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Coming down with the sniffles


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I probably shouldn't be surprised since I just got to my parents house for a visit after a five and a half hour flight with a toddler. This morning I woke up with a sore throat. The kind that burns along the back. As the day went on I started to sneeze. Normally I'm not sneezy at the beginning of a cold, but these have been different sneezes too. It feels like I have a feather stroking the inside of my left nostril. Eventually the torture builds untilI I'm forced to take a deep breath in.My head rocks forward with a harsh desperate K'TSCH'uh, after another second or two with my face still scrunched up, tickle swirling around, I'm rocked forward with another sneeze equal in strength. After all that I feel almost no relief from the irritation and am left scrubbing futily at my nose hoping another sneeze might come and relieve me, which it never does. After about ten to twenty minutes the same thing happens. Most of the day I've been at my parent's so I've been trying to stifle the sneezes. I can usually keep the beginning quiet but they always end in a thick loud exhale at the end. In the rare event that I have a tissue handy, I will try and let the sneeze come completely from my nose. It does seem to relief the tickle a little more, but also leaves a damp and near shredded tissue plastered to my hand. When I've been in the car I've also let them out, spraying the air and wheel in front of me. I don't care because it feels so good to just let the sneeze fly. Now my nose feels really itchy and runny and my blows are extremely productive. My throat still hurts and I've spent most of the day talking with friends, voice getting progressivly hoarser and lower. I also seem to be developing a low cough and minor headache. I just hope I manage to get over this quick and keep it from my parents' attention.

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Coming down with the sniffles? Sounds more like coming down with the hottness! :D

Thx for sharing!

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The sore throat is easing up now, but the code id by dose is going full swing. I'm having to blow constantly and my nasal passages are so inflamed that little air is able to go through. My blows are mostly gurgly, trying to push through the thick globs of mucous. Despite the thickness there's a constant flow of thinner yuck trying to make it's escape. My nose is pink and I've gone through half a box of tissues, and while we were out I had to reuse some that were completely soaked because that's all I had on me. There's a slight headache brewing from my sinuses and my ears hurt a little. I've been trying to keep coughing to a minimum, but sometimes it can't be helped. My voice is lower than normal and is kind of husky. Although it kind of hurts my ears, I've been able to silently stifle most of my public sneezes today.

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Too bad you have to stifle...sounds like you'd feel a whole lot better if you could just let them all out. Keep us posted...hope you feel better soon. Bless you.

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