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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Has anyone ever told anyone?


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So I've been posting and browsing on this forum for (I think) a few months now, and I am really enjoying it. I'm sure everyone who has read my replies/post will know how much I love female honks, and trust me, I have plenty more obs and topics to share ;) The response I've seen has been really good and this community is very friendly and supportive and I just wanted to share my appreciation for that :)

Anyway, I have been thinking about a question I think I should ask after browsing this forum - Has anyone ever thought about and/or has told anyone about their fetish? Whether it be just sneezing, sniffling, nose blowing, or anything. I was in a relationship once with a girl who had some incredible honks from a unique sexy nose, (like I said, more obs to post soon ;) ), and I can remember playing with the idea of telling her about my fetish to see how she responded, however, understandably, I didn't because I was too afraid she might have thought I was a freak or whatever, and I didn't want to lose her over a fetish since I loved her for who she was, not because of her mighty honks. (We broke up anyway btw). I have never told anyone and, as much as I would want to, am not sure if I ever will.

So yeah, has anyone ever thought the same way or told anyone?

Thanks :)

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yes i first told a good friend of mine in italy over skype about my fetish. it was maybe in january this year. her reaction was so positive and she don´t even think that i´m a weirdo. last time she told me she is getting sick and i was like :eek: and i told her now my fetish comes through :blush: i asked her if she is sneezy and she said yes. and to my question if she would record them for me she just laughed and said yes. i´m still waiting for a wav from her, we didn´t had time lately to chat. but she is awesome ;)

maybe 1 month later i told my husband about the fetish. his face impressions were like :huh::blink::dontgetit: and his comment was: well ok i can get along with it but why the hell SNEEZING???? it´s how it is :gah:

i know he hates sneezing but since he knows about my fetish he is often overacting after he sneezed. he starts moaning and sometimes he says: AHHHH i hate sneezing! and i´m just thinking: IDIOT! :laugh:

but all in all i had 2 good reactions. but i think those 2 people will be the only ones who will know about my fetish.

(i hope this post wasn´t too long ^_^)

Edited by Ciuty80
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I've actually told everyone of my last 4 girlfriends, whom have all been very understanding and willing to let me make them sneeze (unfortunately none has had any sneezy allergies =/). I think you can generally feel if it will be accepted, if it is an open minded person that really likes/loves you a lot I think there will most of the time not be a problem. We all think we are freaks but as my current girlfriend told me, it could be so much worse. We could all get off on our girlfriends eating feces or something else that I think most people would be MUCH more freaked out about. This is after all just sneezes and everyone does it whether they want to or not so it's not like it's something unatural.

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I've told a few people, but I wasn't in a relationship with any of them. Every time, we were in the midst of a fetish-related discussions, and it ended up that I just had the opening and didn't feel so awkward about it that I couldn't say anything.

Most recently, I was driving my friend home one night and it ended up that we started talking about related things. I just ended up telling her - the first person I ever told face to face - that I have sneezing fetish. I was kind of nervous that she'd think it was weird or disgusting, but she was more interested than anything and started asking me what it was about sneezing that turned me on. I was kind of glad she was asking, though, because it gave me a sense of what she thought about it and I felt more at ease. Like maybe there were more people I could tell. Not that I'd just rush out and do that. XD

I think I'd be more worried telling a guy I was dating, though. I guess something in my mind says that my friends wouldn't leave me if they knew about this, but somebody who I was in a relationship with might not be okay with it and break up with me because of it. It might be an irrational fear, but it wouldn't be the most surprising thing in the world if it did happen. I just know that when I do end up with someone, I want to be able to tell him about it at some point.

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Hi! Told my partner about six months into our relationship. He was coming down with a cold and i felt left out, of which he was completely unaware (logically). So I told him and he was fine with it and likes to keep me happy as I like to take into account what he likes. We're 18 years together. My fetish/taste has become a very natural part of our lives.

Hope this helps. take care,


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Well, I've told two people about the sneezing fetish- my partner, and a close male friend who has some kinks of his own, who i used to role-play with. No, tell a lie, I told a girlfriend too but it was something of a non-event. I'm sure I've written about these experiences before, elsewhere on the forum, so I'll skip the details.

But my other fetish- the fever fetish? I've told loads of people!

I just find it a lot easier to tell. I think it's easier for people to relate to. Also, I am very picky about the sneezes I enjoy, and I like my indulgence in that one to be strictly on my own terms. I don't want to be teased or indulged with it, as a general rule. Even if I find people hot, and love their sneezes, there's something about being able to just enjoy it without them knowing. However the feverishness fetish I am a lot less picky about. Maybe it's also that I'm into imagining myself as the feverish one. I LOVE having my forehead felt and people can tease me about that as much as they like!

When the talk about kinks come up, if it's someone I feel the information is relevant to, I tend to say "I have two fetishes, one of them is for feverishness. The other one is kind of similar, but it's very personal and private so I don't share it."

I've seen a trend on the forum where people worry they are being somehow deceitful by not telling their partners/ friends/ PARENTS(!!) about the fetish. I don't think this is the case (and again I've written about it before.) Whether and who you tell should depend on what you want to get out of telling them- I only tell people who I feel need or deserve this information about my sexuality. If I tell someone it's because I want them to know me better, so I don't have to hide my damn browser history, can openly squee over things I stumble across, or because I want them to play with me and tease me a bit. It's not like a horrible flaw or an STD that needs to be disclosed.

But yeah, telling Mr. Sal about the fetish = best thing I ever did..

Lol, I wish I could tag people in this like Facebook so I could see what the other forum members who are really into fevers have to say!

Edited by Salamander
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  • 1 month later...

when i was 14 i told one of my best friends.. he never told anyone just made cracks about it, and now he has no friends except me so he cant tell

told my girlfriend last year (thought she might think i was a freak, but she just laughed), she did tell her best friend and put me in a situation where i had to explain my fetish to another one of our friends

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  • 2 months later...

Did tell a G/F once about how much a liked seeing her use a handkerchief after i noticed she always carried one with her, conversation got more deeper as time went by, so she made a point of having a soft cotton hankie in her hand everytime we.....well you get the picture! I absolutley loved it lol.

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Yes. I was able to keep it from anyone for quite a few years for fear it would be deemed crazy. I don't like the looks I get from it still. I think the first person I told was a good friend after she asked me why I write so many sick!fics. After that, it got easier. They tease me all the time for it, trying to fake sneeze (which doesn't turn me on because 1 they're females and 2 fake sneezing is fake) or laughing at me whenever it comes up. I can get over this because I know they really do understand and don't judge me for it - something I really do appreciate. Though they find it strange, they've never made me feel like a freak, which is good.

I also told my sister, but she'd rather not hear about these things. My parents will never know. I have no idea if I plan to share with my future boyfriends or not.

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Two very good friends of mine know, but they're both female and they're the kind of girls who wouldn't judge me because I like sneezing LOL and strangely enough, I let them them both know because they were interested in reading my fanfiction :lol: they didn't make much of a fuss about it, so everything is fine and dandy. I'd have a huge problem with my family finding out though. And I don't know about relationships...I mean, being 16 I haven't been in a real relationship before and I don't have any close guy friends I would tell this to. To be honest, I'm not all that into induced sneezing anyway, so for now I am content with watching guys sneeze, unaware that this crazy sneeze fetisher is staring at them and burning a hole in her brain. I'll think about the sexuality of the fetish at a later date perhaps. I'm sure I'll tell the guy I date if we're close though.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I doubt I will ever tell anybody about it. Even if they were understanding about it, I would think they would make a big deal out of it, like go about pointing out anybody who sneezes or blows. It might be different if it was somebody with the same fetish.

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I doubt I will ever tell anybody about it. Even if they were understanding about it, I would think they would make a big deal out of it, like go about pointing out anybody who sneezes or blows. It might be different if it was somebody with the same fetish.

i have this problem -_- i have 2 friends that share the fetish (awesome right?!), or at least one similar, and they always make sneezes and illnesses a big deal, and even though i dont mind if they know, it still kind of bothers me

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I haven't told anyone. I don't like saying anything cause some people are cruel & don't understand why we have it others are understanding & want to know more about it. I would like to tell people but I don't like being teased, or giving strange looks about it.

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i never planned on telling anyone outside this forum...but....it got out...i dated someone from here for a few months (not gonna say names) and she decided to try to embarrass me after i broke up with her and tell one of my best friends...best friend made a little teasing joke about it all in good fun though...but that was it...i escaped out of that possible nightmare haha!...but yes one other person does know

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I actually like the fact that i have never told anyone. This is despite the fact i could never tell anyone or ever talk about it to anyone lol. I kind of like the fact that it is my private thing that i don't have to share and i can enjoy it in my spare time by visiting here etc and enjoy it in secret when in public.

The stakes are too high in my opinion to start broadcasting it to anyone. If it went wrong it could ruin everything and i just don't think it's necessary. I love having it and i kind of love having it to myself.

Any of you who have told, i think you're extremely brave and it is good to read some positive outcomes that slightly ease all of my worst fears!

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Single women at my age (30's) have seen and done a lot. I'd have no trouble opening up to one of them I was close to. I'm happily married now but I have lots of female friends, many of them single. If I was intimate with them I'd tell

Still, there are a lot of stuffy (not the cold kind, the bad attitude kind) women that I would never get along with, really talk to, or admit my fetish to. You just have to take it on a case-by-case basis. Feel it out. Someone you are truly close with wouldn't have a problem with your fetish.

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I've never told anyone, but I'd like to be more comfortable with who I am to the point where I could and not feel bad if someone found out who's not totally accepting

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somehow people often seem to find out anyway

or just the way i look at people after they sneeze, use a hanky, sniffle, etc. and figure that i like sneezing or whatever xD

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