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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Favorite fetishy words


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Ok so what are your guys's favorite fetish words? I mean terms that you might read in an ob or something and go crazy over. Some of my favorite are "dripping" and "dribbling" because runny noses get me everytime and also i like when congestion is referred to as a "stopped up nose" I also find that i like the term "rhinitis" more than allergies because this focuses more on the nose as opposed to digestive or skin/rash allergies.

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I'm partial to the word 'sniffly', as well 'hitching', 'quivering'...ohhhh, my favorite is 'miserable'. That's just the single greatest word in existence. It so painfully sadistic, but I can't help it. sweatdrop.gif

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OH man I like this game! Let me think..."swollen" is pretty good, so is "engorged" (I dunno if anyone else uses that though). "Plugged" most definitely, and "dripping" is of course an old favorite. "Allergies" with breathy intonation, and "polled" in a stuffy voice. Umm, that's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure there are more :>

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"Itchy", "irritated", "inflamed", "ticklish"... I'm a hopeless sucker for words that describe the sensations that cause a need to sneeze. Being the hayfever whore that I am, "pollen" is another favourite. I also love words that describe a sneeze as "desperate" or "frantic".

Oh yeah, and the word "unbearable". *pleasant shivers* <3

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Miserable, congested, shivery, sniffle, stuffy, and squelching...!

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*checks the word list in her profile*

"Flaring", "twitching", "expanding" and "quivering" when used in reference to nostrils... drool.gif "Slack", "contorted", "desperate," "itchy," "irritated" and "sneezy" for the expression. "Hitching" or "shivery" for the breathing. dribble.gif Oh, and someone once used "heady" to describe a character's pre-sneeze voice and it absolutely killed me.

When searching through fics I usually click ctrl + f and type in "flar" to see all possible variations of flare/flaring/flared/flares that pop up. laughing.gif That's probably my absolute favorite... I love nostrils. omg.gif

Edited by AnonyMouse
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I'm another "quivering" fan. Also "tense" and "contort", "mist" and "wet". "Wet" can sound ridiculously sexual sometimes...no idea why... And I guess I like a little sadism in there too- "miserable", "desperate", "powerless". Ok, now I feel dirty.

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"Uncontrollable", "unstoppable", anything along those lines...

Oh, and "helpless". I love that one.

Also, anything along the lines of "I'm going to sneeze!"

Edited by webmeistro
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Definitely "sniffles." Also, "twitch," "heh," and, of course, "sneeze."
I actually hate the word "sneeze". I'll avoid saying it or even typing it if I can. It just sounds icky. Edited by Skiffy
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One man's fetishy delight is another man's poison; so to start with the basics.....

Sneezy, hankie, spray, flare; then inevitable, hayfever and enormous.

Any detail of the nose; nostril, wings, alae, nares, septum, mucous membrane [neusslijmvlies] etc.

And "everywhere" as in "spray flew everywhere".

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Definitely "sniffles." Also, "twitch," "heh," and, of course, "sneeze."
I actually hate the word "sneeze". I'll avoid saying it or even typing it if I can. It just sounds icky.

It is kind of an annoying word to describe something so we all love so much. It's definitely one of many weird sounding germanic words that I wish would have been replaced by a more fancy sounding latin based one back when the normans took over england and old english mixed with french. We do have the word "sternuation" which is latin based but no one uses it sadlyclosedeyes.gif

Edited by iheartsneezn
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Haaah man I love the word "sneeze", but also throwing my votes in for "tickle", "irritate", "wrenching", and "desperate". And shit Anony that's a good idea, I also vote for any description of nostril flaring ever 8| I feel like a creeper when I describe it in detail in my stories BUT NOW I WON'T because other people appreciate.

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Im not a big fan of 'sneeze' either, but i do adore 'tickly', 'desperate', 'sniffling', 'runny nose', 'twitching nose', 'stuffed up' and others.

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Oooh, where to begin! The right words are essential!

Allergies, hayfever, itchy, itchiness, burning, desperate, miserable, irritated, inflamed, pollen, despair, misery, allergy attack, relentless, helpless, spraying, torturing, uncontrollable... the more it describes how tormented the sneezer is, the better. :dribble:

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Sneezy Sunny

I love it when people are congested and having difficulty with sneezing but continue to talk. "I'b biserable!...I'd's cobbing. I'd's duck!"

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Definitely "sniffles." Also, "twitch," "heh," and, of course, "sneeze."
I actually hate the word "sneeze". I'll avoid saying it or even typing it if I can. It just sounds icky.
It is kind of an annoying word to describe something so we all love so much. It's definitely one of many weird sounding germanic words that I wish would have been replaced by a more fancy sounding latin based one back when the normans took over england and old english mixed with french. We do have the word "sternuation" which is latin based but no one uses it sadlyclosedeyes.gif

I guess it's hard to say if I still would have liked it if we had another word from the beginning, but at this point it is so ingrained in me -- I just have an emotional reaction to it. Also, that soft "z" sound is one English doesn't use a lot, so I like that part of it too.

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I'm definitely in favor of 'sneeze'. I do worry about it getting overused though, sense these IS a sneeze-related forum after all. One time I looked to see if there were any synonyms for the word 'sneeze' and I got the word 'explosion', which is now one of my favorite words to use in my fics.

In general, I love any description of the pre-sneeze face (flaring nostrils, twitching nose, fluttering eyelashes, etc.) or the feeling of an approaching sneeze (ticklish, feathering, itchy, irritation).

Heehee~ Just writing the words is a little... *blushes*

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sneeze, allergies, hayfever, "my allergies have been acting up all day", "Oh G-d Kim, I can't stop sneezing", "I've been sneezing all day", "I think I'm going to sneeze again"

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"twitch" "tickle" "tease" or "teasing".

Also, I can't read or hear the words "stifle" or "induce" without associating them with sneezing, regardless of the context. That's what this fetish has done to me, lol.

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Oh man... all of the above.

I'm also quite a fan of "Don't sneeze!" coupled with "I...cad... help...it...". Especially if it involves some sort of hiding scenario.

I also love anything to do with the nose itself. Flaring, fanning, rubbing, massaging, pinching, tickling, finger/fist under the nostrils, etc.

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A friend of mine was texting me today, and reminded me how certain words trip my trigger, and so now I am going to write some down. Ha ha ha.

Cold, tickle, allergies, tissues, sniffle, allergic, suffer(ing), miserable.

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