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A Merry St George's Day!

count tiszula

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A Merry St George's Day to us all! Break out the pork pies and chicken tikka massala! Get the real ale in and stand in the pub car park watching the morris dancers. Go to Trafalgar Square and complain when the Sikhs don't provide Stilton sandwiches.

You know, I could have sworn that St Boris pledged to make celebrations of the feast legal and start the drive to replace St Joseph the worker as a national holiday.

And now there seems to be yet another of these awful socalled "mayoral" elections, and Boris has done nothing to abolish himself or give back any of the stolen boroughs. Well at least this time I know there is no point in trying to find out what the voting system is because it is so secret that literally no one knows

what it is. I think you have to just find a top-up party that is not too loony to get no top-up members; do the Liberals now qualify?

Oops, I seem to have threadjacked myself; perhaps I can transfer some of this to the Snack Pot.

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Break out the pork pies and chicken tikka massala!

I don't know who this guy is but apparently he's the saint of good food? If so, that is a saint I can get behind!

Oh wait, is this the same saint george that killed the dragon? He was pretty cool too I guess. I think a saint of food is radder though.

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Get the real ale in and stand in the pub car park watching the morris dancers

In my local pub there are plenty of men in the car park with sticks. But sadly, they're not Morris Dancers...

And its hard enough for them to rustle up a pint of Fosters, let alone any real ale :(

You've gotta love England - Happy St. Georges :D

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