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Sneeze Fetish Forum

And another long time lurker


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Hi guys :)

So i have been lurking on the forums for years thinking about joining and then suddenly realised that as i'd joined the Facebook group and chatted to some great people there i thought to myself why on earth have i still not joined the forumdoh.gif

Looking forward to meeting more people :)


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Hi there and welcome ^.^ Glad you decided to join the forums, we could use more m/m pref fetishists on here...was getting lonely D:

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Thanks guys :) am really glad to finally be a member

and DragonDust more then happy to boost up the m/m pref fetishists on here :D

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Also, I added you on skype. I also feel like I was born with it and I think it would be very interesting to talk to you about it :)

Edited by retrofan191
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