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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Can any of you sneeze by doing this?


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ok recently i went to go see titanic in 3d with a friend and i just noticed that when i had the 3d glasses on of course the middle of them sat on the bridge of my nose and it actually made the bridge of my nose all tickly but it was not enough to sneeze but it was annoying. So now im wondering if i can somehow sneeze by touching or rubbing the bridge of my nose. i tried but it's not working or maybe im not doing it right?

Can anyone here sneeze by touching or rubbing the bridge of your nose? If so how exactly do you do it? God i hope im one of those people that can do it xD

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I've seen one or two videos on youtube of people apparently being able to do this, but I've never been able to get it to work for me. But I've also worn glasses since I was ten, so my body may be too used to that kind of stimulation for it to do anything. Maybe for people who aren't used to pressure and rubbing on the bridge of their nose it would be more likely to work.

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one of my exes was exactly like this. all i had to do was just put a little bit of pressure on his nose and hed sneeze every single time i did it :) it was so cute...i wish all my boyfriends had this talent...lol

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:leans back and stretches:

Yes...yes I can do this. It takes a bit of, err, 'practice,' shall I say? I could explain it in detail, perhaps I'll dedicate a separate post to that sometime. xD

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I gently pinch and unpinch just below the nasal bone on either side and that tickles my sinuses and I sneeze pretty easily. I can repeat it a few times.

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:leans back and stretches:

Yes...yes I can do this. It takes a bit of, err, 'practice,' shall I say? I could explain it in detail, perhaps I'll dedicate a separate post to that sometime. xD

Do tell!!

Share your secrets!! :P

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Well, I can't to it that way, but I can sometimes do it by scratching the tip of my nose or my filtrum, or by biting the inside of my lip just the right way.

So, I can see how that would work.

Do you sneeze when plucking your eyebrows? Because I think it's a similar phenomenon to that, with nerves getting crossed somewhere.

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