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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My 1st ever Self Obs (Male, allergies)


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Ok so I've been on this forum for many years, but I mainly lurk and don't have the time to post much. I love this forum as a nice escape from real life, and you all do a great job in this obs section. Anyways, this fit happened to me last week at church and I just now got a chance to write about it. I've debated back and forth about whether or not to post, as this was an embarrasing experience for me :(

I have awful spring allergies, and when the pollen count is high (like it is in the South this time of year) I'll have days where I sneeze 50-100 times (even when I remember to take my allegra). Last Sunday morning I woke up with the familiar morning tickle in my nose and promptly launched into a volley of 7 quick stifled sneezes (trying not to wake my lovely little wifey). My nose continued to itch and burn (even worse now since stifling my sneezes never gives me any relief) so I decided to get on out of bed.

I started breakfast and a pot of coffee and then made the HUGE mistake of going outside to feed our 2 dogs. I had been outside less than a couple of minutes when the extreme pollen penetrated my sinuses. These were loud, forceful allergic type sneezes sounding something like HAAAAATCHIIIII AHHHCHIIIOOO AHHHCHOOOOO! After a fast and hard fit of around 15 sneezes I stumbled back into the house my eyes watering like crazy. Another fit was rapidly approaching and I could feel my breath already starting to hitch (I was still trying to be quiet, as my wife was still sleeping). I quickly grabbed a couple tissues from our box on the kitchen countertop and sneezed into them with a muffling type sound. After my first 5 sneezes (of this fit) I could feel the tissues were already soaked so I quickly grabbed for more. Unfortunately there was only one damn tissue left in the box so I cursed (in between yet more sneezes), thinking this was not a good day to run out of kleenex :( I sneezed a few more times, and the last tissue had about had it. I threw it in the trash and quickly went to the medicine cabinet for some allegra (at this point I was already miserable and ready to snort the damn pill if it would provide faster relief).

I sat at the kitchen table and ate breakfast and drank some coffee and had a few more random sporadic sneezes. These were louder than the others since I had no tissues and eventually my wife woke up. She grinned at me, and then walked over and kissed my nose saying "BLESS YOU BABY"! "It sounds like your poor nose is having a terrible time already this morning". I kissed her back, and said I'd be ok and that I'd just taken some allegra. My nose started to feel a little less itchy and my sneezing had decreased from fits of 10-15 down to 2-4 each time so I thought I'd be fine to make it to church service. Boy was I ever wrong!

The service started off fine and i was really enjoying the music and not worrying much about my nose. I HATE sneezing in church, especially if its allergy season because I always sneeze in fits and I feel like I'm disrupting everyone. Anyways the preacher was about to say his opening prayer before his sermon began when out of nowhere a middle aged woman with the STRONGEST perfume ever sat down beside me. (Perfume usually doesnt bother me unless its incredibly strong which this was)

My nose immediately began to burn and itch from the perfume and I knew I was about to start sneezing during the prayer :( I pinched my nose and stifled around 8 sneezes as quiet as possible. Luckily my sister in law had tissues in her purse and she quickly handed me a whole pack. She blessed me, then smiled and whispered "just take the whole pack, I know youre not done sneezing yet." Unfortunately, she was right, as I launched into another volley of 6 sneezes. I stifled the first 2, but then could not hold back anymore and had to sneeze the next 4 full out into a tissue.

By this time I was MEGA-embarrased and my face was probably beet red. I was hoping that would be it, but every 5 or 10 minutes or so I would feel the urge to sneeze again. Thankfully I was able to keep somewhat quiet, thanks to some stifling and the muffling quieter tissue sneezes. However, a man sitting directly behind me in the next pew was getting mildly annoyed. Every time I would sneeze, I could hear him faintly sigh and whisper something to his lady-friend beside him. Apparently, my wife heard him and being the awesome woman she is, turned and whispered "its called ALLERGIES man, have you never heard of it?" I was indeed embarrased, but I couldn't help but smile when she did this. Needless to say, it made me feel loved. I had allergic fits off and on the rest of the day, but thankfully I was at home and could do so at peace with my lovely woman beside me blessing me :)

Hope you all enjoyed this

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I really enjoyed your story, though I'm sorry you certainly can't say the same! What I loved the most was your wife telling that rude man off. And in church no less! That is so sweet of her to stand up for you. I hope your allergies stop giving you so much grief! Thanks for sharing.

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This is like a dream obs! I'm sorry your allergies are so tough, but I really enjoyed reading about them !

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Man, having a sneezing fit in the middle of something like that when people are trying to concentrate, like church, or synagogue if you're Jewish like me, or class, (for example,) sucks. I know this from experience. It's so embarrassing and I always feel like I'm disrupting whatever it is. And people give me nasty looks. And my boyfriend makes awesome snarky comments at them. So basically, everything you just described :D

Sorry your allergies are so infuriatingly determined to make you uncomfortable. I enjoyed it quite a lot, though.

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  • 3 months later...

you can run out of tissues..

if you used a hanky you would start a collection and keep building it, barely ever throwing one away

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Your wife's reaction was so adorable! Bless you lots ... sorry you had to be so embarrassed in church, but it made for a wonderful observation ;)

Edited by Lalena
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  • 2 weeks later...

This was adorable! I loved your wife's reaction. I too had this experience. My ex bf had really bad pollen and spring allergies too and he had started sneezing during school, i think math class to be exact. And every time he sneezed every body whined and sighed so i just finally yelled you guys just shut up! He has allergies if you havnt noticed! So stop being so damn selfish. I got sent to to the principles office after that but i didnt mind!

Hop you have better luck ith your allergies in the future! Thanks for sharing your obs!

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Kudos to your wife and Blessings to you.

My husband has had a similar experience when they were burning incense during the service - it can be rough especially during those long quiet periods.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your wife's reaction was so adorable! Bless you lots ... sorry you had to be so embarrassed in church, but it made for a wonderful observation wink.png

Thanks Lalena, you are one of my fav posters on here and I've enjoyed reading your stuff for years, as well as your lovely wavs.

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You're lucky to have an awesome wife like that. yes.gif Good for her, telling off that jerk. And thanks for sharing those great obs!

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