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I really should wait until I have something better to post before I mess up the boards, but I read The Cracked Egg's Yuki fic and this happened. Sorry it's not really cleaned up or anything - I lead a busy life these days. I had fun messing around with the digital watercolors, though!


I bet if I put more than 2 hours into it next time it'll look even better smile.png

*goes back to lurking in the shadows*

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Oh my gosh, oh my goooosh! It's YUKI! clap.gifRegardless of how much time you spent on this, K.Matsuri, it looks adorable! :wub:

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I. LOVE. THIS. :heart: :heart: :heart: Like Spoo said, no matter how much time you spent, he looks fantastic, and just exactly how he would sneeze and everything~! I like the not-totally-cleaned-up drawing style, so no complaints here. :D I can't even tell you how beautiful this is~

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OHMAIGOD he's so adorable I love Yuli and that WAS a great fic~ <33333

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Girl, if you did it longer, she would start talking. This is great, don't talk nonsense....

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K.Matsuri art. :wub: How I have missed seeing you around these parts. <3

He is lovely, oh so lovely. And I can't look at the pretty, yellow pollen in the background without grinning like a lunatic. :twisted:

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Ahhh!!! Again, this is so great and you are great!! Awesome work! Don't go back to lurking in the shadows when you have so much to offer you silly. xD <3

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