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Most awkward place


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The densit is so awkward, you just laying in a chair with a light in your face and then there's someone sticking their fingers in your mouth with metal tools. Am I the only one who thinks this? (Hope not)

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Haha yeah the dentist is pretty awkward. And I've always thought it would be SUPER-awkward if you had to sneeze at the dentist.

And speaking of dentists... I haven't been in a long time. I probably should, I'm pretty sure it's somewhat covered by my insurance >___>

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Haha, I love my dentists. God, I must sound so weird saying that, but they're both fantastic. They make it so incredibly not awkward.

I suppose I experienced one awkward moment there once, though. My hygienist was taking ages cleaning my molars, and I didn't realise how much spit I had built up without swallowing at that difficult angle until I damn near drowned in it. :lol:

But yeah, you're definitely not alone in feeling that way. :)

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I'll tell you what's more awkward than visiting the dentist.

Visiting the gynaecologist.

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I'll tell you what's more awkward than visiting the dentist.

Visiting the gynaecologist.

Word. :yes:

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I'll tell you what's more awkward than visiting the dentist.

Visiting the gynaecologist.

Word. :yes:

Especially when it's an attractive man. :/

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I thought this was an adult board topic and I was all ready to come in here and say "Roommate's bed."

It's still a pretty awkward place though, regardless of what's going on in or around it.

Public bathrooms are pretty awkward.

I also hate going to the dentist. I mean I like it because I like feeling like my teeth are being taken care of, but not when the conversation is like

"So how is school?"

"Ihnck ood."

"What are you majoring in again?"


"Oh that's nice. You can rinse now."

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My visits with my dentist aren't really that awkward, but it probably helps that I know them personally. It's not like they're a bunch of people I've never heard of before sticking their hands in my mouth. Knowing them probably makes it more awkward for some people, but it helps a little with me.

What is awkward for me is any party thrown by my parents that I'm supposed to go to. When I'm at one of those, then I have a bunch of people I've never heard of before asking me all kinds of personal questions. I assume they just know of me because of my parents talking to them about me and whatever, but I have no idea who they are, and I just feel very uncomfortable. xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

I once read that the reason dentists have such a high suicide rate is because they stare down people's mouths all day. If that's the case, then what about proctologists?

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I don't like it when dentists talk to you while you have your mouth open. I mean, how are you suppose to respond?

You'll surprise yourself with the sheer number of ways to say "uh huh" you can come up with once you really start trying.

Of course, every dentist should learn how to limit his/her side of the conversation to "yes or no" questions. That should be a compulsory part of their training.

Edited by Maru-chan
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For some reason, I always find it really awkward looking my dentist in the eyes when he's looking in my mouth. I blind myself with the light instead, or look anywhere else that isn't him.

Of course, every dentist should learn how to limit his/her side of the conversation to "yes or no" questions. That should be a compulsory part of their training.

I second this.

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yeah the dentist is pretty akward....having to lay so far back youre going towards upside down..and having to where those stupid sunglasses..lol. and yeah the gynacologist is quite weird...especially since they have your feet in those things, and with that hot light shinning on ya down there....omg...lol

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