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Jumping on the Roleplaying Bandwagon


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Hello, hello. I feel sort of bad for posting another roleplaying thread when Ruskie posted one not too long ago, but so many replied to that one that I didn't think Ruskie would have time for another RP buddy. That being said, I'd love to have some RP buddies myself, since I have a lot of free time until the end of June. I'd really like the roleplay to take place over email, but if that isn't an option, here would be fine, too. I've got AIM, so we can discuss particulars over it and get to know one another there.

Just a few things about my RP style. I like to write with detail and depth, so I tend to have each of my parts be at least 500 words. I'd like a similar degree of detail/depth in your writing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to be counting words like a crazy person... I just like to have something more substantial to read. To me, roleplaying is like writing a story except with two people. biggrin.png

Other things:

- I am a girl, but I can play guys or girls. I would like to be able to play a girl in at least one roleplay, but I enjoy playing either gender.

- I'm fine with profanity and sexual descriptions as long as it doesn't start to feel like porn.

- I don't roleplay teenagers. I prefer young adults to adults.

- I do roleplay some fandoms. I'll list them.

- I do want to sort of be friends with my roleplay buddies (which is where AIM comes in).

I think that's it. Now for fandoms I do:

- Criminal Minds

- House

- Grey's Anatomy

- Private Practice

- New Girl

- Bones

- Desperate Housewives


- Gilmore Girls (old school! woot!)

I can't think of anymore off the top of my head, but I do original stuff, too. It usually is expressed as a pairing, although that does not mean instant romance (i.e. teacher x parent of a student).

Hopefully some of you will want to roleplay with me. I've written a handful of stories on here, so you can look at them to get a sense for my writing style if you'd like. Hope to hear from you guys soon!

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