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Sneeze Fetish Forum

New guy saying hi :)


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Hey everyone,

First of all i'd like to thank you all, and the forum for being here, although ive only recently registered, ive known about it and browsed it many times over the years, and find it to be very re-assuring, informative, and settling that there are others with this fetish out there. As im sure alot of you will be familiar with, its not an especially comfortable subject for me, but i hope to become more comfortable about it as i get the opportunity to talk to more of you guys about it :)

Little bit about me, im 24, live in the midlands in the uk, am a mechanic, my fetish preference is for females, and ive had the fetish as long as i can remember.

Hopefully i'll be able to contribute constructivly to everyone and the forum, and i look forward to getting the chance to get to know everyone. Again, as most probably know, its very difficult to find people to talk to about this kinda stuff, so im excited to chat with all of you, knowing that theres a level of understanding, and im grateful to now be part of the forum after 10 or so years of "yeh, ill join up . . . . . .hmmm, too risky, what if people find out its me". lol



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Congratulations for joining! That's a big step all by itself. ^_^ Glad to have you with us, spc_anubis! :D

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Welcome, SPC_Anubis! I think you'll find you quite like it here :-D I look forward to reading your posts!

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Welcome!! I'm still quite new here but don't worry, you'll be fine. *Touch wood* it's very unlikely that someone will find you but I'm cautious too. Hope you have fun here :D x

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Welcome to the forum :) Always nice to see new faces, and don't worry - many of us (me included) were very 'late-joiners' :D

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Talk about "late" joiners! I'm so thankful to be part of this wonderful community, though I wish I'd had it 20 years ago! haha I completely understand about it not being a comfortable subject. I think you'll find it easier to talk about these things with people who share your unique interests. Welcome and have fun!

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Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it and can get more comfortable talking about this stuff. It's nice knowing you're among people who feel or have felt that way, too. :)

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Welcome to the forum and congratulations on making the step to join. :) Very much hope that being around here will cause you to be more comfortable with the subject.

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