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Thinking about fetish related things at wrong times.


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This has been happening to me a lot lately. Where im at work or with friends and Im daydreaming and just randomly think of fetish related things. Then im like "ugh why did i have to think about that NOW?" and then i feel all awkward around people for a few minutes. And then i get all anxious for the rest of the day being like "ugh i want to listen to a wav now...jasdofjasi"

Anyone else get like this?

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Yessssssssss oh god. Like, to the point that I was considering putting wavs on my ipod. But then I thought about what if someone saw or heard, or if I lost it and what if the person who found it looked at my wavs, or what if a friend went to look at my ipod and saw them... @__@ Too many what-if problems for my taste.

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:lol: Been there, done that (LOL, I wrote "done hat" first!!).. sometimes I'm terrible. Other times I hardly think about it at all. :)

Like, to the point that I was considering putting wavs on my ipod.

I've got a whole bunch on my mp3-player.. I never ever considered the fact that I could lose it!! :lmfao: Oh God, now you got me worried! I had a CD with .wavs on in my car's CD-player too, when I had had a week that was awful and on the Friday after my last meeting I was just going home and I was going to open a bottle of wine, take a foam bath and, um, indulge. It was my foreplay. I can say foreplay here, can't I? :unsure::P

(I snapped that CD in two after that session though, didn't wanna have that laying around since I never mark my car CD's...)

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I've been distracted at work with fetish-y things for the past few days BIG TIME! I've noticed that its like a black hole, I don't want to stop because it feels really good, but I should focus more...I guess. Haha! sweatdrop.gif

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(I snapped that CD in two after that session though, didn't wanna have that laying around since I never mark my car CD's...)

Oh my goodness, I've done that too! I have way too many nosy friends, haha. Sometimes they'll look through my CDs for something new or weird to play (since I'm always buying and burning eclectic stuff). Last thing I want is for someone to accidentally stick in a wav CD. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it...yikes!!

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yes.. yes. YES. all the time. it's pretty horrible. i'll be at school thinking of a teacher going on a fit. I'll draw it on my notebook and think of scenarios and everything. Prevents me from doing homework sometimes.

and then the fetish will go away for a time- like hide in the back of my mind... then return full blast. haha. I think it's like that for everyone.

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I've been distracted at work with fetish-y things for the past few days BIG TIME! I've noticed that its like a black hole, I don't want to stop because it feels really good, but I should focus more...I guess. Haha! sweatdrop.gif

This happens to me every now and then. Happened a few days ago. It makes the day both more pleasant and so much more frustrating. It's great to know other people think of this stuff during work too, even though we know we really shouldn't! XD As long as it doesn't impede my performance too much I don't think it's bad, even if it might put an odd smile on my face...

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Every once in a while I'll catch myself zoning out in class, thinking inadvertently about fetishy things. Though I think that is more the boring class's fault than the fetish's fault. I zone out for other thoughts too.

I suppose you could consider my time on here right now the wrong time to be thinking about fetishy things, because I really should be going to bed.... Naughty naughty.

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There's a "wrong time" to think about fetishy stuff? LOL

I am always daydreaming about it. Well, a lot anyway. I no longer get all worried, though. Unless someone sneaks into my head, they have no clue what I'm thinking about!!!

Edited by Sneesee
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Unless someone sneaks into my head, they have no clue what I'm thinking about!!!

I'm up in there, Sneesee. And I'm seeing some AMAZING things. ;)

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DEFINITELY. Today I was visiting the professor who was my thesis adviser in college (who happens to be quite attractive for a 45-year-old) to talk about getting a paper published. He was talking to me about analyzing our data, and I started to think about some things and had to internally scream at myself "NO! PLEASE DO NOT THINK ABOUT THAT NOW!" So awkward. hahaha

Also, for about one week out of every month, corresponding to my cycle, I find it really hard to focus on anything school- or work-related. :P

I think that all of this is pretty much the nature of sexuality, though. The things we think about might be unconventional, but the awkward timing and the frequency of arousing thoughts (whatever they may be) seem pretty normal.

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I am suffering from this since last 2 weeks. As i have posted so many times about a very hot guy at work whose sneezes make me crazy, that guy sits right opposite me and keeps rubbing or scratching his nose every now and then and it makes me go wild. I keep waiting for hours and hours for a single sneeze from him. Also find myself getting wet down below just thinking or visualizing him sneezing at that very moment. Sometimes i do get treated as he lands up sneezing exactly when i wish that he would sneeze. But most of the times i am left waiting entire day and he does not sneeze even once. But i just cannot concentrate on my work and just keep watching him every now and then wishing and waiting desperately for his sneezing. Gosh i am so turned on thinking and writing about it even now. This guy's gonna kill me......

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Hehehe... I don't know, I guess I've been doing this... For a long time? Every now and then.Liiike... Last summer on my work place (summer job, LoL) I ended up drawing a bunch of fetishy stuff because... My mind just was filled with nice scenarios. xD Also pretty often during exams and lessons my mind just wanders off... Also when ever R.L says anything that I can somehow turn into something c-related... And they hit me when I say out loud what I was thinking... :zippy:

But yeah, most often it's just that I'm on a lesson or in an examn and my mind wanders off so badly I have to either write or draw something. xD

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This happens to me...a lot actually ^^;. I'm sure that everyone thinks about the fetish at odd times sometime or another though. I just wish it happened to me less XD.

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Definitely! I can remember when I was at university, all it took was a good sounding sneeze from across the lecture theatre and bam! there went my learning ability for that hour :lol:

I would hope that people don't get distracted by fetishy thoughts while driving - maybe they do... anyone?? :)

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Most recently, on my way to work today... while drive, NoV... I had to force myself to stop though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think about the fetish so much all of the time. Especially when Im with an SO.

We'll be there, hugging or cuddling and whatnot, and all I can think is "Man, I want to see him sneeze!"

I often try to bring up sneeze-topics subtly, to maybe find out some of their sneezing habits or any allergies.

And I feel weird when I do this unfortunately. Im worried that if I've ever had a bit too much to drink, I'll do something stupid, like try to induce a sneeze out of them :|

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