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Remembering sneezie teachers (M)


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Well things have been pretty dry lately on the sneeze front where i am so I felt like doing some nostalgic obs. I never had sneezie teachers in high school ,which was dissapointing, but middle and elementary school were a different story.

The first sneezie teacher im going to recall is my 8th grade teacher. I wrote nose blowing obs about him in the related fetish section. He is thin with black hair and a straight slightly bulbous tipped nose. I remember him being very feminine even though he was married to a woman (who was argluably pretty manly).He had allergies that were mild but very persistent and because of this he carried a hanky in his pocket. The worst sneezing fit i remember him having was when we took a class trip to washington. A charter buss took us there and back and on the way back he had an early morning allergy attack on the bus. He sat behind me but i could hear him HIH-EEECKH!!!......HIH-RRRUUSHH!!!... HIH-RUUUCHHHH!!! He sneezed into his hanky like this atleast 10 times and when we stopped at some park place to take a bathroom break he sneezed while we were in the bathroom. I could tell that it was those early morning type allergies and as he was sniffling i could hear that "just woke up" congestion.

My sixth grade teacher was perhaps the sneeziest. His allergies were a 24/7 type thing and they were rather severe at times. One day during english, he was congested beyond measure, so much so that i thought his nose might start vissibly running down his face. He usually used paper towles to blow his nose as tissues were to thin for his nose load. That day he blew his nose ALOT and instead of the usual honk there was a loud gurgling bubble due to his immense congestion. He made some statements about his nose being a garden hose and said that someone must have had cat hair on them. He did not sneeze much that day but a little later in the year he had a major sneeze attack while we were doing research on the school laptops. HAAAAH-RRRRSHHH!!!! HAAAAH-RRRRRSH!!! HAAAH-RRRRRSH!!!! He had an attack of about 7 blowing his nose a little after each. It got so bad he had to call the school nurse in the office to ask if they had any antihistamines because he could not stop sneezing. it's a shame he didn't go to washington with us because he definitely would have been sneezing on that bus.

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Thanks for the obs. These things do stick in your mind, don't they? I can remember waiting for teachers to sneeze... and they almost never did! You were lucky to have two with allergies.

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That first situation sounds spectaaaaacular. None of my male teachers ever sneezed. I do remember in second grade though my female teacher would sneeze every once in a while. It was always funny because her sneezes were always a small, squeaky, Ahh-chiewee!. Kids in the class started saying "Bless you-ee!"

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  • 5 months later...

Right now i have an insanley handsome Math teacher who's currently sick now and is very photic and discusses near the sunny window :D

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Oh man, those teacher obs. were just incredible! Especially the second one... :dribble: I remember a particularly sneezy teacher I knew very well in High School. He was an English teacher but he also helped maintain our school's website. He was older but not bad looking for someone his age. I had him for homeroom in the mornings during my senior year. It was always a hilarious spectacle whenever he sneezed because he always sneezed in fits of at least 3 or more, never ever just once. And they were always very deep and forceful sounding, the perfect male sneeze. Thanks for bringing back memories of some great obs!

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