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Project: REDUB

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Then you've come to the right place.

Myself and randomgirl7 have been talking, and have been a little outraged at the lack of English dub for the Pokémon, "The Ice Cave".

Here is the japanese version of the episode, if you're interested: http://watchpokemone...de-the-ice-cave

The subs for it is hilarious.

Anyway. This is what we're putting forward,

How about we create a dub for it?

So, to do this, we need the help of you guys.

Here's a character list;



Brock (the sneezer~)




Nurse Joy


There weren't many people in this one. Of course, if you guys want, there's the Pokemon to dub, as well. Jynx and other Pokemon which have different names in Japanese, especially.

I'm creating the script, we also need someone to do the video editing, and perhaps if they could find a 'clean' version of the video, without subtitles? That may be a bit of a tedious task.

So, yeah, post a comment if you're interested! We can hold auditions for each person! biggrin.png

Edit: Haha, I forgot about the Narrator.

Edited by Daisoku
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OH MY GOSH I loooove this episode! This is a FANTASTIC idea!!!!!! biggrin.png I'd love to help out however I can :3 I'm a theater buff (...not to mention a major anime fan!! XD) and I've actually wanted to try voice acting at some point smile.png , so I'd definitely be interested in auditioning (as long as I can figure out a convenient and uninterrupted way to record myself...lol)

Also, if this goes through, are you planning to have someone to sort of "direct" the actors? (Not sure how that would work, seeing as everyone would record on their own... but that's usually how it's done with professional dubbing). lol just curious, since the whole dubbing industry is very fascinating to me and I've actually considered trying to break into it before... happy.png

I just did a preliminary search for a raw of the episode - it seems like you can find it on downloading/torrent sites, but I have no idea whether they'd be trustworthy or not <.<

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Also, if this goes through, are you planning to have someone to sort of "direct" the actors? (Not sure how that would work, seeing as everyone would record on their own... but that's usually how it's done with professional dubbing). lol just curious, since the whole dubbing industry is very fascinating to me and I've actually considered trying to break into it before... happy.png

I think if there were to be a problem, then a few notes may be given. Other than that, I suppose it depends on how the actor feels the line should be read.

Taking part in this project myself as well, even I'm not too sure about directing and such.

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I cannot explain to you how MUCH I want to do this :DDDD

Please, please, please~...

And if you go to places like nyaatorrents, I think you can get pretty trustworthy sources, but don't quote me x'D

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Um...as much as I normally dislike the idea of banning things, and as much as I did appreciate Brock's being sick...I don't think that they were wrong in not dubbing this episode. My understanding is that they did so because of Jynx, who has widely been criticized as a racist charicature.

Here an article on that topic: http://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/question/sept09/

Not trying to be a wet blanket or anything, but I'm not sure that a re-dub of this episode is a good idea. D: I'm not trying to say anyone is being racist for having thought of it, just that the reason for banning it was, in my opinion, pretty sound. Some people think that Jynx was modelled after the ganguro fashion style that exists in Japan, but enough people do see Jynx as being a racist carciture that it still has the potential to cause offense. This could be a really cool idea otherwise...maybe think about taking out the parts with Jynx? I don't remember how big of a role Jynx plays, so that might not be possible. But if you do this, just...tread carefully.

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It wasn't just Jynx. Sure, that's something of an issue, but they could just re-color her face and it's not a problem anymore. CW4Kids did the same thing to Mr. Popo for DBZ Kai. The real issue was that the episode's intended airdate coincided with a SARS outbreak.

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I think that sounds super-fun! I enjoyed watching that episode. Definitely keep me posted...

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