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"Done?" (M/M, comic)


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Let me start this off by saying that I'm usually not into slash at all. "Not into slash" as in: I prefer my gay action to be canon.

Then I watched Sherlock.

And then this happened -

(Yes, I know I've done the "Interrupted Kiss" scenario several times before. What can I say? I love drawing kisses. And I love interruptions.)


Nnbbrrlllgghhh. I don't know. Johnlock ate my brain. Martin Freeman's nose is fantastic. Uh. Yes.


Edited by VoOs
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DONE, NO? :twisted:

Hmg. This is also a favorite scenario of mine and I love when you draw it. :drool:

Random note, I like that little touch of wallpaper in the background of the first panel. :P

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huhgfjdh well hey with Sherlock it's practically canon anyway, in any incarnation. I absolve you from your slash in the interest of HNNNGH MY PANTS :hyp:

I too love interrupted goodness. And the way you draw Benedict's profile, it's perfect, I love that long but upturned nose. Let me just continue to make incoherent noises here.

Also, I love that you added the wallpaper.

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The noises I'm making aren't human right now. GUHHHHH. This may very well be one of the most gorgeous things you've ever drawn. *Purrs* The last panel makes me so warm and fuzzyyyyyy! :wub::heart:

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"Done?" "No." -And you stop there?!

Keep drawing, I say! KEEP DRAWING!

God, you have no idea how much I love you, and your drawing skills! :wub: *drools*

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"Done?" "No." -And you stop there?!

Keep drawing, I say! KEEP DRAWING!

God, you have no idea how much I love you, and your drawing skills! wub.png *drools*

This!! I LOVE!! :wub: and "No" and stopping = just SO WRONG!!!! *dies*

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Anony - I think writing that "No" was the most fun I had drawing this comic. *Me gusta + Trollface hybrid* Haha, and thanks! I'm very fond of the wallpaper they use for their flat in the series, so I snatched it. <3

Garnet - Benedict's profile. He's going to be the end of me. Love those long, slender nostrils... Guh. >< I'm glad you're enjoying my fangirling. blush.png

Spoo - Oh shush, you are way too kind. wub.png Thank you so much.

AppelBlossom - I could, and I did. Sorry. laughing.gif I think I have an idea for how to continue this now, however, so you never now. Oh, and thank you!

tma - Heehee, thank you. <3 (I realize it was sort of evil of me to end it like that. shifty.gif )

Dusty - These boys indeed. I've never been so obsessed with a pairing before. It's really quite frustrating. laughing.gif I'm glad you like them, thank you. hug.gif

Edited by VoOs
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Not canon? Please, we all know Sherlock is just Mark Gatiss writing sneaky slash fanfiction and selling to the BBC XD

In other news: NNNNnnnneeeeeheeeeeheeeeeheeeee*GURGLE*! Cannot suitably express delight!

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This is absolutely lovely. Holy cow it looks good! And so smexy! :omg: You've outdone yourself again my dear. How let me go and drool some more...

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Excuse me while I explode. Gaah. This is completely gorgeous! Also, you can never have enough interrupted kisses.

Nnbbrrlllgghhh. I don't know. Johnlock ate my brain. Martin Freeman's nose is fantastic. Uh. Yes.

Martin Freeman's nose is my favorite nose. :drool: (And don't worry; Johnlock eats everyone's brain eventually. I know this from experience. bbbladnsdfaslkd)

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Ouro - You know, I only realized today that Gatiss is gay himself (don't say it; I know I'm slower than a snail in headwind :bleh: ), and now I'm very amused by how Wikipedia tries to explain how to pronounce his name. But yeah, it explains... a lot. :laugh: Eeee, I'm delighted at your delight. :hug:

LYK - Consonants are the most flattering of letters. <3 Thank you.

pig - *hugs for long*

Akahana - Yes. Yes, in this case, I have to agree. The chemistry between these two dorks is just too lovely. Thank you for commenting!

obsessed - Thank you muchly. :>

retrofan - Mmm. <3 More interruptions to the people.

Always - Thank you. :'D And yes, Freeman is too lovely for his own good (I'm still loving your signature, btw. Both gifs. Very much so. :inlove: ).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excuse me while I explode. Gaah. This is completely gorgeous! Also, you can never have enough interrupted kisses.

Nnbbrrlllgghhh. I don't know. Johnlock ate my brain. Martin Freeman's nose is fantastic. Uh. Yes.

Martin Freeman's nose is my favorite nose. drool.gif (And don't worry; Johnlock eats everyone's brain eventually. I know this from experience. bbbladnsdfaslkd)

Gaaaah!! Between the drawing above, and your signature, which I cannot stop staring at, wub.pngblowup.gif


Is that from a Marple episode?

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Is that from a Marple episode?

Indeed it is! Murder is Easy, to be specific. :yes:

And oh my. Now I find myself staring at this lovely picture all over again. blushsmiley.gif

Edited by Always
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Ok, so, I can ACCESS the Forum from my mobile, but I can't actually reply from it easily. Which is meant to explain why I haven't commented on this so far, despite how amazingly perfect it is. That said...

OH. MY. GOD. This? So incredibly, ridiculously hot! Especially because it so desperately (heh) cries out for more. No joke, I have been haunting this thread, hoping and nearly praying that you add to it...and that's coming from someone who's generally a much bigger fan of words/stories than visual art!

So, um...*puts on her poor-me face* Please, VoOs, may we have some more?

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Oh wow, your art, first of all, is always so nicely drawn! And secondly, very adorable. I think my favorite panel is when he first interrupts the kiss to sneeze, but all of it is great. *v*

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  • 5 months later...

Oh VoOs. The more you draw Sherlock the more I fall in love with something I've never even seen before. I'm really gonna have to bump watching this show up on my list....This is so wonderful...*nibbles Martin's nose*.

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  • 1 year later...

That was... PERFECT. He was like, "No." Did you guys know there was a guy named John Locke? Every time my history teach says his name I laugh. When my friends ask I'm like, "inside joke".

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  • 4 weeks later...

So great! I love all of your "interruptions" that you've drawn, so don't stop! I've never even seen Sherlock before, but this is still super hot.

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