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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Jensen Ackles


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Wait... oh my God! I'm not even really a fan of the show (I've always meant to see it but never have), but hasn't everyone been waiting for this for like... years? Since I started using the forum, at least. Anyway, that was so, so cute. His eyes are all watery before/after too, and I love the way Jared sort of looks over at him while it's happening.

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I thought this was already posted somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Which sucks, because someone also posted another video of him sneezing from a different angle, where you could see more of his face.

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I don't watch the show, but for sure know that guy and this video is AWESOME!!! Love his sneeze, and what he says afterwards!! Thanks for posting! I had no idea that this video existed, guess I need to spend more time looking through all kinds of threads in this section. LOL

Edited by Sneesee
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