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Legend of Korra

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I was just wondering if someone would write a fanfic about Mako from The Legend of Korra being sick or having allergies, if not it's totally fine just thought I'd ask. :D

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I really think you read my mind. I've been thinking about doing it myself, and I've been slowly forming a plot over the past few days. I'd really like to do write one, but it'll be a little while, I think. (And if anyone else out there does it, I second the request! :D)

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I made Aku over on green watch Legend of Korra with me. She's working on one with Mako right now, not sure when it'll be ready for posting but she'll probably punch me to draw for it so. Yes.


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I hate being in college and not knowing popular characters :(. Good thing that my sister is recording the series so I can watch it when I return home ^^. Seriously, the only character I know from this series is Korra, and that's because of here XD. Whatever anyone makes, I'll for sure see/read it :D

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You don't have tv at college? /:) When I was at uni, my dorm-mates and I would all watch Avatar together. Good times.

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We do, but unfortunately cartoon watching is like death XD. It is sad, because I love cartoons, but most people here don't :( I WISH that happened here :D SportsCenter, the news, and TNT shows are what dominate the TVs we have here at college ^^;

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I made Aku over on green watch Legend of Korra with me. She's working on one with Mako right now, not sure when it'll be ready for posting but she'll probably punch me to draw for it so. Yes.


There are two parts already posted over there I believe :)

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I made Aku over on green watch Legend of Korra with me. She's working on one with Mako right now, not sure when it'll be ready for posting but she'll probably punch me to draw for it so. Yes.


There are two parts already posted over there I believe :)

:o *scampers*

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