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Bad Cold (F)


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I have a bad cold. I keep sneezing, and a few times I've almost screamed because I've sneezed so hard. Some of my sneezes have been so strong they hurt. *achoo!* excuse me. that one was soft and felt good.

I'm tired of sneezing, but I still have a sensation in my nose that I need to sneeze again. I managed to get through class without sneezing, which is good because my sneezes have been strong, wet, and loud. I hate sneezing in front of people, but I haven't been able to avoid it much lately. I feel like my roommate is constantly blessing me. My nose is stuffy and is teasing me like crazy. I...ha....have....to ssnneeze...but I can't The congestion is almost unbearable and I feel like a sneeze would allow me to blow my nose. I've tried inducing my tickly nose, but it hasn't helped. I should be writing a paper, but all I can think about is being curled up in bed with a soft tissue with lotion for me sore, red nose.

I feel one coming. My breath is ragged. My nostrils are flaring like crazy. I've got to sneeze so badly! uh....huuu....ah....uhhh....aaaa....aaaAAAAA.....ahhhhh....AHH-CHOOOOO!!!!! Excuse me, that one hurt. I was able to catch it in a tissue. It gave me some relief, but I still feel sneezy. I've blown my nose some when I have desperately needed to sneeze, but couldn't get a sneeze out. My attempts have been futile. I haven't had a sneezing fit yet, but I'm hoping to so that I can finally get some relief from this nasty cold.

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I'm sorry you have that cold, it sounds pretty bad... But pretty sneezy! :drool: The way you wrote that obs, particularly those two vastly different sneezes you had in the middle of writing, was so, so hot. Thank you for sharing, and bless you, bless you, bless you! Feel better soon honey :)

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I feel one coming. My breath is ragged. My nostrils are flaring like crazy. I've got to sneeze so badly! uh....huuu....ah....uhhh....aaaa....aaaAAAAA.....ahhhhh....AHH-CHOOOOO!!!!! Excuse me, that one hurt. I was able to catch it in a tissue. It gave me some relief, but I still feel sneezy. I've blown my nose some when I have desperately needed to sneeze, but couldn't get a sneeze out.


Oh my god this is a great obs. Bless, and thanks for posting!

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I love this posting...I also agree...your description of your two sneezes during this post was ultra HOT!!! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, but hope you'll continue to keep us updated on your cold and share some more sneezes with us while you're writing...just incredible. Bless you, and hope to say bless you again (and again...and again...and, well you get the idea!). Thanks.

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