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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A long-time lurker finally registering to say hello...


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Hi everyone! I just got validated a few days ago, so I thought it was about time I introduced myself. smile.png I'm pretty much a hardcore fetishist, and have been lurking on this forum and a few other sneezing sites for years, so I thought that it was about time I actually joined the forum. I actually already know quite a few of the people here by their usernames (mostly the fic writers whose stuff I've read), though I obviously haven't talked to anyone. Kinda creepy, I know, but I'm one of those people who's buried so deep in the fetishist closet that I can't even begin to find my way out - I am literally the only person in my life who knows about my fetish. I guess that was what made me finally decide to join the forum in the first place, even though I still feel a little awkward talking about this to other people. I don't particularly have any plans of 'coming out' of this particular closet to anyone at this point of time, but I hope that by connecting with everyone here it'll be my first step.

Anyways, a bit about myself now - my name is kitsune, obviously. tonguesmiley.gif I've probably had this fetish for as long as I could remember, waaaay before I even knew what sex meant. I've always been attracted to sneezefics in particular, and for some reason vids, pics and even wavs just don't interest me half as much as a good sneezefic can. I almost exclusively prefer male sneezing, although I do like the occasional female sneeze as well. It was really a huge relief to find this forum and find out that there were other people like me as well. You'll probably see me around mostly in the discussion section and especially the fic section. I already have some stuff written and am looking forward to adding them to this forum's great fic collection soon. smile.png

Anyways, it's nice to finally meet you guys! I've already read quite a lot of posts in the public sections and I've definitely noticed that everyone's really nice and friendly here, so I'm really looking forward to talking to everyone. biggrin.png

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Poking my head out of the closet to give you a wave of welcome! Or perhaps a happy flail, because you aren't alone! In fact, you sound a lot like me! Hope to see you around sometime! Welcome, welcome welcome!!


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Hi kitsune! I also spent a long time lurking both here and at LG and fanfiction so I know what you mean. I'm so happy to actually be a member here, and I'm sure you will be, too. Enjoy yourself. :)

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Welcome to the forum kitsune, so glad you decided to join :). Like you, I enjoy a good sneezefic, and in fact, that was how I found the forum in the first place....looking online for sneezy stories, etc, and we have some fantanstic writers on here so there is no shortage of good reading material. Hope you enjoy being here as much as I do, and I look forward to seeing you around the boards :)

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Hello there, o foxy one, welcome to the closet! ... I mean, forum! Yes! Although, sometimes to me it can feel like a nice, safe closet filled with soft piles of clothes to lean into while reading and sharing juicy fics with other naughty kids. :lol:

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Hi kitsune! I feel the same way about the sneezefics as opposed to...pretty much everything else - I joined mostly so I could tell people how awesome theirs are and write my own to share. :D Glad you've decided to join, and I hope you enjoy the forum! :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I didn't expect to have that many people reply to just an introduction post. :)

I hope I'll see you guys around the boards too! It's great to hear that so many people are actually like me. :D

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Welcome! :D I hope you enjoy yourself here, and I can't wait to see your stuff in the Stories section! Everyone here is super-nice, it's great. ^_^

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Hello! And welcome! You'll have loads of fun here! And may I say, pretty much everything you wrote in your intro is like me exactly! Haha!

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Hello Kitsune and nice to meet you.


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