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The Alphabet Game


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I used to play this on the bus during field trips with friends all the time in elementary school, I don't know if anyone else did, too. :P Anyways, I'll start!

A, my name is Anna, my husband's (or wife's) name is Andy

We live in Alabama with our pet Alligator

and we sell Applesauce

Next is B - I'm assuming you get the idea, especially if you've played this before. We can start over after we get through the alphabet too. Alright, go go go!

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Such a good way to waste time in airports. :D Especially if you try for a fandom-specific version.

B my name is Briana, my husband's name is Bertie,

we live in Buffalo with our pet barnacles,

and we sell brandy.

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Oooh! Sounds like fun!

C, My name is Charlotte, my husband's name is Caleb

We live in Chicago with our pet crab

and we sell chocolate

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My name is Dana, my husband is Dan,

We live in Djibouti with our pet Dingo

And we sell Dangerous Goods.

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E, My name is Emma, my husband's name is Eric

We live in Exeter with our pet Elephant

And we sell Erasable Pens

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F, My name is Frida, my husband's name is Frode.

We live in Flåm with our pet flea.

And we sell foghorns.

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G, my name is Gracie (Which is true, as it happens!), my husband's name is Guthrie,

I live in Goa with my pet goats,

and we sell grains.

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H, my name is Heather and my husband's name is Hunter.

We live in Halifax with out pet hamster,

And we sell heaters.

That one was almost too easy.

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I, my name is Indigo and my husband's name is Isaac

We live in Ice Cavern with our pet ibis,

And we sell Ice cream trucks

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J, My name is Jan and my husband's name is Jamie

We live in Jamaica with our pet Jelly fish

And we sell Jeeps

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Would anybody mind if I did another "J"?

No? ok, here goes.....

J, my name is Joal and my wife's name is Joalene

We live in Jeorgia (*clears throat*) with our pet Jerbil (*coughs*)

And we sell Jeraniums (*coughs again*)

Sorry, normal service will be resumed below.......

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My name is Klara and my husband's name is Klaas.

We live in Kentucky with our pet krokodil (shut up, that's how WE spell it)

and we sell ketamine. :o

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L, my name is Liara, my wife's name is Leyla,

we live in Limerick with our pet lions,

and we sell licorice.


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M, my name is Mary and my husband's name is Mark.

We live in Moroco with our pet mice,

And we sell money!

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M, my name is Mary and my husband's name is Mark.

We live in Moroco with our pet mice,

And we sell money!

I totally thought it said "my husband's name is Marik", oh Yugioh.. :P

N, my name is Natalie and my husband's name is Nathan

We live in Nova Scotia with our pet narwhal

and we sell notebooks

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O, my name is Olivia and my husband's name is Oliver.

We live in Oceania with our pet ocelot,

and we sell oranges.

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My name is Petra and my husband's name is Padraic.

We live in Portugal with our pet panda,

and we sell pepper plants.

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My name is Quickhelm and my wife's name is Quintiliana.

We live in Quercy with our pet quagga.

And we sell Quetzalcoatl cult ritual objects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL "Quetzalcoatl cult ritual objects", I like it.

R, my name is Rachel and my husband's name is Richard

We live in Rhode Island with our pet raccoon,

and we sell rubber ducks

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My name is Sasha and my husband's name is Samuel,

We live in the Switzerland with our pet snails and Sheltie,

and we sell Slip-n-Slides

Edited by Dusty15
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  • 3 weeks later...


My name is Tina and my husband's name is Tim,

we live in Thailand with our pet t- rex

and we sell tissues.

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My name is Ursula and my husband's name is Uriel.

We live in Urk with our pet Ultrasaurus

and we sell U-boat umbrellas.

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My name is Vincent and my wife's name is Veronica

And we live in Venice with our pet Velociraptor

and we sell V-Neck Sweaters (and the occasional Violin)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My name is Wendy and my husband's name is Wilfred

We live in Wonderland with our pet Wombat

and we sell Wishes. (Not very cheap, mind you)

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My name is Xena and my husband's name is Xavier.

We live in Xenia, IL with our pet Xoloitzcuintli.

And we sell Xanthan gum.

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