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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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to begin last week this girl was sitting in front of me for some group work or something she was sick she sneezed twice quickly into her hand. so i thought over the weekend she would get better well i was wrong yesterday in class she had 3 fits of multiple sneezes within an hour. now she sits across the classroom and sneezes very quietly so who knows their may have been more not only is her sneeze hot as hell but she has a great body one of those athletic girls who is in great shape. i will definetly keep "watching" her and see if she sneezes anymore in the coming weeks and will post here if anything good comes up. :D

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Sounds great to me...keep posting. Good observation. Let us know if she continues to sneeze a lot. Thanks.

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it was tuesday she walked into my classes stifled 4 very quickly and then two days later she walked into that same class and sneezed 4 more times this time though she let the first one out

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