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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Teacher Tease


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Let me set the stage. i sit in the second row in a lecture hall of about 100 people. My professor is in her late thirties. She is petite, maybe 5'3" with the slender body of a woman who never steps moving (kind of that natural skinny/muscular look). Brown hair with blondish highlights. Pretty face, and, most importantly, a somewhat long but beautiful aquiline nose.

So anyway, I was sitting in class today, typing away as she talked (she talks a million miles an hour and we all struggle to keep up), when all of a sudden, without even breaking stride, she just blurts out "I have to sneeze." I jerked my head up to see her in a perfect pre-sneeze pose: head slightly back, hand in front of her face (but not completely bocking my view) eyes slowly squeezing, face crinkling. She held tis pose for a solid three seconds, three blissful seconds, before her face relaxed and she announced "huh, it went away," before jumping right back into our previous topic. My last class with her is next week -- I am hoping against all hope to see a repeat!

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Good stuff...sometimes those sneeze teasers that don't come out are the best of all...nice post. Thanks.

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Nice moment, but at the same time frustrating that she didn't actually sneeze, especially if you have never seen her sneeze before

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Nice moment, but at the same time frustrating that she didn't actually sneeze, especially if you have never seen her sneeze before

I completely agree. False starts and lost sneezes are the greatest yet the most disappointing at the same time. Too bad she didn't sneeze, but maybe you'll get another chance.

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