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The Avengers


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Guys. Guys. This movie was EPIC. I have some serious Avengers "feels", and I'd love to properly express said "feels" with others. w00t.gif

I suppose I'll start with three things:

1) I have a newfound love for the HULK. I've always been a huge Hulk fangirl (might be my crush on Bruce Banner), but he was a serious BAMF in this movie. Turning Loki into his personal throw toy? YESSSSS.

2) Ladies and gentlemen, TONY STARK. His banter with Steve had me cracking up. lmfao.gif

3) AGENT COULSON. Man, in spite of what happened (which I truly believe DIDN'T happen) I really love this little guy. Especially his fanboying of Captain America.

So, what about you all? I can't be the only one that foamed at the mouth in my seat. laughing.gif

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2) Ladies and gentlemen, TONY STARK. His banter with Steve had me cracking up.

Downey Jr as Stark was my only reason to watch Avengers, and he did not disappoint my ovaries. :whistle:

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Well, I haven't seen the movie yet, since my dad is taking me to see it tomorrow (he's a major Marvel fan, as well as my little sister). It seems like a cool movie, I can't wait to see it :D

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I'll try to avoid spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet...

There was a time when I thought this movie was going to be too big for itself. Too many characters and too much going on to fit into a single movie of any reasonable length.

Boy was I wrong. This movie is still about two and a half hours long, but there's not a hair out of place. Once I found out Joss Whedon was directing it, most of my fears were gone. He's one of the few directors out there who I can expect to have everything running as close to perfect as humanly possible. And he did not disappoint.

I thought all of the characters were great, but I just want to call attention to a few standouts.

Loki: I really didn't like him in Thor. He was supposed to be the trickster god, but he came across like a whiny little emo kid. In The Avengers, problem solved! Instead of pouting and looking generally upset when things didn't go his way, he would do the creepy little Kubrick stare and laugh. Because he's actually the trickster god now; everything goes his way. Overall I found it to be a much better portrayal of the character, and a lot more entertaining to watch.

Bruce Banner/The Hulk: For a while I was iffy about Edward Norton not playing him anymore. Not because I thought no one else would do a good job, but because I just feel weird when the same character in the same continuity is played by a different actor. However, Mark Ruffalo did such a good job with it that I can't see anyone else in the role now. Iron Man has been my favorite superhero since the first movie came out in 2008, but The Hulk is most definitely a close second now.

And finally, Agent Coulson. Sometimes I can just tell when actors are upset and bored because they're only playing a minor role. In my humble opinion, Clark Gregg deserves some kind of award for turning Coulson into the minor role to rule all other minor roles. Granted he was much more important in The Avengers than he was in the other Marvel movies, but he still wasn't quite one of the major players. Despite that, he became one of the most interesting and coolest characters in the movie. Joss is probably lying, but I hope we get to see him again.

Overall, I'm very impressed that they managed to cram so much into one single movie and still do it all so well. There was no "TO BE CONTINUED" stuck in the middle of the story. Everyone got character development, everyone got action. Everyone got exactly what they needed. This is definitely going in my top ten.

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Joss is probably lying, but I hope we get to see him again.

As Vision, I hope. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc etc.

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Downey Jr as Stark was my only reason to watch Avengers, and he did not disappoint my ovaries. whistling.gif



Oh, and Thor~.. Him too <3

I was impressed with how well the plot turned out! I mean, the alien card is overdone and sometimes ridiculous, but the banter between the characters made it all worthwhile. Plus, Stark's sacrifice at the end was to die for w00t.gif xD

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Joss is probably lying, but I hope we get to see him again.

As Vision, I hope. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc etc.

That...hm. Hm.

This movie was superb. Banner and Stark were mos def adorbs together. And Downey Jr. was in top form as always. I had a lot of the same worries as Blah going in but I was totally blown away. My personal favorite things were just how comic-y the movie managed to be, particularly with how it assigned serious importance to facial expressions. There was a whole lot in that movie that was communicated non-verbally. For example, Black Widow is a super spy and so she can turn her emotions around like a switch, but you can tell that she is genuinely afraid of Hulk during all her interactions with Banner. Not fake scared like she is with Loki or the Russians at the beginning, but legit scared. There was stuff like that all over, and it really added to the tension when you could see a character's thoughts right on their face, instead of hearing them declare things. Which is how it is in the (good) comics.


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I'll have to come back later with a better-written comment, since I am really tired right now, but I agree with what has been said: Like Blah-San, I was expecting a movie that didn't work out because of the large cast, etc., but I was very pleasantly surprised. One of my favorite things about the film was that everyone was developed and got to have their moment, even relatively 'minor' characters like Coulson (<3).

And now I have so many Loki feels. I would like to argue against the idea that he's effective as a trickster god in this film, though. To me, he came across as decidedly childish: trying things because he could, delighted/disappointed when they succeeded or failed, stubbornly hung up about his brother, and very lost.

But I don't have the energy to analyze now, and that might require a separate fangirl thread for Loki, anyway. XD

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Downey Jr as Stark was my only reason to watch Avengers, and he did not disappoint my ovaries. whistling.gif



Oh, and Thor~.. Him too <3

Oh, true. I have to admit I have a weak spot for Thor too. :wub:

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I finally got to see it mf_laughbounce2.gif and let me just say - this movie is MADE of WIN. XDDDD Seriously, it's one of (if not THE) best superhero films I've ever seen :3 And I love ALL of the characters, really.... I don't think I could pick my favorites (though I will always wub.png Loki happy.png and I am quite fond of Captain America smile.png ). But they're all amazing. I do believe I shall have to go watch the Iron Man movies now... XDD

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I have seen this movie twice and have concluded that Tom Hiddleston is my favorite actor ever and I'd choose Loki any day. Why? I don't know. I just really like his character. Of course, if I tell people at school or my family this, I risk being killed. I put all of my love for Loki into my story instead. Joss did an amazing job with this movie. I had doubts too, but it was perfect!

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I just saw it last night and I have no words at the moment except OH MY GOSH YES.

It was amazing. Absolutely amazing.

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I went to see this with a friend to cheer her up, I've seen Captain America and Iron Man but I only saw half of Iron Man and I fell asleep during CA. xD; I fall asleep during movies a lot, and since I had a flight at 6am that morning after staying up all night I fell asleep three times during the beginning of this movie. However, by the end I was way too excited to sleep. It was great! I loved how all the characters interacted, I especially loved the moments with the Hulk. Even if you aren't a superhero fan you will love it, definitely recommend it

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw this the other day - amazing! :D I've always been a little so-so about the Marvel movies that set this up. Iron Man was pretty good but Captain America and Thor were pretty average in my book... However, put them altogether and it just worked as a film, with a great sense of humour. And just how cool was THAT shot towards the end where we get to see them all kicking ass in their own ways without cutting away?!?

Oh, and representing for the boys (and some girls;)) amongst all this lust for Thor and Tony Stark, all I can say is that Black Widow definitely impresses - in every department... drool.gif

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