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Do you find it cute when people say they're sorry after sneezing? or just generally seem slightly embarrassed?


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Depends... If I think there's no reason to apologise it's definitely not cute. That's... Well, if the person is somewhat close to me (or I know I am their friend or something) I generally get slightly irritated more likely. LoL

At least if they apologise more often than simply after one sneeze.

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Sometimes - usually with guys. It may just be me, but I don't see guys apologize and get embarrassed after they sneeze very often. But yeah, it's cute. XD

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I do find this extremely cute! Especially with some embarassment, perhaps lauging afterwards. Good random thought provoking question!!

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Hah, it depends. I do like when people have a fit, and then firmly decare: "Alright, I'm done" or "That's enough", like they're cutting themselves off from sneezing. :laugh: Especially when they sneeze again and get upset about it!

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*nods* or "Excuse me" *grins* or... say after a particularly harsh sneeze, or say a fit... if there is an Little "ugh" or "oh god" then Mmmmm.... (just sort of an under the breath type of thing).


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oh yes definitely...especially if its after them having a bad fit, and make a mess of themselves because of it...mmm so sweet. it makes it even better if its someone who cant stand to be weak, that makes it even better

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my boyfriend tends to whisper 'sorry' in my ear after he's done sneezing when we're in public or around family cos he knows about the fetish.

So cute!

I think an embarassed little "sorry" is pretty cute... I like "excuse me" a lot better, though.

I guess it depends on the situation. Say if I was cuddling with a boy and he sneezed, a "sorry" would be fairly adorable, or if the sneeze cut them off.

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I think it's ADORABLE, however, I hate it when my best friend does it, because she then glances at me all shifty-eyed, like she thinks I'm furious, and I really have no clue what to say to her. But, with other people, it's really sweet. Honestly, I just like any extra acknowledgement from the sneezer, that they know what they've done, lol. Like it's one thing for them to do it, but the saying sorry shows that it's registered with them, strange as that sounds.

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It definitely depends on the person and situation for me. I don't generally like when people make too big of a fuss about their sneezing or call too much attention to it. But there are definitely situations where I go completely weak in the knees for an after sneeze apology.

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Definitely! Especially when girls are embarrassed about how loud or uncontrollable their sneezes are, think they have finished sneezing and then another one creeps up on them :D Apologising after sneezing is also pretty cute, especially if the apology does not seem to do justice to the size of the fit... ;)

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In my view, the complete sneeze experience should include the announcement before and the apology afterwards, both in different sneeze-affected voices. However, as I apparently view these matters completely differently from anyone else, I don't like it when people are embarrassed by their sneezes,because I feel they should enjoy them. The apology therefore should be purely conventional and accompanied by a smile of satisfaction [and possibly also by a good sniff, watering eyes and other signs of enjoyment].

In fact when a friend of mine recently started apologising at length as if she genuinely regretted sneezing, it almost spoilt the whole sneeze.

Now, should the apology come before the blessing or after it? I rather feel that it should actually follow the "Thank you", leaving the blesser to add a "That's all right" or something. Any thoughts?

Actually, I find it sexually attractive, not childishly precocious, so I understand that means that the word " cute" doesn't apply, except possibly in the UK.

Edited by count de tisza
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Yes, usually I do. Don't know if that's really fair to them but I do xD;

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I prefer the pre-sneeze chaos, like "oh god... I... I gotta ah heh sn... Sneeze!" kind of thing :D the post-apocalyptic "sorry" does nothing for me :D

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I find it REALLY cute when guys do that!! Well, that and a quiet, "excuse me". It's so polite and cute~ <333

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I prefer the pre-sneeze chaos, like "oh god... I... I gotta ah heh sn... Sneeze!" kind of thing :D the post-apocalyptic "sorry" does nothing for me :D

This is just damn funny. :) Listening to wavs has got me enjoying all the apologies. That sense of embarrassment or that they're letting someone down by their weakness.

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I very much enjoy hearing an "Excuse me" after a sneeze, especially if the person sounds slightly embarrassed. It's polite and utterly adorable.

Edited by VoOs
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I prefer the pre-sneeze chaos, like "oh god... I... I gotta ah heh sn... Sneeze!" kind of thing biggrin.png the post-apocalyptic "sorry" does nothing for me biggrin.png

This is just damn funny. smile.png Listening to wavs has got me enjoying all the apologies. That sense of embarrassment or that they're letting someone down by their weakness.

:lol: at Ttg! But yeah, I generally prefer the pre-sneeze chaos too, but I love the embarrassment factor and weakness thing, so I guess I like that post-apocalyptic excuses too. Then again, if it's just a pause between one fit and the next, it's way way better...!! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually quite like it!!

I don't like it if they're TOO embarrassed though, because I like a guy who isn't embarrassed of sneezing and who doesn't even think on it. I like the fact that a sneeze is just a normal, common thing to a non-fetishist.

But yeah, I do quite enjoy a cute little apology after. Particularly if there's a good reason for it. Eg, they've accidentally sneezed on you, or very close to you. Or it's a quite place or a place where they shouldn't be sneezing.

But like most of you, I enjoy "excuse me" much better. So cute and polite!

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  • 1 month later...

I very much enjoy hearing an "Excuse me" after a sneeze, especially if the person sound slightly embarrassed. It's polite and utterly adorable.

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Knew a guy once who would turn his face to the floor, sneeze, then say "excuse me" to the floor.tongue.png

Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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I think it's cute. I like the subtle talking surrounding sneezes like pre- and post-sneeze grunts and grumbles. I also like it when someone's having a really bad fit and is expressing annoyance and swearing under their breath during it.

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