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so sorry!!! i am new to this kinda stuff!!! upset.gif

im kinda scared....


A man, dark brown hair and fair skin, stood cleaning the dishes in the dining room...


"Max?" she called me...her lovely voice filled with charm and sweetness.

"Y-yes, Mistress?" his voice quivered.

"I am in need of your services, now."

"Yes ma'am."

Max hurried to the lounge room. The mistress was standing there, a beautiful red dress that showed to right amount of cleavage, making him feel hot.

"I need you to help me move this table."

he bowed obediently.

"Yes mistress."

he walked over to the table. he hadn't even noticed how dusty it was. As soon as Max placed his fingers on it, a cloud of dust puffed up and entered Max's nostrils.

The effect was almost immediate. Max's nostril's began to quiver and his back arched. He took a step back cupping his mouth and nose with his gloved hands.


The build-up was horrible. But nothing came out. Max bowed again, embarrassment filling his cheeks, turning them bright red.

"Pardon me, ma'am. I am terribly allergic to dust mites and they....th-they....huh.....ahhh.....AHHH!!!...."

The tickly feeling in his nose returned rather quickly and surprised him.

He could feel his nostrils quivering again. He took another step back as the sneeze started to build.


He had his hands cupped over his face again, and again nothing came.

Damn nose....sneeze already... he thought.

"Max, it seems you are in need of services as well." the mistress said, walking the her desk and grabbing a feather from a box on the desk.

"Let me help you." she insisted.

Max's cheeks were burning red with embarrassment.

Why w-would she? he thought.

"Come, sweetheart." she cooed. Max followed obediently.

The mistress lead them to the couch. She instructed Max to lay down. So he did.

"Now just lay back and I will help your poor nose along." her sweet voice like a spell.

She then inserted to pointed end of the feather into Max's right nostril. The tickling in his nose started up again, this time though, he heaved huge breaths, the urge to sneeze building, waxing and waning in his already reddened nose.

"aaaa....ahhh.......aHhHH....Huh.....huuh...AHHH!!!.....ha-CHOO!!!! eshooo!!!AH-shoo!!!..... ahhh...... aAAHHHH!!!...... ishooo!!!! atchOOO!!!...... ugh......snf....snff...."

Max finally sneezed, spraying everywhere. His mistress smiled.

"Do you feel better now?" she asked.

Max only nodded.

His mistress handed him a tissue.

"Now shall we get back to moving that table?" she asked.

"Yes....snf...ma'am....snf..." Max said congestedly.

"Thank you mistress." he blushed.

And she smiled.

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Ooo cool! (and cute) I NEVER SAID THAT! fear.gif Still very good!

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Ciuty80 : i can write more but i'll need help with the ideas....thanks u....w00t.gif

Akahana : thanks

MadWonder13 : thank u !!!!

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I usually like stories where the character can't allow themselves to sneeze, but in this story where he actually couldn't it was very cute!

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The Cracked Egg : cool....im glad u enjoyed it!!!! <3<3

okay!!! so i have another story but it's not about Max....it's just another story....laugh.png


"James!!! Wake up!!! You'll be late for school!!!" James mother called.

He groaned.

Why today? Why today of all days? He was feeling so sick.

"James." his mother's voice was louder now.

"h-huh?" he tried open his eyes and lift his head, but they were both very heavy.

"Are you alright?" she asked. He had finally gotten one of his eyes open. His mother had her hands on her hips.

"y-yeah....o-of c-co........uh.......AHHHH.....HAsh-shoo!!!...ksh-SHOOO!!!!.of course....snff....."

"Oh really?" before he could react, she had taken out a thermometer and literally stuffed it in his mouth...

The thermometer rang and she took it out of his mouth almost as quickly as she had put it in. She checked the temperature and sighed.

"You aren't going to school today." she said.

"h-huh? w-wait what?"

"You aren't going to school today, understand?" she said sternly.

"B-but mom! I have to go! W-we have a game today and....ah.....ha-CHOO!!!......ksh-SHOOOO!!!!!.....b-but.....huh...hu.....

ha-CHOOOO!!!......snff....snfff......" James whined but a sneezing fit interrupted him.

"You are staying home and that's final." she ordered.

James shut his mouth. Whenever his mom talked like that it was best to do as she said.



James was on the couch. His mother had gone to work so he was all alone. At the moment he was watching Spongebob.

Well he wasn't really watching it but he was just too lazy to reach over to the remote.

His phoned started to vibrate and since it was on his stomach, he chuckled.

He looked at the text and nearly face-palmed himself.

It was from Brenna.

Oh crap.... What was i gonna say? i forgot to call my best friend? That's stupid.....I tell her everything!!

B : hey i missed u @ school today :(

J : yeah sorry. i was sick Dx

B : oh....poor thing...hey.....u never told me!

Crap....crap...crap.....um....think of something!!!

J : oh....um sorry.....my.....mom...um said no phone.....

B : oh....

I kinda missed B. she was my best friend in the whole world. I told her EVERYTHING. Maybe....maybe if i asked.....she might......

J :hey...um.....can u come over?

B : oh...sure!!!! i'll come in 10....k <3

J : thanks....

James had put his phone down just in time, because another sneezing fit started up.

The itchy feeling in the back of his nose....it made his nostrils flare up and redden....


Just as he was about to reach for a tissue...


The doorbell went off.

Groaning, James lugged himself up to the door.

But he was nearly overjoyed at who he saw.

"Hey James. Aww, you look awful. Get inside right now and get into bed. You are in no condition to be walking around."

Brenna started scolding him. He just rolled his eyes. He was used to Brenna scolding and mothering him, and honestly, he didn't mind.

Brenna scooted him inside and sat him down on the couch.

"B. I'm fine.....snfff....really......"

"No you are not and i will not allow you to leave this spot....."

"B-but B....I....I'm fine.....really.....I-I-uh......uHH....acCHOOO!!!!....ha-CHOOOO!!!!.....ishooo!!!......ishhh!!!!....ugn.....snff...snfff..."



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