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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Self obs (F)


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Hey guys it's been a little while since I've posted an obs on here, and it's the first time I've done a self obs (even though I've been on here for nearly 2 years) ^.^

I've only been awake an hour and I've sneezed 8 times! All stifled as my parents are in the next room they sound like "heh-HNX-choo" all of them sound pretty much the same. I have long blonde curls, blue eyes, I'm 18, average weight and 5ft 2. I do have allergies, to pollen, grass, dust, mould and some perfumes.

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I know, they are what I know of! Not really no, I'm quite used to it now!

Thank you for reading (:


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Joal I'm sneezing like there's no tomorrow. +100 today no exaggeration hehe

And sneezefan, thank you for the blessing I'll do my best but being allergic to so much I can end up snuffly and sneezy in minutes


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