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When you feel a sneeze coming on....


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Curious about this so thought I would ask....when you feel like you're going to sneeze, where does it tickle most? Do you feel it on one side exclusively, more on one side than the other or does it alternate between the left and right side of your nose pretty equally? Do colds and/or allergies make any difference to this?

With me, the natural sneeze tickle tend to happen predominantly on the right side of my nose, and nearly always in the middle, just below the bony part. It does happen on the left sometimes as well, but more often on the right. Much the same for me with cold and allergies as well, only more intense than it would normally be. I had a similar conversation with Tiger a few weeks ago, and in his case, the sneeze tickle happens almost exclusively on the left side of his nose and almost never on the right side. When it comes to inducing, it will work on both sides for me, though with the right side it happens very quickly, with the left it tends to take a few seconds longer. With Tiger it's the other way around, inducing on the left side works for him very quickly, but on the right it takes longer and sometimes doesn't happen at all.

Interested in hearing everyone else's feedback :)

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Hmm, good question! When I think about it, I would say I usually feel it equally on both sides.. like in the middle, upper part of my nose. But when I have allergies (which has only really been recent, not often), it's always in the left side and it's very irritating. I've never really induced before and I somehow don't think I would be able to (unless you count looking at the sunlight).

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I'll have to pay attention when I'm sneezing to see what the progression is. When I'm inducing, I have a much easier time on my left side.

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I seem to experience two different types of tingles. One type, the more common (and more likely to go away and rob me of a sneeze) is felt at more of a pinpoint location, and tends to occur on the right side slightly more often. I feel this at the upper bridge of my nose. The other type is a more generalized tingle that takes up the whole area, and this kind is more difficult to prevent.

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When I induce, I find I must use BOTH sides to get sneezes a lot of the time these days. But the right side is the easier-to-induce one if I am restricted to only one side.

In terms of when I feel a sneeze coming on, WHERE do I feel it? It depends on the cause...

- Sometimes when doing my makeup I get a teeny hair in my eyelash that tickles my eye, and this causes a very strong stinging / sneezy sensation in the corresponding nostril. Usually quite lowish down in the nostril...mid to low part of inner nose.

- If I wake up and am simply very sniffly, snotty and sneezy for no real reason I can identify, I will get an almost constant tickle somewhere mid to high up in the nose...usually on the right side. Very strong and tingly sneeze urges that result in multiple sneezes very regularly and frequent thick nose blowing.

- Sometimes I get a very deep-oriented sneeze that seems to emenate from the roof of my mouth and waaaaay back deep inside my upper nose...way back in the sinus area I think. This sneeze type will produce either one very satisfying and non-sniffle-producing sneeze, or one sneeze will come and then I will assume that is the end, but soon the spreading itch in the roof of my mouth and deep inside my sinuses will bloom again, and another similar sneeze will occur. Never more than 2 though in this intance.

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I notice for me that usually the tip of my left nostril will start tickling first, then the tip of my right nostril, and then both tickle, and then I sneeze.

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It usually starts out at the fleshy tip or bridge of the nose, then spreads out over my whole face until I sneeze.

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It usually starts out at the fleshy tip or bridge of the nose, then spreads out over my whole face until I sneeze.

That's interesting! I've never felt it anywhere other than deep in my nose before. I wonder if people who feel it all over their face have more dramatic sneeze expressions?

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That's interesting! I've never felt it anywhere other than deep in my nose before. I wonder if people who feel it all over their face have more dramatic sneeze expressions?

could be... I can't say for certain since I've never really observed myself, but it tends to be a whole-body kind of affair.

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i always feel it in the back of my nose, then a little more on the sides right before i sneeze....ive never felt anything towards the front of my nose before...unless something like smoke or anthing like that gets in and makes it burn...then it just sucks lol

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Never really thought about it before, but now I do it is right in the centre of my nose, somewhere below the level of my eyes and above the level of my nostrils... and sort of quite deep inside my head as well. Jeez, didn't realise just how difficult that would be to explain! :D

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With natural sneezes, it usually starts on the right side of my nose, depending on how it feels. Sometimes it starts as a sort of burning closer to between my eyes and then either fizzles out or becomes more of a tickle as it moves down my nose so I sneeze. I think it depends what the cause of the sneeze is. Once in a while I'll pinch some part of my face, between my eyebrows or something, and it turns into a sneeze. Other times, I just feel it building more toward the front of my nose, or around the bridge of it.

When I induce, my left nostril is almost never cooperative. Sometimes the right doesn't work either, but most of the time it does, after a while. I don't think my nose is especially sensitive. XD

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great question wishing! If im sneezing from a cold or just randomly sneezing for no apparent reason, then I only get a light feathery type tickle at the tip of my nose. With this type of sneeze, I usually only have 2 or 3 sneezes and I'm done.

However, if its spring and the pollen is HIGH (like it has been today :) ) my nose starts with more of an itch toward the center, gradually building to a down right BURN...this is when I know I'm in for a long allergic sneezing fit of anywhere from 10 to 20 sneezes (sometimes as much as a fit of 40-50 if I forgot my allergy meds). So anyways, when i feel the BURN hit, I'm either trying to walk away and get by myself or reaching for my tissues :)

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Usually tickles first appear in my left nostril either mid way up or quite high up and then spread to encompass both nostrils. It's not always the same, but it's almost always one nostril at first, rather than both.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Usually when I feel a sneeze coming on the sensation is predominantly right in the middle of the bridge of my nose where my glasses sit, probably favouring the left just slightly. When it comes to inducing though, I find it really difficult to induce with my right nostril, the left is much easier.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been paying attention to this lately. Usually it's on one side of the nostril either left or right. The next time it might be the opposite. If the sneeze doesn't come, then I get a burning sensation on the one side, which is annoying.

I don't get sneezy colds so I can't say anything about those.

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When it's just a random out of nowhere sneeze then I can't really say that I actually feel a tickle it just sort of happens. But when it's from allergies or a cold it's this tickle deep in my right nostril next to the cartilage.

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