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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you never sneeze?


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Is there anyone on this forum who never sneezes? I have heard people talk frequently about knowing someone who never sneezes, but am curious about whether there are people for whom the fact that they never sneeze themselves is the source of their facination with sneezing. My own sneezes are an annoyance if anything, but I love the sneezes of others. So...

1. Are you someone who never sneezes themselves but enjoys the sneezes of others? and...

2. Do you know anyone who literally never sneezes?


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I don't know anyone who has claimed that they never sneeze... there are certainly people who seem like they never sneeze, which I'm sure we all can relate to. I personally have great control over my sneezes, so if I don't want to sneeze in certain circumstances I simply don't, so it might seem to some people like I never sneeze.

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I'm personally one that can't control my sneezes worth anything. That being said, I have seen people on TV that never seem to sneeze, especially the people that you MOST want to see sneeze XD. (It's women and female cartoon characters for me, but I know some males that never sneeze either.) I know they probably DO sneeze, but it isn't in a way where anyone else could know about it.

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I don't seem to get the urge to sneeze very often, but when I do I also have great control over it. I used to never ever ever sneeze in public, but I don't mind anymore. I'm pretty sure none of my friends have ever heard me sneeze. I often wonder if the thought ever crosses their minds, "Huh, I've never heard alias sneeze."

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I don't sneeze a whole lot, but it's not a rare thing for me either. When I really don't want to sneeze, I can control it, but I've also noticed that when I want to sneeze, I can't (or it tickles and then just dissipates) like when I'm home or something. Then when I really don't want to sneeze, in a public place or something, it comes on so much stronger and I have to put a lot more effort into stopping it.

I can definitely think of at least one person I knew who seemed like he never sneezed. I had a crush on him all through high school, and I waited all four years to see him sneeze, and in our final year, he FINALLY did. Needless to say, I was rather pleased. :P

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I question whether it's physically possible to genuinely never sneeze... I mean, I know plenty of people I've never seen sneeze and who therefore seem like they never sneeze, but I assume they do occasionally, just not very often and never when I've been with them.

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It's very rare that I sneeze naturally. I'm not allergic to anything, and I don't get sneezy colds. And since I became the master of stifling at a young age, sometimes when it comes and I actually want to let it out I accidentally stifle as a reflex. Or it disappears into thin air. I don't know why that keeps happening as of late?

And obviously I enjoy the sneezing of others but I wouldn't say there's a connection to that and my own lack of sneezing.

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1) I seem like I never sneeze to people around like my family and friends and once my brother said to me "you know what *insert my name here*, I've never seen you sneeze". This was the point where I actually realized that I don't sneeze in front of people. I'd never really considered it and it was before I found out what a fetish was. Then he said to me "next time you need to sneeze, tell me so I can see it" I was pretty uhoh.gifuhhuh.gif "Wow, well ok......" but I'm sure he doesn't have the fetish.

Yeah I love seeing others sneeze, I have a sneeze fetish.... Unfortunately I told my friends that I can't sneeze in front of them because of my block so now I'm scared that if I have the guts, they'll make a big deal out of it and congratulate me or something. eeeeww.wacko.png

2) No, at school I've seen everyone that I want to see sneeze. Now that I think about it I have a teacher that never has a cold or sneezes or anything. I've had this teacher for 2 years at least. Sometimes I get lucky though. A few times I've thought "I've never seen blah blah blah sneeze, that would be interesting" and then it happens!! 5.gif:D xx

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I question whether it's physically possible to genuinely never sneeze... I mean, I know plenty of people I've never seen sneeze and who therefore seem like they never sneeze, but I assume they do occasionally, just not very often and never when I've been with them.

Yeah I want to know if its physically possible too

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I have a mental block so people never see me sneeze. One ex b/f once asked me "why don't you ever sneeze?." It was really awkward. I didn't want to explain the fetish and the mental block and all that. In private, I sneeze like 5-10 times a day. I guess my body just knows when it's safe to sneeze. Whenever I get the urge to sneeze in public it always goes away on its own.

I think everyone sneezes but I think a good number of people hate sneezing in public and can control it so it just seems like they never sneeze.

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Well, like others have mentioned, I know plenty of people whom I have never seen sneeze, and just assumed that perhaps they don't do so very often (some people just don't), or else as sneezies mentioned, they have sneezing in public and manage to control it. I don't know if it's possible for a person never to sneeze at all in a lifetime, since we are all born with the same basic reflexes. I decided to do a bit of online research as I find this quite fascinating, and I found the following article:


This goes to show that it is possible, although likely very rare, that sometimes a person may do something or have something happen to them that might render them unable to sneeze either temporarily or permanently. Also, it's not uncommon in people who have recovered from a stroke to lose the sneezing reflex, although most people will recover it within several months. Personally I find the above article quite tragic, but it does prove that there may be some people out there, who for whatever reason do not sneeze at all.

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That article has got to be a joke. She goes to see a sneezing coach, and a doctor who puts her face down in a field of flowers--wouldn't he find it easier to just tickle her nose?? Not to mention that someone taking a overdose of allergy medication seems very implausible.

That said, I have had some nerve issues and found that it affected my ability to sneeze. For a long time, even when tickling my nose the most I would get was a "stuck sneeze" feeling. Now when I tickle my nose I can sneeze, though it's almost never that I spontaneously sneeze--at most I get a tickle that goes away. I have never been that sneezy a person, though I do remember sneezing more before this all happened.

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That article has got to be a joke. She goes to see a sneezing coach, and a doctor who puts her face down in a field of flowers--wouldn't he find it easier to just tickle her nose?? Not to mention that someone taking a overdose of allergy medication seems very implausible.

Yeah, it says "The satirical online news thing" at the top. Funny though.

Personally, when I'm alone, I'll have a natural sneeze usually about once every other day. But I don't remember the last time I sneezed in front of someone. I just very rarely feel like I have to, but even when I do feel a sneeze coming in public, I can usually stop it mentally.

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I know I've read (not in a joke article) about stroke patients and people who's suffered other kinds of physical traumas who's been rendered unable to sneeze, temporarily or permanently. Some people are apparently born without the sneeze reflex, although it's extremely rare. But some people are unable to feel pain, so there must be people who are unable to sneeze.

Luckily for us, it's so rare it almost doesn't exist. :lol: Most people who "never" sneeze simply don't sneeze very often and might have a smashing mental block around other people. :P

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Some people can't see or hear. Some people are colorblind. Some people don't feel pain. There are all sorts of mental and physical disorders around that make it so some individuals can't do certain things that most people can. So why would it be impossible for someone to physically be unable to sneeze? :P

I don't sneeze around people but I sneeze plenty when I'm alone or with the girlfriend.

I've probably seen everyone or at least most of the people I have known at least fairly well sneeze, whether I wanted to or not.rip1.gif

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I have sneezed in public for 8 years and then before that it was like 6 so It might seem like I never sneeze but I do. also I remember going on a burlesque tour for 3 months and I dont remember ever having to sneak away and sneeze so I think that might have been the longest I have gone in total for not sneezing at all

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I also remembered today that several years ago I talked to a girl who who claimed that she has never once sneezed in her life. This being the internet, I obviously would have had no way to verify her claims. For all I know, she could have had horrible allergies and sneezed 100 times a day and just told me this to see if I'd still want to talk to her. Who knows? But I have no trouble believing that it is possible that she was just somehow born with the inability to sneeze.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sneeze at least 2 or 3 times a day. But my boyfriend NEVER sneezes around me. He doesnt know about my fetish either. But the last time I saw him sneeze was probably at least a year or so ago. And we have been together for 2.5 yearsdry.png . I distinctively remember the summer we first started dating and we went fishing. He sneezed 3 times and I was drooling wubsmiley.gif I replay that memory in my head alllll the time. But about a month ago he was coughing a lot and idiot me, I asked him if he was okay and he goes "Yeah haha I was about to sneeze but you made it go away. I'm okay." Oh my gosh I was sooooo frustrated I missed my chance to hear him for the first time in forever because of my big mouth!doh.gif

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