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Ok so I've been thinking about this for a while and I've decided that it will be interesting to see how our preferences differ. I'll write questions below then you have to answer with male/female/both/neither (---)

Here's mine :

1) Sneezing (real life) = both (mainly male)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = both if they sound real

4) Runny noses= male

5) Stuffy noses = male

6) Sniffing in general = male

7) Bunged up voice = male

8) Tissues = ---

9) Handkerchiefs = ---

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = both

12) Coughs = ---

13) Redness (around nose) = male

14) Germ sharing = male ( only if I'm seriously attracted)

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = male

17) Caretaking = male

18) Being taken care of = male (if I absolutely have to)

If you can think of any more feel free to add. Sorry if something like this has already been posted, I just thought it would be fun biggrin.png x

Edited by Vetinari
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1) Sneezing (real life) = Both.

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Mainly female.

3) Fake sneezing = Male (it better sound realistic though, or at least sound as if they put an effort into it!).

4) Runny noses= (As in, visibly runny?) Neither, thank you. :nohappy:

5) Stuffy noses = Male.

6) Sniffing in general = Both, I guess.

7) Bunged up voice = MALE. <3

8) Tissues = Uh... both?

9) Handkerchiefs = ...fictional male? :laugh:

10) Allergies = Both

11) Colds = Hm... Male.

12) Coughs = Fictional male, once again.

13) Redness (around nose) = I don't really care? :laugh:

14) Germ sharing = Neither.

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Both.

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Male, male, MALE. <3 <3 <3

17) Caretaking = Neither.

18) Being taken care of = Neither. *hiss*

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Oh this is gonna come as a complete surprise for everyone... :lol:

1) Sneezing (real life) = female

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = neither (female)

4) Runny noses= female

5) Stuffy noses = female

6) Sniffing in general = female

7) Bunged up voice = female

8) Tissues = female

9) Handkerchiefs = neither (female)

10) Allergies = female

11) Colds = neither (female)

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = female

14) Germ sharing = neither (ugh!)

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = female

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = neither

17) Caretaking = neither (female)

18) Being taken care of = neither, unless I'm really sick and then I'd like a girl to take care of me. :P

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1) Sneezing (real life) = Both, but especially male

2) Sneezing (videos or wavs) = Both

3) Fake sneezing = Both (assuming it's realistic and not obviously fake)

4) Runny noses = Mainly male with exceptions (in fiction both)

5) Stuffy noses = Mainly male with exceptions

6) Sniffling in general = Mainly male with exceptions

7) Bunged up voice = Both

8) Tissues = Mainly male, very few exceptions (in fiction both)

9) Handkerchiefs = Mainly male, very few exceptions

10) Allergies = Both

11) Colds = Mainly male with exceptions (in fiction both equally)

12) Coughs = Almost exclusively Males in real life, both equally in fiction

13) Redness (around nose) = Both, but especially male

14) Germ sharing = In real life neither, in fiction both

15) Sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Neither

16) Crying = Neither

17) Caretaking = As in me taking care of others? Mainly males, but only provided they aren't too whiny and needy about it

18) Being taken care of = This one really depends entirely on the specific person for me.

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I love these surveys, very fun to fill out! :)

1) Sneezing (real life) = male, some female exception

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Male, once again with some exception

3) Fake sneezing = Neither,unless it's really realistic :P

4) Runny noses= Strictly male

5) Stuffy noses = male

6) Sniffing in general = male

7) Bunged up voice = male

8) Tissues = ---

9) Handkerchiefs = Male

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = Depends on the person.

12) Coughs = depends

13) Redness (around nose) = Both

14) Germ sharing = Strictly male

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = male

17) Caretaking = both

18) Being taken care of = Either or! C:

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It should be noted that the vast majority of my preferences refer only to fictional characters/situations... I just thought I'd say that rather than designate it every time. :)

1) Sneezing (real life) = Neither.

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Female, unless it's Tom Hiddleston. XD Also, if it's in art or a well-done animation, I also like female sneezes.

3) Fake sneezing = Neither.

4) Runny noses= Male.

5) Stuffy noses = Male.

6) Sniffing in general = Male.

7) Bunged up voice = Doesn't really do it for me, but I guess male.

8) Tissues = Don't particularly care.

9) Handkerchiefs = Male or masculine female.

10) Allergies = Male.

11) Colds = Male.

12) Coughs = For the most part, bleah. :P

13) Redness (around nose) = Both.

14) Germ sharing = Male. A lot. XD

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Don't really care.

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Male. :D

17) Caretaking = If it's subtle, male.

18) Being taken care of = Again, if it's subtle, male. I don't like overly-sensitive uke boys. XD

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:D You're right Channel, complete suprise!! :P

And yaaay, survays

1) Sneezing (real life) = both (mainly female)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = female

4) Runny noses= neither

5) Stuffy noses = both

6) Sniffing in general = both

7) Bunged up voice = neither

8) Tissues = neither

9) Handkerchiefs = neither

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = bothish/neither

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = both

14) Germ sharing = neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = neither

17) Caretaking = both

18) Being taken care of = male

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I love surveys~! For some reason, every time I thought of answering, real people just did not come to mind, so I also thought only in terms of fictional characters. Pretty much everything is male with exceptions here and there.

1) Sneezing (real life) = Male (mostly)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Male

3) Fake sneezing = Both

4) Runny noses= Neither

5) Stuffy noses = Neither (occasional exceptions for male)

6) Sniffing in general = Neither

7) Bunged up voice = Neither (more occasional male exceptions)

8) Tissues = Neither

9) Handkerchiefs = Neither

10) Allergies = Male, usually

11) Colds = Male, usually

12) Coughs = Male, usually

13) Redness (around nose) = Male

14) Germ sharing = Neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Both?

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Neither in real life. Male, fictional.

17) Caretaking = Male

18) Being taken care of = Male

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1) Sneezing (real life) = both

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = both

3) Fake sneezing = neither

4) Runny noses= neither

5) Stuffy noses = male

6) Sniffing in general = male

7) Bunged up voice = both, but mainly male (losing voice, stuffy nose talk, nasally)

8) Tissues = male

9) Handkerchiefs = neither

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = both, but prefer male

12) Coughs = male

13) Redness (around nose) = neither

14) Germ sharing = neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = neither

17) Caretaking = (do you mean who is doing the caretaking? If so, female taking care of male)

18) Being taken care of = male

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1) Sneezing (real life) = Male 90% of the time

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Male

3) Fake sneezing = Neither

4) Runny noses= Neither

5) Stuffy noses = Male

6) Sniffing in general = Neither. It's annoying.

7) Bunged up voice = Both

8) Tissues = Neither

9) Handkerchiefs = Neither

10) Allergies = Male

11) Colds = Both

12) Coughs = Male

13) Redness (around nose) = ---

14) Germ sharing = Neither. Ew.

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Both, depending on the situation

17) Caretaking = Neither

18) Being taken care of = Neither

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1) Sneezing (real life) = Female

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Female

3) Fake sneezing = Female

4) Runny noses= Neither

5) Stuffy noses = Neither

6) Sniffing in general = Female

7) Bunged up voice = Neither

8) Tissues = Female

9) Handkerchiefs = Female

10) Allergies = Female

11) Colds = Female

12) Coughs = Neither

13) Redness (around nose) = Female

14) Germ sharing = Neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Female

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Neither

17) Caretaking = Both

18) Being taken care of = Neither

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1) Sneezing (real life) = Female

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Female

3) Fake sneezing = Does nothing for me...

4) Runny noses= noooo

5) Stuffy noses = nope

6) Sniffing in general = nope

7) Bunged up voice = nope

8) Tissues = nope

9) Handkerchiefs = nope

10) Allergies = oh yes, female

11) Colds = female

12) Coughs = nope

13) Redness (around nose) = female

14) Germ sharing = nope

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = female

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = nope

17) Caretaking = nope

18) Being taken care of = nope

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Oh this is fun! I love surveys!

1) Sneezing (real life) = Male, but only from the right individuals. I guess that can be said for either gender though.

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Female, because I can't shake the idea of "sneeze porn" if I watch someone of the opposite sex. blink.png

3) Fake sneezing = Either, as long as they are convincing and from a character I like

4) Runny noses= Neither. Mucus and wetness totally ruin it for me.

5) Stuffy noses = Definitely male. I love a stuffy voice that is trying not to sound stuffy. Alias don't like whiny men.

6) Sniffing in general = Male. This forum has really made me appreciate sniffling and stuffiness.

7) Bunged up voice = Male

8) Tissues = Male, but keep it minimal

9) Handkerchiefs = Neither. They gross me out.

10) Allergies = Male, but I'm only a fan of the sneezing part.

11) Colds = Male drool.gif

12) Coughs = Male. Sometimes coughing gets me just as much as sneezing!

13) Redness (around nose) = Either, but I don't really have an opinion on it

14) Germ sharing = Neither. UNLESS it lead to a situation where we were both sick at the same time.

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Neither. Talking about it makes me feel awkward.

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Hmmm, I like to see males cry in movies sometimes, but that is more for the drama and not really related to the fetish.

17) Caretaking = Male

18) Being taken care of = Male. Though I probably wouldn't let him.

Thanks for the fun topic!

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1) Sneezing (real life) = both (mainly female)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = both (mainly female)

3) Fake sneezing = neither

4) Runny noses = neither

5) Stuffy noses = both

6) Sniffing in general = both, but not too much of it

7) Bunged up voice = both

8) Tissues = both

9) Handkerchiefs = both

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = both

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = both

14) Germ sharing = my partner only (male)

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = my partner only (male)

16) Crying (pushing it a bit now) = both

17) Caretaking = both

18) Being taken care of = both

Edited by Wishing
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1) Sneezing (real life) = female

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = neither

4) Runny noses = female

5) Stuffy noses = female

6) Sniffing in general = female

7) Bunged up voice = female

8) Tissues = female

9) Handkerchiefs = female

10) Allergies = female

11) Colds = female

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = female

14) Germ sharing = neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = female

16) Crying = female

17) Caretaking = female

18) Being taken care of = female

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Ooh, this looks fun :)!

1) Sneezing (real life) = MALE <3 (with the odd female here and there)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = videos: male, wavs: both but more female

3) Fake sneezing = male (if they do it well)

4) Runny noses= male, but only if they're polite and use tissues and stuff, not dripping everywhere which is gross

5) Stuffy noses = MALE <3

6) Sniffing in general = MALE <3 <3

7) Bunged up voice = MALE

8) Tissues = male

9) Handkerchiefs = um, fictional male?

10) Allergies = MALE <3 <3

11) Colds = MALE <3

12) Coughs = male, depends on the person

13) Redness (around nose) = male

14) Germ sharing = male (only if I'm attracted)

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = male (with the odd female now and the )

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Aaaawww, male <3

17) Caretaking = MALE

18) Being taken care of = Neither. I'm independent and self-sufficient!

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1) Sneezing (real life) = both (mainly male)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = both

3) Fake sneezing = never thought about it

4) Runny noses= neither

5) Stuffy noses = neither

6) Sniffing in general = neither

7) Bunged up voice = definitely dislike

8) Tissues = neither

9) Handkerchiefs = neither

10) Allergies = both (mainly male)

11) Colds = neither

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = male (but not a big deal)

14) Germ sharing = UGh neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = neither

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = no interest

17) Caretaking = male (but not a big deal)

18) Being taken care of = male (I don't think I'd really want to be taken care of though)

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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1) Sneezing (real life) = female

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = female

4) Runny noses= neither

5) Stuffy noses = female

6) Sniffing in general = female

7) Bunged up voice = female

8) Tissues = female

9) Handkerchiefs = female

10) Allergies = female

11) Colds = female

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = female

14) Germ sharing = female

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = female

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = female

17) Caretaking = female

18) Being taken care of = female

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Sneezing (real life) = male

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = neither

4) Runny noses= neither

5) Stuffy noses = male

6) Sniffing in general = male

7) Bunged up voice = male

8) Tissues = neither

9) Handkerchiefs = NEITHER!

10) Allergies = male

11) Colds = male

12) Coughs = male (mostly boyfriend, that can get me almost as much as sneezing and when I ask him if he is okay wub.png

13) Redness (around nose) = Neither

14) Germ sharing = Neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = male

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Neither

17) Caretaking = male

18) Being taken care of = male

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1) Sneezing (real life) = both

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = both

3) Fake sneezing = both genders if theyre acted good enough...some fake sneezes really blow

4) Runny noses= both, yes please

5) Stuffy noses = both

6) Sniffing in general = both, especially if its from allergies

7) Bunged up voice = eh....the stupid sounding talking when people are stuffed up just kinda pisses me off lol...so neither

8) Tissues = both, lots of them too

9) Handkerchiefs = both

10) Allergies = both...allergies seem to be becoming my favorite thing lately...

11) Colds = both, especially if the person is a mess

12) Coughs = uhhhh.....no way...i hate coughing lol i have too many bad experiences with it and asthma to enjoy any coughing

13) Redness (around nose) = both...looks so cute

14) Germ sharing = ehhhh....no thanks. wouldnt mind it once in a while, with both, but id rather take my pleasure in others' sufferings :P

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both, and definitely if theyre sneezing their cute noses off while trying to talk through it

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = both...i dunno why but i just love the idea of being able to hold someones face into my neck while theyre crying...so cute

17) Caretaking = both..this is a big one for me...i love it alot, especially if id get to blow their noses for them or have them sneeze into tissues im holding or whatever

18) Being taken care of = no way....lol. whenever im sick i like to just suck it up and shut up....i hate people fussing over me, no matter who the hell it is lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

When it comes to Surveys i am a massive geek ( well to be fair i'm a massive geek anyway :P) i just seriously LOVE filling out surveys and giving feedback :D

1) Sneezing (real life) = Both ( but mainly Male)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Mainly Male ( though there are some pretty excellent Female ones)

3) Fake sneezing = Male

4) Runny noses= None doesn't appeal to me i'm afraid

5) Stuffy noses = Both

6) Sniffing in general = Both

7) Bunged up voice = Both

8) Tissues = Neither

9) Handkerchiefs = Neither

10) Allergies = Both ( but again mainly male)

11) Colds =, Hmm not sure not really a fan of colds, gonna say both

12) Coughs = Um both

13) Redness (around nose) =That i have to say doesn't really do it for me so neither

14) Germ sharing = Neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Both ( but with male preference)

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Hmm both i'd say

17) Caretaking = Both

18) Being taken care of = Both

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(Every "male" answer includes the "I do have some exeptions to this rule")

1) Sneezing (real life) = ...I prefer fiction, but... Male. And some rare female exeptions.

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Male

3) Fake sneezing = ...only in cartoons/TV-shows. B| Male

4) Runny noses= Male

5) Stuffy noses = the same as above

6) Sniffing in general = still the same answer

7) Bunged up voice = Sttttiiiilllll the same answer

8) Tissues = Look the one above

9) Handkerchiefs = Look the one abov--... Wait, maybe female. Because hankies suit elegant women better than tissues.

10) Allergies = ...they are, in general, a rare exeption to my usual preferences but... I don't know. Male? Female? I don't know, it's so rare! xD

11) Colds = MALE!

12) Coughs = Male.

13) Redness (around nose) = Male.

14) Germ sharing = Female.

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = Male.

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = ...female.

17) Caretaking = ...which way does this go..? I don't know. Either one is good?

18) Being taken care of = Which way does this gooooo...? Dx If this means that which I'd prefer to care for me, then female.

Hmmn... And yush, exeptions, exeptions...

All the "female" ones should include that I want the woman to have long hair, a long, elegant ("noble") nose and... They should be elegant in general. B| And nicely... soft. Under the touch. Then it's great. No, by no means am I selective. B|

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1) Sneezing (real life) = Female (but a good sneeze is a good sneeze!)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Female

3) Fake sneezing = neither

4) Runny noses= Female

5) Stuffy noses =Female

6) Sniffing in general = Female

7) Bunged up voice = Female (I'm seeing a pattern hmmm..)

8) Tissues = Female

9) Handkerchiefs = Female

10) Allergies = Female

11) Colds = Female

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = Female uhoh.gif

14) Germ sharing = Female

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = neither

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = Female

17) Caretaking = Female

18) Being taken care of = Feemmallllee

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  • 1 month later...

1) Sneezing (real life) = both (but mostly female)

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = female

3) Fake sneezing = neither

4) Runny noses= female

5) Stuffy noses = female

6) Sniffing in general = female

7) Bunged up voice = female

8) Tissues = female, but do prefer hankies

9) Handkerchiefs = both, especially female

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = both, especially female

12) Coughs = neither

13) Redness (around nose) = neither

14) Germ sharing = female ( only if I'm seriously attracted)

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = female

17) Caretaking = female

18) Being taken care of = female (if I absolutely have to)

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1) Sneezing (real life) = Both!

2) Sneezing (Videos or wavs) = Both, maybe female a tiny little bit more.

3) Fake sneezing = I will always respect a good fake and gender doesn't matter. So again, both.

4) Runny noses= More male at this point, but also both

5) Stuffy noses = both

6) Sniffing in general = Both.

7) Bunged up voice = Both

8) Tissues = don't care a lot, but male

9) Handkerchiefs = not really into it

10) Allergies = both

11) Colds = both

12) Coughs = Like them but not in strong fetishy way. Both, but more male ones.

13) Redness (around nose) = Doesn't attract me really.

14) Germ sharing = Neither

15) sneeze/cold/allergy talk = both

16) crying (pushing it a bit now) = female, male also fine

17) Caretaking = Male in general, but there are couple of females I would love to take care of

18) Being taken care of = Neither. Hate the feeling that someone might be sorry for me.

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