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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I thought this was cute

Pinky's Pal

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I thought this was adorable so I thought I would share with everyone.

Today, I went out to dinner with my family to Chili's. While we were ordering our food, I heard this loud, male sneeze in front of me. I look up and this man, with dark brown hair and a twitching nose, was sniffling and wiping his nose. At first, I thought he was sick because of how red his nose was, but I didnt hear him cough. Also with the winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour here and the pollen count really high, it had to be allergies. Poor guy.

Anyway, little while later while enjoying my meal, I heard another loud sneeze. Muffled though. Again I looked up and I saw and heard his child in his lap say "bless you daddy" then say "I will blow your nose for you daddy" and his son held the napkin up to his nose. Very adorable. About 10 minutes later, I excuse myself to use the restroom. I could hear him sniffling the whole time walking to the women's bathroom. As I walked out, I saw him sneeze. Again muffled into the napkin. By this point his nose was incredibly red and irritated. I sat down at our table and I heard his daughter and son both say "bless you daddy!" His little girl giggled and crawled under the table. She was so cute. Hearing him sneeze and his kids blessing him and giving him napkins, was so adorable. Espically when his daughter would giggle at his sneezes and would say 'bless you' in a cute small voice.

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