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Allergy Attack on the River


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I was off from work yesterday and really wanted to do something fun outside. The weather has been amazing lately--warm, sunny, good breeze. Awesome. I decided to go kayaking and had been on the river for about ten minutes before I saw some other boaters (no motor boats, just kayaks and canoes). There's several different small feeders that you can take off the main river and I went down this particularly shady, isolated branch. I'm going along, enjoying myself and I hear this really breathy, masculine HuhhAHHchhew! from somewhere up ahead of me. Yum! A few minutes later, a double. HuhhAhhCHHEW!! HuhAhhCHHEW!! The river is really twisty so I couldn't see who this delicious sneezer was but it didn't matter. About every two or three minutes I would be treated to another sneeze or two. I counted 18 over the course of about a half hour. Honestly, I have no idea how this guy could keep rowing (and doing it fast enough that I never caught up to him). Eventually, he tapered off and I was able to focus on nature again, but after about twenty minutes of nothing he sneezed again just like before: HuhhahhhCHHEW!! And then, he had a fit of eight with almost no pause in between. HhuhhAHHCHHEWW! HuhhAhhCHHEW!! HuhAhhCHHEW!! HuhhAHHchhew! HuhhCHHEW!! HhuhhAHHCHHEWW! HuhhAhhCHHEW!! HuhhAHHchhew!

dribble.gif I almost dropped my oar in the river. I never got to see who it was but Oh. My. God. I was nearly undone. I mean, I'm glad he didn't take an antihistamine before he left the house but I almost felt bad for him. Almost wink.png

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Oh my God. I'm practically drooling. That was..... wow. I think it was even better that you couldn't see him (and he couldn't see you) but you stayed close enough to hear him! thanks for sharing :)

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Hoo boy. Amazing. The invisible sneezer, with his delightful profusion, on an already happy day. Glorious! Thanks so much for sharing :D

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Mmmmm...yummy... *munches on obs*

I agree with what other people said, somehow the fact that you couldn't see each other made the whole thing even better.

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Oh my god, that was HOT! I also agree with everyone else - somehow it was much hotter that you didn't actually see him. Thanks for sharing the awesome ob :)

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Well aren't you lucky girl! A giant fit of loud wet sneezes...just for you. I totally wish I was lounging on the river as well drool.gif ...enjoying the *scenery*

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