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Sneeze Fetish Forum

...Not sure what to think about this...


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Kay, guys, I need a little bit of moral support here. Saw something today that was incredibly unnerving. I was out today, going to the gorcery store, when I saw a girl with a tracheostomy sneeze. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen/heard in my life. Of course I didn't stare, but my body was extremely confused. It looked like a normal sneeze, complete with a brief pre-sneeze expression and pitching of the upper body, (she sneezed downwards towards her chest/lap), but the only noise that came out was this weird rattling sound. I didn't really know what to think of it. I felt kinda bad for her, cause her sneeze was not very strong. Seemed like it would really suck for her to have a tickle and a sneeze that's not strong enough to alleviate it. I was still a little unnerved, though. am I crazy??

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Oh man you aren't crazy. I'm actually terrified of seeing something like that happen. I would be unnerved, too. And it makes me feel like a bad person, but you can't change the way your body responds to these things.

I remember watching this documentary about a girl who was born without a face and I wondered if and how she would sneeze. The thought just completely disgusted me. Not that I was disgusted by the person, just the idea of her sneezing.

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yeah, it was pretty bad. Cause she had one of those speaking valves on it, and when she sneezed the first time, it popped off. Then the second time it made the weird noise. I was totally...i don't even know. Just confused.

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Ugh, that reminds me of a horrible memory I have from when I volunteered at a nursing home in the sixth grade. Just try not to think about it. I know it's easier said than done, but I'm sure in a few days it'll start to go to the back of your mind without you even trying.

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Yes, the intensity of the situation will fade. And you're not a bad person. It's an entirely unusual thing to see, so it make sense for you to be confused. You didn't have any categories to file this into.

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