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Free education...


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I wrote here some time ago that there would be a free AI course from stanford university.

This initiative has been so incredibly successful that stanford, princeton, university of michigan and

the university of pennsylvania have decided to contribute new content, in a range of very diverse topics

spanning stuff like humanities and social sciences (stuff like "modern and contemperary american poetry" or

"listening to world music", "fantasy and science-fiction: the human mind our modern world", "greek mythology", ...),

to hard-core engineering stuff (stuff like "design of algorithms", "compilers", "machine learning", ...), medical stuff

("anatomy", "neuropsychology", ...), enonomy stuff, society, networks and information related courses.

Way too much things to list here. Have a look on https://www.coursera.org/ and if this interests you, make sure to sign up for a course !

Having finished one course and taking another one as we speak, i can honestly say

that the quality of the material, explanations and exercises so far has consistently been very high (I did some of the

engineering stuff). This is totally free and very high quality education. It is not some corporate sponsored hidden marketing stuff,

it's the real deal. It's a revolution.

Compared to e.g. Kahn academy it's more interactive and more advanced material is covered (at least for the engineering topics):

one gets the chance to practice the material by doing (substantial) homeworks and those are graded automatically,

and you can get some feedback. The course infrastructure also comes with forums to discuss materials with

other students. In the engineering courses (not sure about the others), if you meet the courses targets you also get a statement of accomplishment (which is not the same as an official degree or diploma, but it's still nice to have some assurance that you really understood what it was all about).

Well enough from me :) Go check it out at https://www.coursera.org/ and perhaps we'll meet there too :D

(hmm this almost reads like a spam mail)

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haeeshoo thanks for the link! To get a statement of accomplishment, do you have to follow the course as though you were taking it in real-time or is the whole ordeal more relaxed?

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To get a statement of accomplishment, do you have to follow the course as though you were taking it in real-time or is the whole ordeal more relaxed?

You'd have to respect the deadlines. (I guess otherwise the chance of copying earlier student's work is too much?)

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