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Sneeze Fetish Forum

He made me smile


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Today at work, a customer needed me to show him where our cleaning aisle was. I'm so glad that happened, because on my way to that aisle, I caught a glimpse of my boy-toy pushing a cart several feet away. He had no idea I could see him, but as he was bent over, pushing the heavy cart of stuff, he paused and sneezed to the side. It was his usual, uncovered, slightly loud, "Chuh!" Just so cute, really. And I thought about texting him something like, 'I saw that, bless you." He knows about this fetish, and sometimes likes to tease me with it. However, it was nice to be able to enjoy it naturally, and not say a word, know what I mean? I needed that today, I'd been missing his wonderful sneezes.

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You totally should have texted him! That would have been cute!

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