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Nose kissing?


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I have always wondered about this, and I guess I finally decided to ask you guys. *Ahem*Since you've had more experience than me *Ahem*.

After someone has sneezed, you bless them, and sometimes you kiss them on the nose. Do you kiss the tip or the bridge?


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Why choose when you can kiss both? innocent.gif

Not that I've kissed somebody's nose right after they sneezed (I've only caressed it), but I -have- kissed people on the nose, both on the tip and the bridge. Kissing the tip is more cute and playful, I think, while kissing the bridge (which often involves cupping the person's face and tilting their head slightly downwards) is more...intimate and sensual?

Either way... nose kissing is a beautiful thing. wub.png

Edited by VoOs
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I'd just like to say that I love the idea of this too. xD I've never done it, but it's something I'd totally love to try.

If I were able to do this, I'm not totally sure where I would kiss. Though some variety would always be fun. :P

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Start with the tip, and work outwards, employing the tongue to caress every part of the loveliness. Yum!

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I love both as well. However, I've happily kissed every part of the nose: The bridge, the tip, the dip of each nostril, and even the septum! wub.png

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Depends on whether you want to make them sneeze again.

Pretty much agree with VoOs. On the tip is to me more playful, while bridge or outside of nostrils is more intimate. So depends on the situation for me. Both are very nice though. :)

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I never really thought about nose kissing until my boyfriend came to visit. Once I did kiss his nose, I found it was a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated and ended up doing it a lot. xD; I didn't kiss him after he sneezed especially since I usually refuse to show any romantic acts publicly. Mostly I kissed the bridge of his nose. I think he kissed me back on the nose more playfully and teasing me for finding it to be intimate, but somehow it was; probably one of my new favorite ways to show affection.

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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Never actually done it after somebody sneezed. But I do it and I think it's cute.

I suppose for the first time, you should kiss the bridge. Most people are a little embarassed after they sneeze and the tip is a little more intimate.

That's just me, though.

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I don't think I've ever done this after someone sneezed, dang it! But I'd love to!

And I would love to kiss all over the nose, personally! I can see the tip as being a bit more playful, and the rest more intimate. But all over would be really hot!

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I choose to more like... Eat the nose? xD Because I know R.L reacts to that in the "HEY D<" -way. 8'D


Tip is nice. I like tips. There might be some... Yeah. Tips are lovely. :heart:

Though... I might do this... Kiss my way to the tip from almost between the eyes. Rarely.

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My girlfriend sometimes kisses my nose, in a peck-kissing way, it really get's me everytime, I don't know if it's due to the fetish or "normal" though, (and well, I've never sneezed in front of her, and she has never sneezed in front of me, so, it's not after sneezing :D)

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Nose kissing is one of the many MANY things I'm looking forward to when I get a boyfriend (...Gosh, it sounds like I'm going hunting or something :D ) It just shows how many wonderful things we can indulge in, which surround the fetish.

Another fun question for you guys, if you could kiss anyone's nose (especially a celebrity's!) who would be?

I'd pick Matt Smith, or as I call him, My Doctor! (Check out his adorable sniffle in my signature :wub: ) I'd love to care take of him! ;)

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Oooh, you asked about celebrity noses??? I have three I can think of off the top of my head.

1. Kevin Zegers, he has a sexy nose!

2. Zac Efron

3. David Tennant

Yeah, I'd kiss all three of them on the nose for sure. They all have lovely noses!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I kissed the tip, suppose it's more my style than the bridge :P

And I dunno, I dont really subscribe to celebrities

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I told my GF about my fetish shortly after I kissed her nose for the first time. Basically, I was at least a little embarrassed about it, because I asked permission if I could kiss it (this was after we done making out...). Anyway, she said yes, and I sort of just... like how Sitruuna put it... ate it. I sort of engulfed it. It was more of the tip than the bridge, though, yes. yes.gif It's just so soft, and cute, and just attractive.

Maybe 2 weeks later, when we were fooling around, she asked if she could lick my nose. My jaw nearly dropped. "YES." We lick and suck on each other's noses now, and it's just the best. blush.png

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Mmm both. And more. I'm with Spoo - I find noses just adorable and it is probably the first thing I notice on another person.

Is there supposed to be any part of it 'm not allowed to kiss? I'd like to see you try to stop me! :3


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I agree with you Copper, I can't wait until I have my significant other, and I can kiss every inch of his nose! :D

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Lauri Ylonen

Yesyesyesyesyes. I would kiss that man's nose in a heartbeat- it's so snubby and small! I went through a Rasmus!sneezefic phase a few years ago, I'm sure those stories are still kicking around the internet somewhere, and nose-kissing was involved.

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  • 5 months later...

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