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Most embarrassing moments


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Probably the most embarrassing moment happened to me today. 

I was working in my English lesson, writing away and making notes as usual. My male English teacher was walking around the classroom, looking at our notes and helping everyone. 

I was writing and he came up from behind me. He leaned over to look at my work, as I sat up for him to have a look. He moved my book closer towards him, and as he did, the corner of my book hit my breast. 

It made me jump, and I felt really self-conscious because I've been told that they're, well... 'quite large'. :/

Embarrassing as that was, I just had to go and do a weird little squeel, which sounded like a kitten being stood on. Oh, and the room was completely silent, so everyone heard me... -_-

Of course, I turned bright red, and my teacher muttered a little, embarrassed "S-Sorry." I just kept looking at my work, pretending to read it.

It was soooo horrible! Waah! I just want to die! Anyone else had any embarrassing moments? :)

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One time in 7th grade I called my (albeit really amazing) science teacher "mom."


Tied with that is this one time in college I asked a girl out at a bus stop while we were leaving class, and basically right as she was turning me down a friend of mine showed up not knowing what was going on was like "hey!" While trying to handle introductions and communicate to her that it was no big deal and emotionally salvage myself and get the eff outta there before the situation got any more awkward, I almost walked straight into the side mirror of an oncoming bus and had to do a little whirling sidestep thing to get out of the way.

If I were any less smooth I would be made of sandpaper.

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At one point, my high school crush transferred to my university. I'm not very good at letting those kinds of things go, so when I saw him the first time, I was afraid to say hi. The second time, I did say hi and walked about halfway down the hall with him.

Then, out of nowhere, my heart started racing, the room spun, and I literally could not make myself speak normal words. He asked me if I was going to get lunch, but I couldn't even come up with a simple "yeah", so I muttered some broken excuse before ducking into a nearby student lounge. I figured I'd collect myself, regain some semblance of composure, and then go back out to get lunch with him.

Except he'd already left, and I felt like an idiot.

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I've done so many embarrassing things. I think the top one must be when I was on a political meeting and I was introduced to the recently elected Mayor of a nearby community. We shook hands, I told him my name and position, and then said a COMPLETELY different city than the one I'm actually from!!! :lmfao: I have no idea how or why that happened, and the worst thing was that my colleague that was the Mayor of my town overheard it and said; "Uhm, NO?!", I replayed what I had just said in my head, turned red and walked away. I swear, instead of coming up with an explanation or laugh it off, my mind went blank and I walked off, leaving to my colleague to explain where I was from. :lol:

I took a seat very far away from both of them and tried to look VERY focused on the issues that were brought up at that meeting.

I have also gotten stuck with a shopping cart in the revolving door at the local grocery store, and I once forgot to take off my seat belt before I tried to get out of my car. :wallbash:

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I was at a youth meeting out of town and on one of the days my group needed to do a presentation. We were all dressed up outragiously and i had a huge pair of fake glasses that were almost the size of my head- MASSIVE. Instead of taking them off to walk down a set of stone stairs to do the presentation, i decided to be an idiot.

It was a huge stone arena kind of place and all eyes were on us and I fell down the stairs. I missed a step and fell down the stairs. I was fine, just wanted to crawl in a hole for the remainder of the weekend.

Oh, and it was at the end of that meeting that I threw up on the bus home. Which, you know, is always fun. And i still hear the story when i see people from that meeting of "that one time that one girl threw up on one of the buses" Yup, that'd be me :lol:

It was a fuuuuun weekend!

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Oh my god, I'm reading this thread and laughing so hard, and I thought "I don't think I have anything as funny/good as those guys" (sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but you guys are awesome storytellers too wink.png)

And then I remembered...

I JUST learned how to drive last December (yeah, I'm 28 and I JUST got my license). I hate driving. It makes me anxious and I'm always afraid I'm gonna make a mistake. Then one evening, my husband called me: he had missed his stop and was now stuck at the next station, and there were no other trains coming for a good hour, so he asked me to come pick him up. It was dark. I was a bit nervous, but I gave myself a pep talk, turned on the GPS on my phone, and follow the voice.

Except that at some point, the voice said "slight left in a quarter mile". I couldn’t see where she wanted me to make a slight left... It was so dark, there was NO ONE around, and suddenly I saw a divider coming up in the middle, and the voice repeated "slight left", so my stupid brain thought that the road was splitting in two roads or something, so I made a slight left. Onto oncoming traffic.

Now here's the kicker: I didn't even realize it until a POLICE CAR at the fork MADE A RIGHT TURN INTO MY LANE AND WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. They appeared out of nowhere, and there was still NO ONE in the streets but them and me. They flashed a light at my face, and I was like WTF? Because I still didn't get it. And then I saw one of those merging lanes that are usually on the right, except it was on my left, and I STILL DIDN'T GET IT, but I took it because the cops were in my face, and I thought they needed to go somewhere and I was in their way. How dumb can I be? When I finally realized I was on the wrong side, I PANICKED. I quickly turned around and went into a parking lot to calm down.

Here's an image in case this isn't too clear.


The weird thing is, the cops didn't even follow me or pull me over. They just went back where they came from and kept going. I would have arrested my ass if I had been them. Clearly, I have some brain damage and shouldn't be driving.

Did I mention I hate driving?

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Oh man, I've definitely had some bad driving mistakes myself. XD One time, I unfortunately had driving lessons with a girl from my English class who didn't like me and we kept switching off. She was much more experienced than me and I could tell she was getting annoyed because I was slow and often confused. At one point the teacher in the passenger seat next to me stopped the car with his break, which I did not know was possible for him to do, and I started screaming and panicking - he had to calm me down, I felt so foolish afterwards. xD; Though later, while the girl was driving, we were stuck on a bridge. She had apparently a very intense fear of bridges and kept panicking, saying she was going to bolt from the car, but the teacher wouldn't let her. Overall an awkward day for us both. xD

Another time, on the first day of sophomore year, we were playing the name game in my English class - you know, the one where you start on one end of the room with one person, and each person after that has to remember the last people's names. Well I was last, so I had to remember every person in the class. There was a kid named Lhard (pronounced "lair-d") and in my nervousness I accidentally pronounced his name "lard". Everyone laughed, I felt like the biggest idiot ever. xD

Probably the worst was when I was in eighth grade. There was a man fixing my sister's and my bathroom, and I saw him go outside so I thought he was gone for the day. I went in and started taking a bath. Of course the lock on the door was broken and he was going to fix it, but he hadn't yet, so I just left it unlocked (usually you can hear the water from the bath so you can tell if anyone is in there, or you could just be smart and knock). However, the man fixing our bathroom was not gone and he did not do any of those things. He just walked straight in, looked up, and saw me totally naked. I just stared at him and my heart stopped, he immediately yelled "Sorry!" and closed the door on his way out. I just stood their frozen for a minute, let out a delayed scream, and immediately washed up and got out. After I dressed I immediately left the house to go hang out with friends because I didn't want to be with him. xD Unfortunately a week later we had an awkward run-in in my kitchen, where he formally apologized. I said it was okay and thankfully never saw him again. My poor thirteen-year-old self. xD

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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I'm sure the bathroom thing was mortifying for him as well xD You poor thing...that IS bad xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

One time in 7th grade I called my (albeit really amazing) science teacher "mom."

Haha, I just recalled that one of my class mates in high school called our MALE teacher "mom". Three times, before she realised what she was doing...!lmfao.gif

Oh, school memories... I had a pair of really sleek pants on one day in high school, and the chairs were made of plastic, and all of a sudden, I slipped off the chair and in underneath my desk. I was sitting in the front row, and NOBODY NOTICED! Apparently the whole class was half asleep... not even the teacher noticed (she was apparently half asleep too...). The girl sitting next to me said, after I crawled back up looking like a tomato, "huh, what did you do?" "I fell off the chair, didn't you notice?!" "Nope". So, it wasn't as embarrassing as it could've been. heh.gif

Once at my former job, I was driving the truck and my colleague was in the way. So I stopped and called out: "Honey, watch it!" He was very surprised at this sweet-talk. So was I. heh.gif

And today, at the stable, I did a triple embarrassing thing; I stumbled on my own feet, tripped over the water buckets I carried, and the water was all over the place. It was that moment I realised that Hot Shot had been watching me the whole time. So what did I do to regain my composure? I turn around AND WALK STRAIGHT INTO THE WALL!!! (I have a feeling I've screwed up my chances with this lady...)

Edited by Chanel_no5
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Oh, school memories... I had a pair of really sleek pants on one day in high school, and the chairs were made of plastic, and all of a sudden, I slipped off the chair and in underneath my desk. I was sitting in the front row, and NOBODY NOTICED! Apparently the whole class was half asleep... not even the teacher noticed (she was apparently half asleep too...). The girl sitting next to me said, after I crawled back up looking like a tomato, "huh, what did you do?" "I fell off the chair, didn't you notice?!" "Nope". So, it wasn't as embarrassing as it could've been. .]

For some reason this was the only moment in this thread which caused me to lol. I guess I just imagined it perfectly and it was hilarious to me?

Anyway, y'all's lives must be wonderful and much less awkward than mine if these are the most embarrassing moments you have. So this one time, I was hanging out with extended family and it was late at night and I just wanted to go to bed because I was deliriously tired, but everyone was having a somber conversation about my uncle's chemo treatments. I was joking off-topic with my sister because we weren't part of that conversation, when I accidentally, irrelevantly, loudly, freudian-slipped the word "cancer" into my punchline, and the horrible awkwardness of everyone hearing me somehow turning cancer into a joke translated in my tired mind into hysterical laughter which I tried vainly to stifle. Didn't work. I went to bed shortly after that.

Oh also one time my (now ex) boyfriend was over for a family dinner, and for some reason the topic of sniffling/sneezing came up in conversation, and my mother and sister proceeded to tell my boyfriend how annoyed I get whenever anyone does those things around me. Of course that's only with family, but my family doesn't know that. At this point, I had told him about my fetish but just barely, and I was too self-conscious to really explain it, so he was confused about the whole thing. So my family is recounting how irritated I seem when they get sick, and my boyfriend is looking at me all confused, and I just want to melt or be sucked into the ground or die. And they just keep talking about it, saying stuff like "What will happen if (my bf) gets sick? How will you be able to stand it?" Agony, I tell you.

Edited by blush
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Oh, I've done really awkward (as in painfully stupid) things too, but those aren't funny to me. I only share the stuff that I can laugh at myself now. ;)

As for the laughter at inopportune times, I did that just today. I was at the store, and I came to think about something randomly amusing, and I started to laugh. And my laughter sounded so weird, so silly, that I started laughing at that instead. Before I knew it, I was laughing like a maniac, in the grocery store, for no obvious reason. :bag:

My mom, her brothers and my father got struck by the laugh bug in church at the memory service after my grandfather had died. It was at All Hallow's Eve, and people who had lost a loved one during the year gathered in church for a memorial service with the priest lighting candles for each congreation member that had passed away, yadi yadi. My grandfather was very much not religious, to put it mildly (his religion was limited to the woods and hunting), and had always been sceptical of people needing an organized religion for comfort.

Anyway, during that evening, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Stuff fell over for no reason. The plug for the organ unplugged itself in the middle of a hymn, and the priest had to get down on his knees and crawl on the floor and plug it back in. Things like that kept happening throughout. And when they were going to light the candle for my grandpa - it went out. Seven times. None of the other candles even fluttered. My mom, one of her brothers, and my dad, had been trying to suppress laughter since the first things happened, but when this happened, they exploded. Which lead to the other brother giving them a death stare and hissing "be quiet goddamnit!!". Then none of them could hold back laughter. Mom said later that she hopes everybody else mistook their laughter for desperate crying. :lol:

(they're also sure, even my dad who doesn't believe in these things, that grandpa was there and messing it up to cause that exact reaction. Knowing my family, he probably was).

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  • 1 year later...

I have had so many embarrassing moments but I will share the worst two.

Last summer I went to a work camp, and it was really awesome. But one day, I wore super cheep shorts, and I had to go up on the roof of the house to hammer in some nails (Of the very ungrateful lady we were helping) and I bent over to get some supplies with my butt facing everyone else and I hear the lady shout "Hey girlie! Ya know you've got three huge holes in the back 'a them pants?"

In front of several hot guys. So then I awkwardly had to pull my shorts up to my breasts so the holes wouldn't show. Talk about camel toe. I blushed constantly for the rest of the week.

Once in Eighth grade we had a fire drill and my crush was behind me. So stupid me wore shorts with this belt thing hanging loose in the back, it caught on the door and I didn't notice and kept walking, and it was still caught and ripped my pants. My "I Love Boys" underwear was showing. And this emoticon is exactly my crushes face: weirdsmiley.gif I was mortified beyond anything.

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Well uh this happens at least 10 times a week. I laugh at innapropriate times but like I have my mouth closed and it makes this really weird chocking sound. Like you know how you remember something really funny and then you laugh randomly?. Well I laugh internally with my mouth closed so it makes a chocking sound. I turn a delightful shade of red (blush) then act as if nothing happend. Falling down the stairs, I'm perfect at that. Tripping over nothing? That takes only talent I have. It's great. Ahaha "Ive been embaressing myself since about birth ~Phil(AmazingPhil)". I'm quite clumsy aha. Just there ar ALOT of embaressing moments so I can't pick just one.

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I'm glad this topic got revived so much later, because I never saw it when it was originally posted. You guys are hilarious!!

I once was at this tiny grocery store in my old city, trying to maneuver a cart around during Sunday afternoon grocery shopping rush. The market was so compact that the aisles were much smaller than normal aisles and the smaller than usual carts just barely fit past each other as you went down.

I was turning into an aisle where a couple was examining the shelves for something and I tried to squeeze behind them. Unfortunately, the store had decided to make a small display stand of apple sauce jars right in the aisle. It was low and easy to bump. Bump I did. I knocked it hard with my cart and sent several jars smashing to the ground, sending glass and applesauce EVERYWHERE! Mortified!

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The most humiliating thing I ever did was freshman year of HS. My English teacher's wife had just had a baby and he showed us many photos of him, his wife and the baby. Then over winter break I went on vacation and my family was staying in a hotel. I went down to dinner with my sis much later then the rest of my family. I saw the back of a man's head and I was positive it was my teacher. So I was trying to avoid him, when a very young blonde woman came up to kiss him, and (I still can't believe I did this) I impulsively screamed "Mr. A! That's not you're wife!" oops.gif

And when he turned around I realized (Much to lately) that is was not him. It was not him at all. The whole dining hall was staring. I was too shocked at myself to apologize, and they just took there food, and went back to there room. Thank God. I still haven't heard then end of it from my sister. wallbash.gif

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The most embarrassing thing happened to me a few years back. The worst floods to hit south east Qld were under-way and my house was fine I mostly just played video games all day while it was happening, anyway my car was stranded in the backyard and I wanted to see how bad the floods really were (I was the only one home). So dressed only in a pair of Golden boxer shorts I took my sisters little shitbox bubble car to have a quick look. I hit a puddle and it aquaplaned right off the road and down into a fence. It was well and truly stuck. So I had to wave someone down in the pouring rain to get them to pull me out while only wearing gold boxer shorts


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i got one. back when i was in junior high my family had two dogs. one of them was very...crazy, and not too bright. one night he decided to attack a skunk, got sprayed...big giant mess. it was night time and our yard wasnt really fenced in at the time, so we had to bring him inside for the night. anyone whos ever smelled skunk up close...will know that the damn smell sticks to EVERYTHING. nothing is safe lol. so the whole house stunk up and apparently everyone in it. went to school, got on the bus...thought..hey, this bus kinda stinks..wtf. got to school, hey whaddya know the school stinks too. uh oh....crap. finally by the time i got to home room i realized the smell was on ME and that was where the smell was coming from. freaked out, and luckily asked to be sent home before anyone caught on, so no one knew. but...damn if anyone did find out that wouldve been horrible. still it was bad enough.

STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM SKUNKS. and if your dog gets sprayed, keep them away :P

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I'm embarrassment city right here. I've done so many ridiculous things.

I was on holiday with my parents, my brother and my (now ex) boyfriend. I hadn't been with my boyfriend very long at this point. We were on the beach and me and my brother were playing with a big beach ball, throwing it to each other. At one point, when I lifted my arms up, unbeknownst to me, a wasp landed on my armpit. You can imagine what happened when I put my arms down. The little git stung me. Now, I'm not one to over react much but it really took me by surprise and I have a huge phobia of wasps anyway. When I realised what happened, I started screaming and running around, arms flailing in the air, trying to get the thing off my armpit. I must have looked so smooth. The worst part is, I was flailing so much, I didn't even notice that one boob had popped out of my bikini top. In the middle of a busy beach. In front of my new boyfriend and my family. :doh:

Another time, I was in Y6 so I'd have been 10 or 11. I was at school, and in assembly we had to sit cross legged on the floor. It was a long assembly, and being in Y6 (which is the final year of primary school) I was sat at the very back, so had to wait for the rest of the school to leave. When it came up for my row to leave, I hadn't realised that my right leg had gone completely numb. So I stood up and tried to walk but my leg just collapsed in front of me and I fell flat on my face. In front of all the teachers in the school and all of the people in my year and the headmaster. One teacher pulled me to one side and said "sit here for a while until you can walk again". Mortification doesn't even come close.

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I'm embarrassment city right here. I've done so many ridiculous things.

I was on holiday with my parents, my brother and my (now ex) boyfriend. I hadn't been with my boyfriend very long at this point. We were on the beach and me and my brother were playing with a big beach ball, throwing it to each other. At one point, when I lifted my arms up, unbeknownst to me, a wasp landed on my armpit. You can imagine what happened when I put my arms down. The little git stung me. Now, I'm not one to over react much but it really took me by surprise and I have a huge phobia of wasps anyway. When I realised what happened, I started screaming and running around, arms flailing in the air, trying to get the thing off my armpit. I must have looked so smooth. The worst part is, I was flailing so much, I didn't even notice that one boob had popped out of my bikini top. In the middle of a busy beach. In front of my new boyfriend and my family. doh.gif

Another time, I was in Y6 so I'd have been 10 or 11. I was at school, and in assembly we had to sit cross legged on the floor. It was a long assembly, and being in Y6 (which is the final year of primary school) I was sat at the very back, so had to wait for the rest of the school to leave. When it came up for my row to leave, I hadn't realised that my right leg had gone completely numb. So I stood up and tried to walk but my leg just collapsed in front of me and I fell flat on my face. In front of all the teachers in the school and all of the people in my year and the headmaster. One teacher pulled me to one side and said "sit here for a while until you can walk again". Mortification doesn't even come close.

The wasp story has a happy ending though, who doesnt like it when they see a boob fall out?

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I've had too many to pick the MOST embarrassing story.

The one that comes to mind is when I heard them call my first name up for an award. I was like what when why how me? And I go up. They should've said the last name.... Fortunately there were only like 40 people there. But still.

I'll probably come back, edit in something else I think of.

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I have many more, My life is like a sitcom, It is honestly unbelievable. This one happened to a friend of mine, We were at wet & wild and he had been lugging this water bottle around all day and constantly asking us to reapply his sunscreen (one of those guys). He was 18 at the time and his mum told him he wasnt allowed to wear no shirt (Lol I know right) so as soon as we left and got around the corner he whipped it off as an act of rebellion. Anyway by about lunchtime we were getting real tired of his antics and we were going to a ride and I grabbed his water bottle and threw it onto a raft that was going back up to the ride. We got to the top and he saw a waterbottle on the ground up there that was the same as his so he reached out and grabbed it and drank a huge gulp out of it and said "ahhh this shit never tasted so good!" Then the lifeguard chirped up and said "That's my water bottle" I had to sit down from laughing at his confidence and stupidity.

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Oh gosh. There are so many things I can think of, it's difficult to choose. heh.gif

One would be when I was about 12 or 13, and my PE group were out playing rounders on the school field. I don't have the best aim, so I wasn't actually expecting to manage to hit the ball when it was my turn to bat. When it was thrown I swung my bat forward, realised that I hadn't hit it, and then swung it back. But somehow I accidentally timed it perfectly so that the ball had only just gone past me when I swung the bat again and I hit it backwards. I didn't realise until I heard a really weird sound from behind me, and I turned around and I had hit a cow in the field behind me. It fell over and couldn't get back up, so some of the teachers had to go back during lunch and roll it back over. I got called 'Cow Beater' for the rest of the time I was at that school. heh.gif

Another time would be when I was performing in a play when I was 15. Me and a few friends had set the stage up, and we hadn't taken much time over the job, so I guess I kinda brought it on myself. There were a couple of hundred people there since our school theatre was quite big and it was the whole school production, which always gets a decent turnout. I was saying my lines when suddenly one of the panels in the stage that we hadn't put in properly gave out under me and I fell straight through it...taking about five people with me. bag.gif It was awful. No one's let me forget it since, not even now I'm at a new school, because the whole thing was filmed and the head of Performing Arts put it on youtube...

Edited by MaiMai
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I don't think I've laughed so hard at something like that in forever. Well I guess I've got one. When I was about ten we had this stupid project to produce some sort of film/movie thingie and it would be aired in front of the entire school. So me being an extremely stupid tomboy 10 year old I was forced to wear a skirt and ended up having to lie down during the filming. As it turned out when we aired our film there were multiple detailed shots of my underwear. So yea the whole school so my underwear and literally everyone laughed at me. I got the hell out of there completely mortified xD

Oh gosh. There are so many things I can think of, it's difficult to choose. heh.gif

One would be when I was about 12 or 13, and my PE group were out playing rounders on the school field. I don't have the best aim, so I wasn't actually expecting to manage to hit the ball when it was my turn to bat. When it was thrown I swung my bat forward, realised that I hadn't hit it, and then swung it back. But somehow I accidentally timed it perfectly so that the ball had only just gone past me when I swung the bat again and I hit it backwards. I didn't realise until I heard a really weird sound from behind me, and I turned around and I had hit a cow in the field behind me. It fell over and couldn't get back up, so some of the teachers had to go back during lunch and roll it back over. I got called 'Cow Beater' for the rest of the time I was at that school. heh.gif

Another time would be when I was performing in a play when I was 15. Me and a few friends had set the stage up, and we hadn't taken much time over the job, so I guess I kinda brought it on myself. There were a couple of hundred people there since our school theatre was quite big and it was the whole school production, which always gets a decent turnout. I was saying my lines when suddenly one of the panels in the stage that we hadn't put in properly gave out under me and I fell straight through it...taking about five people with me. bag.gif It was awful. No one's let me forget it since, not even now I'm at a new school, because the whole thing was filmed and the head of Performing Arts put it on youtube...

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Such a funny topic...I am very clumsy, so I could go on forever about the times I almost fell flat on my face for one reason or another (one time in front of one of my college professors! upset.gif ), but I think I'll post about this time in high school, where nearly everything was way more embarrassing than it needed to be...

I was in tenth grade, I think, in gym class, and we were playing in-line soccer ( I believe that's what it was called), and I was one of the goalies (there were probably three or four per side) and a girl kicked the ball high and I was able to stop it...with my face.shy.gifdoh.gif

I was wearing my glasses that day and they proceeded to fly off my face and also my nose started bleeding! nosebleed.gif For someone who doesn't like to draw attention to herself, I thought I was going to die...So embarrassing!

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