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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Huge and strange fit in the park

asneeza aliza

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So this observation was SO CLOSE to being a fantasy come true. Unfortunately the whole situation was just a bit too weird for my liking (not that what I like isn't weird :P but weird in a different way)

but I'll post about it anyways and you can let me know how you feel about it.

I'll start with a description. The sneezer was an african american women. She had hair cut really really short, a long flowy dress, red splotches in her hair, lots of piercings, a sort of big nose, a curvy body and a dirty looking face with the potential to be pretty.

The guy with her was a short white man. He had a huge scar on the side of his face and 3 tattoos that looked like bloody cuts on his neck. He had knotted hair and smelled terrible and kind of looked homeless.

It was a beautiful sunny day so me and a friend of mine went to a field on the UC Berkeley campus and talked over smoothies. After a bit of tanning we moved to a shade and thought we saw the two people described above having sex. One was on top of the other and they were both moaning and groaning and panting but then he yelled “OW! YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! YOU HIT ME” she giggled and said, “I did not do that on purpose! You play to rough”. He seemed a bit mad but gave a half smile and said, “YOU play to much!” Then they went back to what they were doing witch apparently wasn’t sex but fighting over a pen cap. At one point he choked her. At another point he pulled her low dress even lower exposing her big boobs and he groped them a bit. At multiple points they would get in arguments like the first over who was playing too rough and would take breaks to make out. I am not one to judge! None of us are! And I’m not judging what they were doing but I am judging that they were doing it in a public place. This was not just play fighting. This was some KINKY stuff. They were screaming and both red and practically beating each other up and some points yet at other points he had his pants unzipped and his hands were ALL over her.

This went on for maybe an hour or so until she started sneezing. They were taking a break and were making out, her on top of him, when she pushed up into like a cobra pose and sneezed really loudly, desperately, and painfully into the air. It was a triple but she sort of screamed through the whole thing with out breathing. Sounded something like, “RUUUAAAIISSSHCHOO,UGGGGGHHHHHRAHHHTTCCHOOOUU,AHHHRRCHHOO” Sorry. I am not a great speller and that is pretty hard to spell. Anyways after words she hocked (how is that spelled?) and spit. It all scared the guy and he looked away and got red (out of anger I am assuming). I thought that would be the end of it but after about 5 minutes or more of fighting it happened again. Another 3 times. Maybe 2 minutes more and she sneezed a double the same way. By then my friend was on the phone so lucky me, I got to watch the whole thing.

It kept going for about 10 sets of 2 or 3. One set that stood out to me was when she was again, on top of him, this time biting his stomach, when she sneezed 3 all over his bare stomach. She didn’t even make an effort to cover it up. I almost wondered if they were some of us but he looked pretty angry about it and I think they were just crazy. After sneezing maybe 6 sets on to him he pushed her off and started telling her to stop. Telling her it was gross. She was obviously trying to stop. She would rub her nose against her palm really rapidly and she would pinch her nose really hard. At one point she even yelled out “I CANT STOP SNEEZING! SOMEBODY HELP ME!” And eventually she yelled at the guy “WE HAVE GOT TO LEAVE THIS GRASS”, and they left.

My friend was disgusted by the whole thing. I was a bit disgusted too but also a bit exited by the amount of sneezes and then I was a bit disgusted by my excitement considering the context. More then any of that though I was confused. All right sorry about the length, spelling, and grammar. Hopefully somebody took the time to read that whole thing and if you did please comment your reaction? I am really curious.

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Wowww...now THAT is bizarre. Thanks for sharing, though. Like you said, with a bit of tweaking, pretty much a fantasy. But still...

Anyway, don't feel bad about getting excited when that much sneezing just occurred in front of you. You are a fetishist, after all. ;) I've sat back before after reading/watching some fetishy stuff and thought to myself "wow. It is weird that I am getting off to this", but then just shrugged it off. What does it matter?

But yeah. Some people...I wonder what goes through their heads to behave in such a way publicly.

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Yeah, I'd say that's definitely strange. I was trying to picture the scene in my head, but it looked...kinda crazy. It's like something so weird you sort of wanna look away from, but you have to keep watching to see what happens. :sweatdrop: I'd have felt soooo awkward, though, around people doing that.

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Bizarre obs but I enjoyed reading it! The sneezes sound amazing even if the context was somewhat... disturbing? Thanks for posting :)

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I think you had all the right reactions. I found this all educational somehow. 7.gif

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In Berkeley you say!? Hahaha! What a funny and disturbing observation....tongue_ss.gif

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Yeah, it is disturbing when I try to reconstruct an event, but I enjoyed reading it. I mean, it is nasty a bit and everything, but all that sneezing and stuff.... Nope, my English vocabulary cannot explain that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find a strange and as yet un-explored part of my fetish is to be turned on not just by sneezing, but by people I would consider...undesirable...sneezing. Sometimes.

Like in this particular rather disturbing scenario...if I saw that, I'd be disgusted and baffled. And yet...the sneezing...from someone I would find odd and unappealing...it turns me on even more than if it was someone attractive sneezing. How weird is that?

I think it's got something to do with the fact this person was trying to do something and kept sneezing...and this person is so...seemingly UN-shy about doing anything in public and just sneezed so desperately and possibly could be described as disgustingly...it does something to me. Even though it disgusts me at the same time.

I am a weirdo. :) I have said it before.

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I find a strange and as yet un-explored part of my fetish is to be turned on not just by sneezing, but by people I would consider...undesirable...sneezing. Sometimes.

Like in this particular rather disturbing scenario...if I saw that, I'd be disgusted and baffled. And yet...the sneezing...from someone I would find odd and unappealing...it turns me on even more than if it was someone attractive sneezing. How weird is that?

I think it's got something to do with the fact this person was trying to do something and kept sneezing...and this person is so...seemingly UN-shy about doing anything in public and just sneezed so desperately and possibly could be described as disgustingly...it does something to me. Even though it disgusts me at the same time.

I am a weirdo. :) I have said it before.

I'm weird too, stevie! Without this getting too out of hand for the non-adult board, taboo situations such as this one- and stuff outside the fetish, even- just really gets me. If i think about how 'wrong' something is, it makes it sometimes all the more exciting. I can relate. :)

I wish I was more vanilla sometimes, damn :lol:

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I find a strange and as yet un-explored part of my fetish is to be turned on not just by sneezing, but by people I would consider...undesirable...sneezing. Sometimes.

Like in this particular rather disturbing scenario...if I saw that, I'd be disgusted and baffled. And yet...the sneezing...from someone I would find odd and unappealing...it turns me on even more than if it was someone attractive sneezing. How weird is that?

I think it's got something to do with the fact this person was trying to do something and kept sneezing...and this person is so...seemingly UN-shy about doing anything in public and just sneezed so desperately and possibly could be described as disgustingly...it does something to me. Even though it disgusts me at the same time.

I am a weirdo. smile.png I have said it before.

I'm weird too, stevie! Without this getting too out of hand for the non-adult board, taboo situations such as this one- and stuff outside the fetish, even- just really gets me. If i think about how 'wrong' something is, it makes it sometimes all the more exciting. I can relate. smile.png

I wish I was more vanilla sometimes, damn heh.gif

Weirdos of the world unite.gathering.gif

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