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Your Sneezing Patterns


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So today in the bathtub I sneezed. Just once, which isn't unusual. I also sneeze in doubles sometimes, quick ones with hardly any space between, probably just as often as singles.

Since the bathtub is where I usually have my deepest philosophical ponderings, it got me wondering about you guys and your sneezing patterns. Do you stick to one pattern rigidly, or is it something different every time?

I'm a huge fan of natural triples for some reason, so if you do those all the time you get a cookie. :P A sexy, sexy cookie.

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:laugh: I tend to do doubles unless it's a weak tickle which i spend time coaxing out, which'll only give me a single sneeze. I dont do a fit very often. And I do tend to stick to these rules :P
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Nine times out of ten, I'll do a single or a double. "Dull, boring, predictable...", oh yes. :rolleyes:

I do sneeze in triples occasionally, but they are very rare. It usually takes a proper cold to lure a triple out of me, and I only get those about once a year.

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I'm pretty predictable at any given time, but my pattern has changed over time, which I find both intriguing and puzzling. I used to sneeze almost exclusively in doubles with a brief pause/build-up in between, but the past year or two that's changed to sneezing more frequently, but mostly in singles, and when there is a second it's bordering on too long after the first to really be considered a double.

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Normally doubles, triples if I stifle, and my longest fit was 10 (without inducing). I felt so proud. :P

But yes, doubles. No cookie. Sob. :'( Half a cookie for effort? :D

Around family I can sometimes get away with a single silent stifle. Thankyou, mental block!

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I'm here for my cookie, please :) My usual pattern is a quick triple, often with another after a long pause. Maybe that counts as quadruple, but it feels more like a triple plus an extra.

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Usually multiples, starting with a double (pause) single (pause) single (pause) single...........

Can vary in total from 3 or 4 to 6 or 7

On the very rare occasions I sneeze in public it is always one only

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I'm almost always a double - either right after the other, or with a slight pause in between. I can get a triple, and even a quadruple if I stifle. Sometimes even more than that. :laugh: It all depends how naughty my nose is feeling. :naughty:

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its either a single, or always in fours...which feels quite nice actually..would you consider four a fit? cause if so, then i guess i have small fits all the time :P

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I almost always sneeze in singles, but doubles aren't rare. I honestly can't remember the last time I sneezed more than a double.

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Cookie please! :D

Don't sneeze often, but when I do its almost always in three's.

*takes another cookie as feeling greedy*

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Most of the time it's a single. When I was a kid I always sneezed a double. I do that sometimes, but not at all that often. I have had fits now and then; mostly due to really bad colds or random histamine overdrive from red wine, I suppose.

I once had a rapid fire fit of seven. That was terrifying, I thought I was never going to stop!! :lol:

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*takes cookie*

I very rarely sneeze only once. If I have to sneeze, nine times out of ten it will be either a double or a triple, usually a triple. Like if I sneeze once, I know at least one more is coming. Of course, if my allergies are bad, there will be more than that, though.

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Pretty much always a double, sometimes two doubles spaced out, even more rarely a single. And I've only had like 4 fits ever.

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It can vary with me, somewhat. Most of the time if it's just random sneezes, I will sneeze in doubles. I get triples as well but not quite as often. Colds will often produce small fits or bouts of sneezing, quite often 4 or 5, and when my allergies are bad (especially hayfever), I can easily get fits of 10 or more. It's not very often I sneeze just once, and when it does happen, it usually follows a double or a triple, typically about half a minute to a minute or so later. My fits can be like that sometimes too, depending on what causes them....they are not always one sneeze right after the other, but more drawn out...for example, starting off with a multiple (double, triple, quad or sometimes more) and being followed by a series of single (and occasional double) sneezes with slightly bigger gaps inbetween :).

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R.L told me to answer...

Well, I can't really say how it's been int he past since I used to not-sneeze even when I was completely alone and those few times that I let them come I always stifled them... Maybe they were singles, I can't really tell.

Now then? I don't really sneeze that often and I guess R.L's heard almost all of my sneezes since we saw IRL for the first time, LoL... Usually singles, rarely doubles, unless the sneezes are induced (then they start as doubles and turn into singles, at certain times starts as triples, turn into doubles and finally singles).

Edited by Sitruuna
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For me it's usually singles if they're random, with the occasional double, though those appear to be more frequent recently and a rare triple. During colds nearly exclusively multiples, ranging up to fits of about 6. Allergies from more frequent singles up to fits of about 5 on a particularly bad day if I take last year as a standard.

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I almost always sneeze in singles. Doubles are rare but do happen. Normally, I never do a triple. However, there is one exeption. I don't know if it's Necessarily an alergy, but when ever there's grass being cut my nose doesn't seem to like that at all. I'll typically do a double, think it's over, but then a third, stronger one, blasts out.

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Usually single, unless it's photic, then it's usually double. Don't know why that is!

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Singles [rare], doubles, triples [where's my cookie?5.gif ] four, five, six; there's no pattern. I never know how many are coming.biggrin.png I love to try and coax just one more after I'm done.

I once had a rapid fire fit of seven. That was terrifying, I thought I was never going to stop!! heh.gif
I would love to have a rapid fire fit just once just to see what it feels like. Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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Doubles or more, with a few second pause in between.

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Singles for me, almost always. Although I will personally serve cake to those who sneeze in 4's and above. ;)

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Singles [rare], doubles, triples [where's my cookie?5.gif ] four, five, six; there's no pattern. I never know how many are coming.biggrin.png I love to try and coax just one more after I'm done.

I once had a rapid fire fit of seven. That was terrifying, I thought I was never going to stop!! heh.gif
I would love to have a rapid fire fit just once just to see what it feels like.

It feels like that tickle/itch just the moment before you actually sneeze never goes away. Scared me, as I said. :lol:

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Usually powerful singles/doubles but with crazy hitching 5-10 breath build ups and false starts before and after.....hence this doesn't come out in public! lol

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Just normal sneezes always come in one short sequence which is always the same: three rapid-fire stifles and one last one that builds up and always escapes, being more powerful that the first three. Of course when I'm all allergic or sick that goes out the window :)

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