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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sherlock BBC finds


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Don't know if these were written by fetishists--I would suspect the last two are--but either way they are wonderful:

Sherlock having a sneezing fit for some unknown reason: http://sherlockbbc-f...51852#t11151852

Sherlock with hayfever, Mycroft and John blessing him: http://sherlockbbc-f...52012#t10252012

Sherlock with a bad cold and complaining a lot but then snuggling: http://sherlockbbc-f...17214#t25617214

There's a whole thread with hurt/comfort type fics, most not sneezy but there a few: http://www.delicious...rt/sick?&page=1

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Sherlock with a bad cold and complaining a lot but then snuggling: http://sherlockbbc-f...17214#t25617214

Just... AWWWWWWWW x 912837453. :cryhappy: Hadn't read that one before. Thank you lots for the link! The description of the first sneeze just about killed me.

So much Sherlock goodness on these boards as of late. It makes me a very happy fangirl. :wub:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just out of interest - has anyone ever stumbled across any Mycroft sneezefics? I've found a couple of ones where he's got a cold or some such, but I'm a complete Mycroft junkie and keep craving more...

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  • 1 month later...

I never read fanfiction. Unless it's fetish fanfiction posted on here, with characters that I'm particulary horny for fond of, and even then it's pretty rare. And then Sherlock happened, and suddenly I find myself reading non-fetish fanfic from time to time. Clearly, the world has turned on its head.

Anyway, I found a teensy bit of cold-ridden Sherlock in the fic I'm currently reading, and remembered there being a thread like this, so, here it is (with spoilers for season 2) -

Chapter 5 of The Quiet Man: http://archiveofourown.org/works/322978/chapters/529692

There's no sneezing; just a little sniffly, fevery grumpiness that warms me to my core.

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“I took my temperature already,” you say, sounding whiny and tired. “As I said: I have a fever. Do keep up, John.”

I love this :laugh:

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  • 1 year later...

*Breathes life back into the thread*

I've stumbled across a few good ones, so I figured I'd share three of my favorites:

In which John has a cold and Sherlock is protective.

The first time John witnesses Sherlock sneeze.

No sneezing in this one, but it's well-written and involves Mycroft taking care of his miserable, sick younger brother. (I feel like this one's been shared on here before...)

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Ah. If we're doing this again (and keep in mind that I ship Johnlock like whoa):

The case of the uncommon cold has John with the flu - light on sneezing, but in character and very cute.

There's a lovely chapter of Earlgreytea's high school AU Saving Sherlock Holmes where Sherlock gets a cold. There are a few chapters afterward running around London for a case, and then it comes back worse in chapters 34 and 35 if you want to keep reading.

The Temper Between has John and Sherlock both with a terrible fever, and also negotiating their feelings for each other.

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I have a very good rec, that I presume was written by a fetishist, but it's NC-17. PM me for the link.

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I have a very good rec, that I presume was written by a fetishist, but it's NC-17. PM me for the link.

I think I know the exact one you're talking about. :laugh:

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I have a very good rec, that I presume was written by a fetishist, but it's NC-17. PM me for the link.

I think I know the exact one you're talking about. :laugh:

If it involves the phrase "Victorian cold", it's the same one. If not, you send me yours and I'll send you mine! :D

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If it involves the phrase "Victorian cold", it's the same one. If not, you send me yours and I'll send you mine! biggrin.png

That's definitely the one. ;)

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If it involves the phrase "Victorian cold", it's the same one. If not, you send me yours and I'll send you mine! biggrin.png

That's definitely the one. ;)


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  • 5 months later...

It has been a while and i donno if anyone is still interested but i just finished reading one of the best sickfics ever! it´s about sherlock being sick and not taking care of himself and mycroft sending him and john to the countryside to relax a bit. There is no sneezing but it´s very well written and catchy! At least i loved it blushsmiley.gif


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I certainly still am, sally! Thank you for the rec!

You´re very welcome! I wasn´t sure if i should share it on here because there is no sneezeing and stuff but i just love it so much i couldn´t resist ;)

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