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Sneeze Fetish Forum

any good Doctor who/torchwood sickfics (m)?

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im looking for some good sickfics involving captain jack, 11, 9, and ten if its not with rose (i have nothing against rose, ive just seen way too many with her in it) and preferably involving colds

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I personally adore Rose, but I've definitely made my way through some other whoverse stuff. Hopefully you don't mind slash?

I did a list not that long ago of my absolute favorites, just skip the couple of Ten recs (http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=45569)

Tarotgal (http://tgsrealm.beastlet.com/fan17.html) has a ton of Jack/Ianto, and I think she might be a member here?

Obviously some great ones on the forum, my favorite being An Entirely Unprecedented Event (http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=38505&hl=)

Also, Sahiya (http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=7920) does almost exclusively H/C, but her kink tends to be fever, so I'm not sure she has much with sneezing, sadly.

Hope that helps! And welcome smile1.gif

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Also, Sahiya (http://www.whofic.co...er.php?uid=7920) does almost exclusively H/C, but her kink tends to be fever, so I'm not sure she has much with sneezing, sadly.

Ahaa! I'd forgotten about those. Fever is my kink too, so I LOVE them, and she writes sick! Rory, which is my all-time favourite thing.

Thanks for the reminder :)

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