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A girl and her handkerchief


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I went to the cinema the other night and had a wonderful first hand obs, most unusual for me.

I was already sat in the cinema, went with another two mates, when she came and sat next to me. She was about thirty with short brownish hair and glasses, she was alone and arrived with an ice-cream in her hand, upon sitting down she pulled a medium size hankie (light orange with brown edging) from her bag and spread it over her lap to act as a napkin...The lights then dimmed and the film started... after about three of four minutes she took the hankie off her lap and polished her glasses with it, a slow almost sexual polish. Then she placed it back in her bag.. after another ten minutes she sniffed hard and took it out to dab at her nose, by now I was getting more interested in her than the film, holding it now in her hand she dabbed at her nose several times more before finally blowing her nose with a medium loud honk. Keeping the hankie now in her hand she blew three times more during the next hour or so before as the film reached its clmax .. the inevitable happened, I heard her breath hitch and two wet sneezes issued forth from her nose .. the first just caught in the clenched fist hankie but for the second she managed to get the hankie open and holding it in both hands smothered the sneeze in its centre ..ummmm. I could not help blessing her and she apologised to all around as it was rather a loud sneeze (I loved it) .. She blew twice more before the film ended.. and at the end turned to me and apologised.. saying she was sorry as she was coming down with something .. I was In HEAVEN !! Unfortunately my two mates then wanted to go and get a drink and i left the girl walk off into her own life ....,but I sure had good thoughts at home later that night.

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Nice obs.....

...probably best not to ask you to review the film for us :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Amazing, thanks for letting us know...I would have had sweet thoughts that night too :-)

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Loud sneezes in the the cinema - how can this fail to grab attention :D I especially like the 'slow, sexual' glasses polishing... :)

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It's nice to know that friendship means so much to you; it would have been tough for me not to ditch my mates in favor of a conversation with handkerchief girl :) Thanks for sharing!

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Nice obs.....

...probably best not to ask you to review the film for us :P



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