ pervy. Made that face a few times myself while looking at it.... :Flee:

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:wub: :wub: :wub:!!!

So. Freaking. Cute. Love the build-up, love her reactions, and love the coloring! Beautiful stuff. I'm so glad you're on the forum. <3

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Hnngh. Humanized Kwame. He is so gorgeous it's almost criminal. ><

Such a precious couple, these two. LoveloveLOVE. :wub:

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:bounce: I was going to try and reply to you all, but just ghjddjkh COME HER LET ME SQUEEZE YOU ALL aaaa thank you so much for commenting, it makes me feel good :group: I'm so glad my scribbly stuff is well-received! I do like humanizing anthros, I may try my hand at some of my other fics involving them since they're a little more accessible this way 83

:wub: !

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Oh jeez Kwame makes my toes curl as a human or a pachyderm 8> the desperation in that last sneeze...lord have mercy. Your art is awesome as usual~

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i'm not a huge anthro fan but it's true - the anatomy you give him the facial expressions, it's very alluring.

And he's so huge and manly but looks so miserable. total WIN!

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I know I am way late commenting this, but awww aww AWWW, especially the last picture! He looks so miserable, I love it! :heart:

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I'll comment here too ;). Garnet this looks awesome. I know that your other artwork is more amazing than this, but I think this is STILL awesome XD. Converting forms of anthros to humans isn't as easy as people think. I think you figured out the right looks for both of the characters :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so late commenting on these omg;;;

This is AMAZING!! And so cute too! yay.gif

Ugugugugugu Yes. Tough, strong men suddenly vulnerable~ Good. Very good.

Thank you for sharing this! :D

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

BUMP!!! HOLY CRAP JUST DIED! Beautiful amazing haldkalfjsitienakf.......ffffcnnnggh....

Love. :wub:

..... Bye.

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