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Sneeze Fetish Forum


High on Lullabies

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As a number of you have noticed, we've finally got the donation system on the forum working. Thank you very much to those of you who have already donated, and as the tracker in the sidebar on the main page shows, we've already reached the target to cover the forum running costs for this month smile.png

If you wish to donate to the forum, there are two main ways you can do so. As a number of you have already done, you can click on the ‘donate’ button below the donation bar in the sidebar (the bar which appears when you click on the ‘<<’ on the right-hand side of the screen) which will allow you to donate a one-off amount of any value you like.

We’re also offering the opportunity to make regular donations of US $2, $5 or $10 per month, which are available by clicking on the ‘Store’ tab.

Currently the only method for donation available is Paypal, though you can also donate with any credit/debit card. The only personal information you will give that I will be able to see is your e-mail and name, which will be given through Paypal and will not be stored anywhere on the forum.

Anyone at ‘Newbie’ rank or above will be able to donate and those opting to do so will be rewarded with an increase in status to ‘Full Member’ or ‘VIP Member’.

One-off donations up to $10 will be promoted to ‘Full Member’ for 6 months, up to $20 will be promoted to ‘VIP Member’ for 6 months, and over $20 will be promoted to ‘VIP Member’ for a year. These promotions will be made and tracked manually by the Administrators.

Those making regular donations will be promoted to Full Member ($2/per month) or VIP Member ($5 or $10/per month) until they choose to end the donation. These promotions will be managed automatically by the forum software.

The majority of the forum running costs is the package we have with Invision Power which covers the number of users we are allowed, our server space, the licence to use the forum software and all the additional applications we have (Blogs, Chat, Gallery, etc). Other costs include registration of the domain name and the chatroom.

If you have any questions about this or anything else, please contact the staff. Thank you again for your generosity! smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to an minor issue, the automatic promotions awarded when purchasing regular donation packages have been suspended. All promotions for those donating will now be applied manually by the staff.

Those who have already purchased a regular donation package will not be affected by this change. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause smile.png

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