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Pocket Pack Tissues are the new Handkerchiefs


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Recently, I have become aware in myself, that although I would still love to see more people use handkerchiefs, I am becoming increasingly attracted to those people who carry around a pocket pack of tissues.

I think it's partly because of the preparedness of it, that someone has considered that they may need to wipe or blow their nose during the day, so they've equipped themselves. This is also an attraction for people carrying handkerchiefs, for me anyway.

I think I also like the way some people pull the tissue out of the pack, and unfold it, then ultimately blow their nose on a clean tissue.

Anyone else attracted to pocket pack users?

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I'm not attracted to pocket pack users kleeny, just handkerchief users both male and female.

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With Ricksneeze on this one: handkerchiefs puhlease...

Thanks for your new vid on Youtube by the way, take care,


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You're welcome Cjblo, I enjoyed making it.

I am guessing I am the only one that likes pocket packs then, hehe.

Sadly, the liklihood is that as one walks around, you're more likely to see a pocket pack being used than a handkerchief.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I like pocket-pack tissues. I like using them and seeing others use them, and I have quite the collection. I can't remember if I shared my tissue collection on here on not. If I haven't, you're welcome to it. I never set out to collect them but my husband and a friend who knows about the fetish keep buying them for me. At one point I had 15 packs, i think, but that's gone down because I gave up and started using them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like them too! To me, it usually means someone has allergies or is sick! I love when people have them close by...like they have brought them in their pocket or bag, and then take them out to set on their desk or their knee or whatever!

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Yes, I like that too, seeing them, ready for use at any time. I am becoming increasingly attracted to seeing people use them. I am glad some people are the same.

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... sometimes I co-ordindinate my pocket pack use to my outfit. Haha, so lame but I enjoy it!

If I'm wearing a vintage dress I usually carry a lace handkerchief, unless I'm dancing (I dance swing and lindy hop, where you get close to your partner so it's a little inconsiderate to have a dirty hankie in your sleeve near thier hand. And you might drop it!) Today's a dancing day so I'm carrying a pocket pack of red tissues with white spots, because I'm wearing a burgundy dress with white rabbits on it ^^

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  • 3 months later...

I love pocket-pack tissues too :)

In class, the majority of students use tissues, not handkerchiefs (sadly), so the trend now is that they'll bring in pocket pack tissues whenever they have allergies or a cold :D So most likely the people who bring them to school will probably be sneezing all day. (And I can look forward to it.)

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Although I'd always pick handkerchiefs over tissues, the reality is that tissues are usually as good as it gets, and I'd much rather see someone use a tissue than sniff the snot back in, or sneeze into their arm. I particularly like the wallet pack tissues, which have interesting pack designs, and somehow are more evocative of handkerchiefs than the standard packet design.

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sometimes I co-ordindinate my pocket pack use to my outfit. Haha, so lame but I enjoy it!

I'd say that's cute rather than lame


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