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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bending over whilst blowing nose


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Has anyone noticed a rather peculiar way some people have of blowing their nose, where they double their body over, kind of bend over, as they blow?

I find it funny in some ways, frustrating in another way as you can't see the blow properly, but I wonder why people do it, it doesn't make the snot come out easier!

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i personally think its pretty hott sometimes!...i love seeing when a girl gives alot of effort blowing her nose...ESPECIALLY if it results in nice loud honks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weelll... I know that I do that at times...''' LoL, you know, you really get more power behind it (and I'm weak in general so...) and... Yes.

I guess I've seen other people do that as well, and yes, it can be pretty hot when combined with a good cold (that has also might have fever as one of the other symptoms, LoL).

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  • 1 month later...

Love it! Probably they can't blow their nose because they're too congested. And then it comes out in a nice long loud honk w00t.gif

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I find myself doing this occaisionally as well, usually after a particularly large volley of sneezes. I've often wondered if it looked silly.

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I find myself doing this occaisionally as well, usually after a particularly large volley of sneezes. I've often wondered if it looked silly.

I have also done this as well lol
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I hve seen this before, but I don't do it myself, as I can get more than enough power behind a nose-blow while upright. But if some people need to do it to do a strong enough nose-blow then they should - it shows they are trying hard to get their nose clear and doing whatever they need to do to put some effort into their blowing!

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I've sometimes done this. Not to make the snot come out any easier but to avoid getting fragments of paper on my shirt if I'm blowing my nose with toilet paper. This is pretty rare though as I prefer hankies or tissues but sometimes I'm in a bathroom and have neither with me so use toilet paper and my strong honks tend to almost destroy it!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Sometimes the sheer force of a sneeze (or fit of sneezes) will bend me over and I'll stay doubled over to blow and catch my breath

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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually do that to hide while blowing my nose haha... like, if I have to do it in class, I usually crawl halfway under my desk, trying hard not to be noticed!

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I'm not all that into nose-blowing, but I actually think it's kind of sexy when somebody bends way over like that - makes it seem all the more desperate and all-consuming, ya know?

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